We're these just a meme?

We're these just a meme?

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onions helps increase intelligences, clearly its hasn't helped you

Op here, *were

I don't know bro, i tried eating one and could get past 1/8 f of before i could't bear it anymore. Someone on ifunny told me to blend and chug it so I blended with a bit of water but got a kind of semisolid soup that i just could not swallow.

Could not*

Actual OP here, I meant "We're", that user is just trolling.

Yes. Veeky Forums is the reigning champion of Veeky Forums for producing retarded memes and circlejerking them so much that you retards actually try them. I've noticed most of them last anywhere from 2-12 weeks, then die for about half the time they lasted, then come back for a short time (usually a week) after the reprieve.

For example, /onion/ is phased out pretty hard after the blood tests came back as shit so we will see a huge resurgence in a few weeks (maybe this is the start even). /fast/ is still holding strong, but I think it has hit its halflife at this point and will slowly fade. /BLOATMAXXXXXXXXXX/ is in its death rattles after resurgence and you won't even remember what it was in a month or two as you can see here . If you remember the /sipboiz/ that is an example of an expired meme.

Sometime this week or next week a new one will be manufactured that should last a significant amount of time to replace the large meme volume and variety of last quarter. Usually they are shortcuts to actually having a proper diet or program.
>do x for y, so easy its unbelievable
..but you morons buy it every time. They got you to try and eat raw fucking onions for like 2 months and atrophy yourselves to all fuck with water fasting.

I just love watching, but am partially convinced that at least half this board is just high level trolls pretending to do all of these things and bsing each other.

You seriously can't tell if eating raw fucking onions whole was a meme or not?

they work as an aromatase inhibitor, but dont do much in terms of boosting test onionbro had low test, so his 10% increase really isnt very good

>blood tests came back as shit so

>this far in denial because you got memed into eating raw onions daily for weeks

Nah, we just discovered that the effect is exponential instead of linear after we got the data back. Eat 3+ raw onions a day if you really want that muscle-building edge.

why eat onions when you can just take concentrated indol-3

>implying fasting is just a meme
if i cared more about your opinion, i might link you one of the many studies that argue for its effectiveness

>I've noticed most of them last anywhere from 2-12 weeks,
A Wild faggot Appears!

If I cared about your soul, I'd slay the necromancer that's holding your mortal coil hostage.

>implying i'm not the necromancer speaking through my thrall
cmon kiddo

That's creative but really cringey at the same time; congrats

For increasing testosterone, yes. For reducing estrogen significantly, no.


>tertiary commentary
found the necromancer


>don't forget to put magnets under your pillow and buy my peppermint essential oils/hydrotherapy pack to prevent headaches!

it doesnt taste nice but onions are really good for you. ignore all these retards trying to tell you a vegetable isnt good for you LMAO


>“Let’s be clear,” says Edzard Ernst, emeritus professor of complementary medicine at Exeter University, “there are two types of detox: one is respectable and the other isn’t.” The respectable one, he says, is the medical treatment of people with life-threatening drug addictions. “The other is the word being hijacked by entrepreneurs, quacks and charlatans to sell a bogus treatment that allegedly detoxifies your body of toxins you’re supposed to have accumulated.”

>If toxins did build up in a way your body couldn’t excrete, he says, you’d likely be dead or in need of serious medical intervention. “The healthy body has kidneys, a liver, skin, even lungs that are detoxifying as we speak,” he says. “There is no known way – certainly not through detox treatments – to make something that works perfectly well in a healthy body work better.”

>the body detoxes instantly
fuck off retard, obviously eating processed foods and smoking is gonna leave behind shit in your body. it doesnt just leave your body immediately. if you drink loads of water and eat lots of vegetables it'll push all the shit out your body and make you sweat some of it out speeding the detoxification process up

>“Detox” is a legitimate medical term that has been turned into a marketing strategy — all designed to treat a nonexistent condition. Real detoxification isn’t ordered from a menu of alternative health treatments, or assembled from ingredients in your pantry. Actual detoxification is provided in hospitals under life-threatening circumstances — usually when there are dangerous levels of drugs, alcohol, or other poisons in the body. These are not products you can purchase in a pharmacy for personal use. What you’re seeing promoted as “detox” is using medical terminology, but only to give the perception of scientific legitimacy to medically-useless products and services. Fake detox is built around a number of easily-debunked premises. Once you can spot the flaws, it’s easy to tell fact from fiction.

>Premise one: Our bodies are accumulating toxins, so we need to detoxify



So how about the fuck you don't smoke and stop eating microwave dinners mixed with tears of being a soy fucktard who needs to advocate 21st century Beverly hills girls' meme shit?


Legit though I eat ten eggs daily and my test levels are higher than any human alive.

t. soyboy

Dietary cholesterol and saturated fat intake increase testosterone. This is established fact.

>Veeky Forums is the reigning champion of Veeky Forums for producing retarded memes

Your being fucking retarded user no ones talking about the meme detoxify shit like out putting those pads on your feed to pull out the toxins. Detox is a legitimate word cockwhore like when a an achoholic goes to a hospital and they get iv fluids and shit

>onion juice would restore traditionalism
This is no longer /pol/
This are the retards who actually thought /pol/ was serious

>Your being fucking retarded

Fasting is only a meme if you're doing it to lose weight without learning how to eat better.

SS + GOMAD one raw onion a day *minimum* and you'll make it

>doesnt taste nice
eat them with bread and butter
green onions taste amazing ive been on that shit since 5yo

wait leeks are onions?

Anyone else started having dreams every night ever since they started eating onions?

a 10% increase in free testosterone is very good though you brainlet.

>works perfectly well
The problem is that it doesn't, precisely because the vast majority of us eat like complete and utter shit and are functionally deficient in several key minerals and vitamins.

You summoned me.
13% increase in free test
66% reduction in female hormones
Hair growth improved

I'm still onioning as it's got lots of health benefits.

Also I'll have results fr9m pomegranate long Jack and cocoa powder in about a week or so.

It totally works, you just have to blend em w water and drink a little at a time so you don't puke.

Even though recovered, OnionBro getting sick in the middle of the experiment kinda fucks the reliability of his results. Also n=1 of course

Thank you for doing this. Also, you got a wicked good looking jaw.


No worries.

It's motivating me to be strict and consistent.

I'm looking forward to the k2 element.

My gf likes my jaw also.
Guess I'm lucky!

So only the skin is useful for reducing estrogen ?

I didn't eat the skin and my female sex hormone dropped by 66%

have you noticed, or your GF noticed a change in your behavior? or any change at all, and i mean at ALL?

>blood tests came back as shit
what did he mean by this?

A touch more focus.
Higher sex drive
Nothing miraculous.

She did say my cocks got bigger.
But I didn't want tonput that in the original as people may lose their minds.

probably just the stronger boner making it appear bigger