What does Veeky Forums wear?

Post your essentials and you will get judged accordingly


dunno how i managed to fuck that up i must be a brainlet

Too lazy to open up paint and search for what I wear so you get a greentext
>tank or cutoff
>athletic shorts
>flip flops
>oakley holbrooks
>jeans or khakis
>shmedium t shirt, either blank or with a band logo
>old LL bean canvas coat or mountain hardwear shell w/ down coat under it
>striped college beanie with puffball
>timbs or chucks, depends on precipitation
>oakley holbrooks


just go with aj1

>Button-up long sleeved dress shirt for work
>Black V-neck shirt for weekends
>Grey or white slacks for work
>Jeans for weekend
>Black leather police jacket
>Black or brown oxfords for work
>White Onizuka Tigers for weekend
>Watch that matches outfit
>Single silver hoop earring or diamond studs

Basic af


Get better glasses and shoes and get fucking jacked and you could pull it off

getting lasik soon, I'm hella blind. Tired of looking a damn nerd

i hope you get banned for this bullshit

I try to keep it cheap and simple.
Shoes are always the most expensive thing I wear.

Are you moby?

Jk dude, nice style. I used to have that watch, miss it

why hairlet

Why is this incredibly off-topic thread still up even though mods deleted a post in it?

Because I masturbated to much my hair fell out.

I get made fun of by the underage b&s on Veeky Forums, which I find oddly reassuring. If I was still dressing like a teenage Veeky Forumsggot, there would be something very wrong with me.

I do kinda wish there was a version of Veeky Forums for grown ups. There was a poll there a while back and the average age was 17.

Feels very early 90s, which is not a bad thing.
Are you white or black?
I do like the laid back vibe very much. What does the watch do, besides telling time?

>Why is this incredibly off-topic thread still up even though mods deleted a post in it?
Because fuck what the underage twinks on Veeky Forums think about fashion. Have you seen their goal bodies?

It's a board of teenagers with eating disorders and—ironically enough—probably the worst taste in fashion of any board on Veeky Forums. They think Tyler the Creator and Kanye are fashion gods.

>tfw swole enough to make that shirt look like a slim/stretch fit

>white v-neck t shirt
>dark blue denim
>black leather jacket
>red wing chelsea boots
>necklaces, bracelet, black ray bans

Looks cool. I get james dean compliments

>bleached jeans and stache >>>>>>>

r8 my style

I live in inland socal so rarely get to use the jacket desu

>those trousers
>those shoes
>man purse
hate to break it to you, but you're a faggot



jeans, t-shirts, collared shirts, carhartt coat, workboots and hiking shoes.

What's wrong with being gay, edgelord?

>bullet club

I try to keep it simple. What are some good alternatives to jeans for a southern white boi?

Let's see your template, newfag.
