I work out three (3) days a week and i recently decided to do a few sets of hammer curls at the end of each workout...

i work out three (3) days a week and i recently decided to do a few sets of hammer curls at the end of each workout. is 3x12 enough?

No, biceps can handle a lot of volume. Do as many as you can without fucking up your tendons.

so i should just do sets of 10-12 until i can't manage 10 reps? or something like that?

bicepies big but how do me get big forearmies


I’ve been an army ranger for 4 years so obviously this isn’t true

Start with a heavy set of 5 (cheat a little if you really need to) then add volume. Biceps respond well to heavy weights

Do you do heavy gripping labor 8 hours a day?

>I've been a welfare queen for 4 years and my forearms are puny

I've been brick laying for 3 years and my forearms are huge

try 10 hours usually

12 is good hypertrophy range but personally I lift super light on bis, mostly preacher curls and Ill just throw up like 20 reps of something super light and wait long between sets

my bis are massive after doing this for like a year

Basically the only way to get big forearms is to work labor jobs for like a decade, I've worked for 12 years and have bigger forearms than my biceps

>3 days a week
what's the point?

full body 3x per week is the best option for natties you blockhead

Unless you're a 6 foot tall lanklet you can get jacked as fuck working out 2 or 3 times a week

maybe for you, little boy

I work my biceps 6 days a week and they handle it pretty well.

Wrist roller every three days. Thank me in two weeks.

But I am a 6 foot lanklet

>tfw started working biceps 5-6 days a week
>grew very fast
>elbows start hurting, also inside of biceps start hurting
>now forearms start hurting
>cant do more than like 4 sets of curls a week
>biceps not growing
i fucking hate this

Pics and footage, please -- just so we know you actually practice what you preach

>muh tendon aches so i can't do it
stop being a pussy

Farmers walks and wrist curls. Manual labor works too.

I also train judo 3 times a week so having inflamed tendons around my elbows 24/7 is extremely shitty

go fuck yourself faggot

>calling anyone a faggot
wow, it all makes sense now.

>5-6 days a week

If you are being serious you are fucking retarded.

Truly this is the answer. Used to end every workout with them, but stopped doing them on deadlift days because my hands would be fried.

Be sure you roll in both directions so you get sick gains on both sides of the forearm.

u got something to say gayboi?

Try doing bands every other day. That's what I do. Weights/bands/weights/bands/weights/bands.
Unfortunately can't do this for triceps or else I get tendonitis. Biceps can handle it though.