Program that doesn't put load on your lower back

I have a herniated disc so I can't really do deadlifts, squats, bench or OHP, they all put stress on my lower back, which sucks ass tbqh, but I can still do curls and shit and maybe sitting chest press.

Are there any programs out there that I can follow while I wait for disc surgery?

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You can do various machines unless you're a manlet.
If you're a manlet you can still do them, but the ROM in most machines tend to be too small for short people.

Most machines are primarily designed to be safe, to avoid problems with the injured users blaming the designer.

Can also invent various static exercises from normal dynamic ones. Although not very popular these days they used to be a popular tool many years ago. Load up a lot of weight, lift it up, and hold it there.

The best way to help your back is to use it.
Of course don't dl 150kg right away but you should consider reinforcing it.

If you don't improve your lower back muscles it's only going to get worse as you spine won't have any support

Yeah, I agree with what you're saying, it's just never been clear to me how to do it. The two different back doctors I've seen about this have said to just rest and wait a couple of months or get surgery if the sciatica doesn't go away. I'll check out the podcast for sure, thanks a lot.

I'm not an expert in the field I just listened to that podcast and thought about it when I saw your thread.

I guess it's a good starting point, the guy talking in the podcast makes a living of helping injured people and I think he has a website (he talks about it in the podcast at some point).

Good luck mate

Go read everything by Stuart McGill

Any recommendation on where to start? I see him recommended a lot here on Veeky Forums but I already read a whole lot of books so I just want to make sure I start with the right one to not waste my time, for lack of a better term

Machines. Also there are ways to rehab from lower back problems.

Been seeing a lot more use of belted squat machines, these things probably don't even exist where I live.
But if you're an Amerifat you'll probably be able to find one.

What the fuck is a belted squat machine? I'm in Sweden

Probably in no luck then bruh. Look up "pit shark squat machine/belt squat machine".

The gift of injury is pretty related but seriously I don't think there's such a thing as too much information given your circumstance.

Don't be a pussy. Everyone has herniated discs. Best thing you can do is strengthen your body doing compound lifts. Start light. Kill your ego. Work up the weight slowly. Don't fall for the herniated disc meme.


just start with 40kg deadlifts to strengthen your back
40kg might seem fucking stupid, but you need to start SMALL to make it strong, and not fuck it up further

just progress with 2.5kg increments, maybe once per week?

I hear you brother, but I have sciatica as a result of it too, so it's not really a walk in the park. I'm doing weird exercises about four times per day to relieve the pain.

Just ask your boyfriend to put his load somewhere else or swallow it

Hello broski. Herniated disc is awful. I couldn't move without being in excruciating pain, and did exercises as well to relieve it somewhat (tho temporary).

I would advise against surgery. Its a last resort that does not guarantee pain free living and the possibility of complications is real. What helped me like a a true miracle was "manuele therapie E.S." it's a Dutch specialization of manual therapy. It's like a chiropractor/physiotherapist who moves your body around get your spinal nerves back into position. It's completely painless and costs around 100 euro for a session in the Hague. I only needed one. I recommend it to everyone.

My back is still weak, and I never do squats or deads any more, but living pain free is worth more than squats IMO.

Damn, really? As I said previously, I live in Sweden and a ticket to Amsterdam or Den Haag isn't too expensive if it can actually relieve this pain I'm in daily. May I ask why you don't do deadlifts anymore? CAN you do them, but don't? What pisses me off most about my disc is that I fucking love doing deadlifts, so that's like a goal of mine, to get back to lifting heavy hopefully within a year's time. I've considered looking into stem cell therapy, but it seems really hard to come by where I am located. I don't care for squats, so I could definitely live without that.

I never learned how to do them correctly I guess. My back is still weak and prone to injury, but I don't like to do them anyway. I do MMA now twice a week without any problems. this is where I went. She is nearly 70 and has been in the business forever with her husband. You could look if SV has any manual therapists who specializes in the eggshell method.

I went to new zealand a year after and hurt my back again, and was dissapointed that they did not offer the eggshell method anywhere, just the ordinary chiropractor bone crushing shit.

This all sounds very cool, thanks for the link man, I've bookmarked it so I don't lose it. Since you say she's very old I feel obliged to ask, do they answer emails in English?

Listen to dr Stuart McGill and you will be able to fix your shit and get stronger

Do not get surgery

Im 99% sure it won't be a problem. Everyone in NL speaks English, even the elderly. Especially when they have higher education.

My bad it's just backfitpro

You'd like that, wouldn't you? Here she is 5 months after popping out a baby

Underrated post