face > body
If you are ugly which most of you probably are.
Working out will only make you look more pathetic.
People will be able to tell you are just over compensating for your ugly face.

Other urls found in this thread:



Lifting will make your face look better.

Lower bodyfat and increased bloodflow, as well as increased testosterone will make the face look better. The faces you make when lifting will also strengthen the muscles in your face.


This is very true and I feel like more citizens should know this. They are chasing a false dream. I mean just look at the "mirin" threads. Pure delusion.

Be honest.

the mirin threads are 4/5s autists being complemented by old ladies. myself included

Guy in OP's pic is a 4/10 at best, total spoonface

he's like 6/10 maybe he should lift

When I broke up with my fiancee, I called the previous ex and asked her for advice and shit.

She was the best sex of my life and definitely the best looking girl I'd ever been with. She was the kind of girl I'd walk behind in the super market and watch everyone check her out then swoop in and make sure they saw me stake my claim.

Her exact wording was "you don't need to get in shape with that beard and that face. now go fuck some sluts."

>tfw confirmed 7/10 face

sorry bout your luck bros.

Lel he's one of the highest paid male models. He has that very aesthetic combination of masculine and feminine features. The guy is no less than a 9/10

She's just saying it to make you feel better, cuck

What if you have a great face but are a manlet?

Read the comments.


confidence and charisma trumps all, fuckface

As long as you're taller than the girl it doesn't matter. A tall ugly guy is still ugly, while a short gl is still gl.

>The faces you make when lifting will also strengthen the muscles in your face

Had a hearty KEK

The lanklet cope

I think you mean Manlet, brainlet. But in the real world fit memes aside face is a lot more important.

He's pretty ugly to be honest

Post some very attractive guys.

i have a 8/10 male face if i wasnt 50 lbs overweight. i used to be the right weight. no issues with girls. now i cant even talk to a pretty girl cause i know my tits are as big as hers



It's just banter, dude.

wow he is only 26 but he looks like he is on his late 30's on his instagram profile

i wonder if that quote is real, because it's obvious he cares a lot about his body

>i wonder if that quote is real, because it's obvious he cares a lot about his body
he is otter mode, the quote was about bulking

There's nothing wrong with his body. Yes, he's not super swole, but he's not obese, skeletonmode or disfigured either. If he gained 30 pounds, it probably wouldn't show in his face, but his sex appeal would drop from a 10 to a 4

I want spartan mode

Post pic of face, OP, or we'll be convinced you're ugly as shit.

Daily reminder that I don't give a fuck what other people think

Highest paid male model just means that he is attractive to the largest male model demographic. fortunately for you his demographic are all minors so his look itsn't something you should strive for.

i was 17 once too, fun times

How can I be certain my face wont be as good or even better than his when i cut to sub %10 bodyfat? I mean my parents were pretty attractive themselves and I spend most of my childhood chubby so theres really no way to be sure other than lifting and cutting

Lads what can be done about giants ears? When I hold them back or wear a hat I’m a comfortable 8/10 but with them my whole head and face look fucking retarded. They stick out so far from my head my god

My face is good too though ??
Why not both lmao

how to get his body just a baseline