Clean your room

clean your room

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Yes father

I did. I downloaded the MariKondo method audio book from the piratebay and used it to organize everything in my room. Discarded so many junk in the process.


Get a better daddy figure, cuck.



>roughly speaking


what's the problem with frozen
t. haven't watched the movie


No idea. The guy's a lunatic.

what do you mean no idea, you call him a lunatic without knowing his arguments?

He's obviously a lunatic judging by other things he's said. I don't care enough to look up his gripes with frozen because I'm sure it has to do with marxist propaganda or whatnot.

Have you heard of Solzhenitsyn's other book, 200 Years Together?

oh soy tsk tsk

What’s so important about cleaning your room?

>desperately needs a surogate daddy figure to tell him to clean his room
>calls others soy

I know white people often divorce but how bad must it be for all of you faggots to have to look for random faggots on the internet for a father figure ? Ya Allah like call your dad lmao

>seething over someone telling them to clean their room

What the hell is that pic

if you unironically think this is the essential and only message he is trying to convey youre one dumb retard. do you really think almost every of his video appearances get around a million views and his book has been on the best sellers list for a month now because of soyboys? i mean literally everything he says is anti soyboy, everything he teaches is about how to not become a soyboy because that is pathetic. he teaches to take responsibility and become competent. on the most basic level this start with sorting yourself out because most people are a mess nowadays, and this in turn starts with cleaning your room, the first step to get your life in order. but thats really just a really small fraction of what he says. still i cant see how that is something negative or worth criticizing.

What does he think about Israel though?


from the many hours i listened to him i cant say what he thinks about israel because he never mentions it. its also completely irrelevant to his teachings or did i miss the "why we should kill all jews" lecture? please enlighten me.

the fact that you renamed your picture also tells me a lot.

what up with these memes, theire brilliant.
Does someone have the footage/know how to find it where he has his hands crossed in front of him and walks around in that posture for 3 minutes ?


So you're saying eating lobsters is cannibalism?

don't know about the rest but post modernism is a big pile of bullshit

This is not a very good thread but now that r/enoughpetersonspam (certainly not sjws, nope) is here it justifies this thread

Fuck you. Stop ruining America. Clean your fucking room. Drink your milk. Eat your onions. It’s OK to be white.

straighten out your back

wow you got me

>when someone has been on Veeky Forums for a month and tries to make (and force) a meme
you people will never learn how to do it, its beyond laughable.

Leftists can’t meme.

Back you go

I did, then I had a great week.


No, all I'm saying is that we share the same serotonergic nerves that places us in dominance hierarchies. Just like humans, a lobster low in the dominance hierarchy has a low serotonin level meanwhile a lobster in a high level position has a high serotonin level. Doesn't that sound familiar? Here's something that's bloody interesting, if you take a low dominance lobster and give him anti depressants or serotonin reuptake inhibitors he will claw his way back up the hierarchy instead of being a defeated lobster down at the bottom. Dominance Hierarchies are older than trees. They're not social constructs like the bloody post modernists say it is. They're older than 300 million years old.

>if you take a low dominance lobster and give him anti depressants or serotonin reuptake inhibitors he will claw his way back up the hierarchy instead of being a defeated lobster down at the bottom.
>ssri's and antidepressants are good for you
lmao holy shit these fucking shills

Basically, if you just clean your room, it begins a process of rippling success. Strength begets strength and order begets order. While your room is a microcosm of your life, it begins to set various other parts if your world on the path to order as well.

>If you don’t pay up to watch yet another cgi shovelware capeshit movie you’re a racist bigot and probable JBP fan
I want off this world


thats not what he said, are you retarded on purpose?

jesus fucking christ lurk more newfag

Listen here bucko, I've been a clinical psychologist for a long time and I can tell you that antidepressants work great for people if they have a decent life (stable well paying job, a family, responsibility, etc.) but are simply depressed. A lot of the patients I see have bad lives and that's where the problem with antidepressants come in. If you have a life riddled with problems and take antidepressants it might stop you from cutting your wrists but it won't fix all the metaphorical dragons sitting in the background. I feel like antidepressants are misdiagnosed due to this reason alone.

Peterson BTFO.

>postmordenism philosophy
Theres none.

