Veeky Forumspill me on ab stimulators

Veeky Forumspill me on ab stimulators.
Should I buy?

Not much to lose, try them and tell us how it went

>not baiting cops into tasing you for effortless full-body gains
Never gonna make it

Are you retarded.


Are you useless?

Are you my father?

Is this luke????

this. Just buy a tazer actually and stimulate whatever muscles you want

Veeky Forums is laughing but I do kind of wonder if they work even a little bit

I remember reading about people who have some neurological condition that causes their muscles to contract all the time and those muscles ended up being bigger because of it. So it seems like this would sort of simulate that

Get out of my basement and get a job son.

There are machines that do this. The power supply is the size of an 80s stereo and they plug into the wall.

this woud not cause mucle contraction. this would cause YOU to contract them. doesnt work

Ugh doing exercises is so hard.

Electrodes can be somewhat useful if you're an athlete and need to stimulate a muscle without causing traumas.
Even though, I guess they use a better equipment. This one is targeted at lazy dyels.

Using one of these ab shocker things is no different than manually contracting your abs, i.e. it won't result in hypertrophy without resistance or significant time under tension. If it's not continuously shocking you for upwards of 60 seconds, it's not doing shit.

Are we human?

Or are we dancers?

ofc dude you're saving $140 here

just do planks. they are free and will actually help.

there is no way something so cheap can be any kind of effective

just from a scientific standpoint why would this not work again ? I mean if you literally tase yourself like 3x a day wouldnt you build muscle ? how is it any different exhausting your muscles from cramping than exhausting them through exercise ? and no I am not memeing or wanting to try this but just from a purely educational interest why would this not work ?

or are we muppets?