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how are your mental gains going?
what is yor routine?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Mindful Meditation

>Heart Rhythm Meditation

>7 Types of Meditation

Pretty poor considering that I'm still wasting my time on Veeky Forums.

Not bad. Just started again. Quite liking the mental gains so far. Also doing some other self-investigation practices
>self-authoring program
>getting plenty of sleep and trying to lucid dream

lets all get enlightened together anons

Keep going user. You can make it.

That's good user. Keep up the good work. We'll all make it.

Doing at least 5 minutes on waking and before sleep each day. Stress in general has decreased exponentially. Even rode my bike home from work in the rain yesterday
>breddy guud

I've been there. Mediation is great for releasing stress. Before I started I had issues with anger and now after practicing I have not gotten angry over small things like I used to.

I still get surfacing thoughts but i just try to disregard them as i maintain awareness of my breath.

That's the way. I still get those thoughts and I push them out, focus on awareness of your breathing. Your hands, your body. The noises around you. Focus on the moment.

>how are your mental gains going?
good , i havent meditated in awhile but ive been doing the wim hof breath exercises and taking cold showers .

Did it for 10 minutes every day for a month but I stopped because I didn't notice any changes and it was a pain in the ass.

I keep falling off any sort of schedule for mindfulness practice. I get into a rhythm for a while but eventually start forgetting. Do you guys keep to a schedule? If so, what do you do?

when does mindfulness gains kick in?

I would do it every morning and evening for five or ten minutes. If I was in a stressful situation I would try get out and practice again for 5 minutes. It was just like going out for a smoke.

For me, it was within a few days. Can take from a day to a few months depending on the person. Keep it up until you do.

This is good. Cold showers and breathing exercises work wonders.

Have you guys ever stopped and really looked at mediation teachers? Are these the kinds of people that you want to emulate?

Meditation is for soyboys.


>Doesn't like activity
>Tries to devalue activity for everyone

user, are you sad you don't into meditation ?

Just keep doing it and it will come to you. Discipline.

Despite these high hopes, our analysis suggests that meditating is likely to have a positive, but still relatively limited effect in making individuals feel or act in a substantially more socially connected, or less aggressive and prejudiced way. Compared to doing no new emotionally engaging activity, it might make one feel moderately more compassionate or empathic, but our findings suggest that these effects may be, at least in part, the result of methodological frailties, such as biases introduced by the meditation teacher, the type of control group used and the beliefs and expectations of participants about the power of meditation. This, of course, does not invalidate Buddhist or other religions’ claims about the moral value and eventually life changing potential of its beliefs and practices. However, the adaptation of spiritual practices into the lab suffers from methodological weaknesses and is partly immersed in theoretical mist. Before good research can be conducted on the prosocial effects of meditation, these problems need to be addressed.



meditating fairly consistently for a few weeks really helped me be less anxious throughout the day. would recommend to people that get daily anxiety attacks

I can't shut off the thoughts that find it super boring. When I try to medidate, I keep aware of the passage of time, and it goes incredibly slow. You're just sitting there waiting. I have his suspicion that most people who don't have this are just on the verge of dozing off or in another state where their mind isn't really working at full speed. And then they convince themselves they're doing something beneficial. If anything, it's just an exercise in enduring boredom, and thus patience.

The science in that article is pretty shite. While there are certainly nonsense ideas people have about meditation the vast majority of evidence points to it being a powerful tool for self-improvement when used correctly. White chicks in yoga pants 'meditating' on instagram shouldn't be considered a valid example.

Meditation is about paying attention. There's a lot going on in your head you aren't aware of, and the practice of meditation gets you to a place where you can actually see it. Once you are a proficient meditator it's far from boring. Exhilarating, terrifying, confusing, blissful, enraging, it's all kinds of things.

Switch your focus from sitting doing nothing to paying attention to your mental state. Imagine the state of meditation calming the turbulent surface of a lake so that you can see into it.

>I'll try to meditate, maybe it will help me with my forever contracted back.
>close eyes
>fuck, my back
>damn, I have to empty my mind
>inhale 1...2...3...4...
>isn't this thinking? how do I empty my mind?
>SYSTEM WARNING: breath in manual mode.
>SYSTEM WARNING: back muscles about to reach infinite density.

Fuck it

Going well, I reccomend Mindfulness in Plain English to anyone curious about the practice. I personally meditate everyday at 8:30 pm before I go to bed. Every day when that time comes around even before I start I can begin to feel the mindfulness gains kicking in. Happy meditating anons.

leave this on in the background while meditating for a lit sesh

You're counting during meditation? Looks like you don't even know the basics

Read research journals on neural connections and increased gray matter in the brain, faggot.

how is the self-authoring programm?

show me lama-user

>literal dubstep
>for meditation

anonymous poster, I...