>are you retarded on purpose?
He's a shill trying to counter shill the peterson shills

It's just memes and culture war all the way down

FTM tryna get big

clean your fucking room


It's clean. I'm literally only in there to sleep or have sex.

I spend all my time in my den. Adult life has it's advantages.


The video that brought him to the UK mainstream
Thanks Leftists, you played yourself

Jumped the gun a bit there eh?

I mean trump wouldn't have been elected if it wasn't for all that free tv time


Usually these types of images can very succinctly level a critique against any ideology, but that image completely failed and just seemed like the ramblings of someone butt hurt about him.

Not even a complete fan boy of him, but he has interesting things to say

He only advocates cleaning your room but go ahead and project your ideals onto him because he reached a successful audience.

>drink your milk

This is the natural limit

Are you replying to the right person?

wash your claws.

fuck that just looks absurd

I have no room to clean...



This creeps me out so much, there are few things that have made me feel as uncomfortable as this image

redpill?whats the story!!!

Solzhenizsyn wrote the Gulag archipelago, a book about the russian gulag system which basically destroyed the concept of communism and marxism as an utopian paradise and even as a theory (because 100 million people died). the post modernists nowadays try to sneak in a form of marxism into their postmodern arguments and it can only lead to catastrophy.

thats no perfect description but the best i can give you as im not too deep into all this.

Don't tell me what to do, creepy dude. Who the hell are you anywey?!

just did

Sort yourself out bucko

>lasting meaning

The main song in the movie about giving up all responsibilities, concepts of right and wrong and living "freely".

Peterson loves the Lion King because on of the main plot points is Simba giving up on his responsibilities and living a carefree life causes the destruction of Pride Rock. Simba has to man up, beat Scar, adopt the responsibility of king and wreck Nala's lion pussy.

blown the fuck out

>fatherless incels wanting a daddy to give them confidence against online SJWs

holy fucking cringeola


This guy is such a fucking huckster lmfao

>fatherless incels wanting a daddy to give them confidence against online SJWs
the first part is half true, they dont just want confidence, thats not the only thing you need to sort yourself out. the other part is you being a retard.

the epitome of reddit meme-making skills

don't you have a patreon to tend to jordan

>when the person you hate becomes a millionaire through competence and honesty

it must pain you to see chapo making more than peterson if you care this much about other people's money you cuck

i dont understand this post, did you reply to the wrong person?

with a healthy soy diet, yes

Wow, you're retarded. He's literally one of the most inoffensive and nicest people ever if you listen to his lectures about the connection between rights and responsibility. This sounds like this was written by the same kind of people who believe that PragerU are somehow lunatic radicals, despite them being really tame.

>shitskins telling whities about their fathers being absent

Why won't you address the Jewish Question?

He’s a fucking hack you idiots, hell the only reason he’s popular is because he’s controversial. The book he wrote was okay but it’s just like any other professors book. He understands that thing such as cirumsitions are dumb but still does them because he has a twisted view that traditions should be honored regardless of their redundancy to even harm

His ''argumentation'' skills aren't that special either. He talks like a cross examiner: loads of questions and shuffling quickly from point to point.

>started listening to J-Pete exactly 1 (one) year ago
>doing well in university for the first time, reached 1/2/3/4 in 6 months, found myself a beautiful gf from japan
it actually fucking works, before I started I wouldn't have believed you if you told me this was going to be my life

> guys I did it and it works
Even if that’s true ( if it is congrats), anecdotal evidence isn’t real evidence

>Pic related
He was on TV over 10 years saying the same stuff /pol/ only found out about him recently

He has lectures available on youtube for free dating back years he knows he's weak on philosophy but these kekistani faggoys formed a daddy cult and want him to be there answer to everything

forgot to mention
>was browsing /r9k/ 8 hours a day and jerking off to hentai 3 times
before I started

(Thank you, I'm really proud of it)
try the experiment, do it for 6 months and you'll see if it's good or not
what do you have to lose? your precious Veeky Forums browsing time?

He looks so much better now


He's a fucking psychology professor not some e-celeb that can dedicate their time to every """REDPILL""" they want

Well if you choose to pay his self authoring program has been tested clinically to work i think

It's right in between those two posts you find out that reddit got wind of this thread.

Holy fuck fuck you salty bandwagoners.

He looks like the bad guy from die hard in that old pic