So last night i went out and drank about 10 cans of beer and some green apple flavoured shit...

So last night i went out and drank about 10 cans of beer and some green apple flavoured shit, then came home and ate a whole box of bran cereal (about 2000 cal of carbs). Now I can't stop farting and I hate myself.

who else /fridaynightregret/ here?

I had a couple slices of leftover pizza for breakfast with a scoop of brotein yesterday. Didn't stuff myself, but felt like shit afterward. Shoulda just eaten eggs. That was at like 9:30am and I didn't eat again until about 7:00pm, but it was korean bbq. Again, didn't stuff myself; it was takeout rather than the free-for-all kbbq usually is. Went to the gym after that, came home, had a banana, brotein shake and a vodka soda before bed. Not too bad, tbqh.

Last night I ate an entire loaf of bread. It was one of those 100% whole grain flourless breads you find in the freezer aisle, but still, it was an entire loaf. I didn't even bother toasting it halfway through, I was just shoveling cold slices into my mouth.

The fuck is wrong with you guys? Whole box of bran cereal? Whole loaf of bread? At least binge on pizza or cake or some shit, not dry carbs.

Eating an entire box of cereal is probably my favorite binge meal. The combination of milk, sugar and wheat is so fucking good.

Haven't done it in months tho.

apple sourz

yeah boiiiiiiiiiiii

>tfw drinking for three days straight

I want to get off this ride now please

Itt: fatasses that eat more than fucking elephants

Monday i went to a place where you pay to get in and then eat as much as you want
Had 2 soups a big plate of risoto, a big plate of potatoes with lamb, bowl of potato salad and 5 pieces of cake
Fuuuuckkk the farts that came that night and the sheer volume of shot was amazing
10/10 would go again but its abit far

Do you even bloat

you guys realise of course that farts is just poo screaming for help? take a shit and they'll go away

10+ beers and 3 hours of sleep. I'm slipping guys..

can't stop binge drinking lads. Third time this week. help me, my bank account can't take much more of this


Had too much to drink myself last night. Bought way too much beer and probably gonna sell it or give it away to a friend.

On Thursday I went out, got fucking shitfaced between 4 and 10, in the end I was too drunk to find the gyro shop so I stumbled home and ended up doing a 24-hour fast unintentionally.

Weekend drinking/smoking weed during summers is what literally turned my maintenance into "bulking", seriosuly regret that when I could have actually done a proper bulk for the first time in my life and be so much stronger and bigger if I hadn't fucked up so much!

On a cut now, going slow as fuck, my weights haven't gone down a lot but my waist shrunk and my muffin top is disappearing, just wonder how long I should cut since my body naturally wants to accumulate and maintain fat and I know last time I cut my lower body and glutes almost disappeared and my test levels were mogged the fuck out of whacked.

ate two cups of ice cream and a cheese hot dog. wanna die

chicken tenders
nothing but chicken tenders
last night was chicken tender hell
how am i only 0.8 pounds heavier wtf

You sound like a twink pug btw.

Try again. You obviously haven't take protein or eaten al ot of eggs.
kys faggot.

>ate two cups of ice cream and a cheese hot dog. wanna die
Are you a woman? You sure are acting like one.

that sounds horrible, i could understand if you toasted it and buttered it up