Does taking an SSRI affect gains?
This past weekend I noticed the only time I feel happy or “alive”, and able to connect with others is when I’m out drinking alcohol, which fucks up my gains.
Does taking an SSRI affect gains?
This past weekend I noticed the only time I feel happy or “alive”, and able to connect with others is when I’m out drinking alcohol, which fucks up my gains.
I thought they could lead to weight gain or something like that. There are definitely side effects but I don't know what they are because I've never been on one.
Before hopping on a prescription I think you should try to figure out why that's the only time you feel good.
Everyone says that they make you gain weight and increase appetite but it was the exact opposite for me
How did they affect your mood?
All SSRI's did for me was make it difficult to get a boner and almost impossible to cum.
>taking jewpills
Took an SSRI for a year.
The answer is yes, in good ways and bad. For me, kicking depression made it significantly easier to get off my ass and work out with consistency. However, especially in the first month, it sent my appetite to the moon. If you're a spooky scary skeleton this could be a big plus, but for me as a fatso in the middle of dropping the weight it was pretty scary to put 8 pounds back on in 6 weeks after almost a year of slow and steady weight loss.
Just be careful and keep logging your intake and be disciplined. My SSRI worked wonders and I'm off it now and life is immensely better than it was before, so I'd say even if I had to choose between losing my gains or keeping my depression, I'd lose the gains every time. If you lose your gains you can always get them back. Suffering one more day with depression isn't worth it, and it just wastes days of your life.
It's definitely improved
This is true too though, I can still get hard but I don't cum much at all
Overall it's not too bad, I'm only taking them until I hopefully get over my social anxiety and get my life together. Not wanting to die 24/7 is nice bonus though
Gonna have to break up with my GF.
>bitches and moans and acts solely on her emotions in the present moment
>not grateful
>insta-whore and likes her ex's (who is a football player) pictures on instagram
>young and going to uni soon anyway where she will probably whore out
That's enough red flags right? Bitch sucks a good dick and is affectionate but there's just too many signs telling me to run for it.
What do I do? Just break it off now while it won't be TOO bad (for me emotionally) or wait it out
Pls advise me bros.
Is she moving away for Uni? Or will you be with her there / nearby? Long distance doesn't work, I'd cut it now before it gets messy.
I had a gf (first love, I think) who was studying abroad for a semester, and wanted a break so she could "find herself across the world and not be held back by anything at home" . That just means "I want a free pass to sleep with whomever I want."
Ain't worth it if you aren't really that into her.
Also, what's that got to do with this SSRI thread lol
OP's pic always makes me feel weird because it's eerily close to what my room looks like down to the peanut butter and supplement jar. I guess that's the point though
>out for karneval with my best friend
>both dressed as pastors
>some people pay for our drinks because they like our costumes
>get a round from a group of women
>they approach us and having a laugh with us
>one of them is a short cute little polish girl with black hair
>she leans on me a lot and buys me more drinks
>dance tight with her for hours and lock eyes the whole time
>i go in for a kiss but she blocked it
>kinda disappointed but also relieved because i have a girlfriend and dont want to betray her
>we continue dancing and she always stares at me etc.
>when the dance clubs closes she gives me a kiss on the cheek and sends herself a friend request on facebook on my mobile
>check her profile today
>married with 2 kids not even that good looking but beutiful eyes
>im still thinking about her and smelling her hair fit help me get this shit out of my system
I gained alot of weight when i was on citalopram, the shit made me not give a fuck about anything
my bad it's a feels thread I'm an idiot
Was on holidays for 3 weeks and I've messed up my gym routine. Whenever I don't go to the gym I damage my psyche. I'll start my routine again and fix my diet. I hope by May I can lose fat and gain some more muscle if I really stick to it.
I'm going to start nofap again too. I feel that if I keep watching porn I'll use it as a crutch like I did during my teenage years.
>have a bunch of tinder matches from my college town
>now live and work 500 miles away
>get two of them interested in a threesome
>basically say im out of town for a few weeks but can make it happen when im around again
>no idea if that will actually happen
>get bored and start manipulating them to fuck
>tell both the other is shy
>tell both to break the ice by sending each other nudes
>tell both they should kiss the other first
>its working
So basically im playing puppet master to two tinder slags and jerking off to reports of their growing lez antics.
Feels weird.
So fuck them then
Im 500 miles away, i havnt had the opportunity
Ahh I see, then keep it up until you can, but don't go overboard. Keep them hooked to wanting you and sending you n00dz
>talk to qt every time she comes into my job
>we flirt a little bit when we speak (been going on for a few months)
>try and keep it friendly and nothing serious
>today she is leaving
>"how are you getting home? its pouring."
>"I think I am going to walk"
>"Oh god Im sorry, if you need a ride let me know next time"
>With that she immediately turns red, and says yea I definitely will.
Did I screw up? I just need some reassurance
You shoulda driven her home obviously. If you come up with some romantic way to make up for it all might be forgiven
I know, that was my window. But I just wanted to send that at her to see how she'd react. I was taken back when she was like yeah. I guess I will wait and see what she says next time.
Thank you user. Your response alone tells me that all hope isn't lost.