/fph/ and /fps/ - Fat People Hate and Fat People Stories

Veeky Forums is just jealous they can't get hot chicks edition

Every time

why do tall boys just waste it all by getting fat, they could be chadzilla or mogra and just destroy everyone


Damn those chicks are hot

youre damn right they are

The eternal James

I bet all of them think himym is the best thing ever and the big bang theory is a close second

They had shitty fathers

i found one of their twitter accounts and they really like greys anatomy

My assumption is the guy with soyboy mouth is dating the blonde next to him. The 2 girls on the left are her friends and the three guys in the back are single virgins who don’t stand a chance with any of these women. Just my guess.

same difference

> live with 300+ lb person as a roommate
> been friends for years, so thought this would be okay
> 1 regular sized fridge, I get the top shelf (smaller)
> the rest of the fridge is FILLED TO THE BRIM with his fucking food
> there is an additional small fridge, also filled to the brim with food

I don't know why I thought living with a morbidly obese person was a good idea.

Additionally, whenever he eats, he smacks his lips like a goddamn farm animal, and appears to have no conscious realization he is doing so.


i feel like thats most people. my ex gf would do that all the time. and click her teeth together. drove me fuckign insane.

The butthurt in that picture from the commenter. LOL /fit in a nut shell

I don't get it.. It's just a fucking pizza. Why is he so excited? WHy is he flipping his shit over something identical to any other pizza but oh WOAH this one is HUGE!? Mind=BLOWN lets rain down upvotes!

I work with a guy that does this. And is constantly chewing nico gum. I have to avoid him at all cost. He is a sixty y/o black guy that's a complete waste of space

Why the fuck do all soyboys do this? Just mouthbreathers?

Does he fucking click his gum too?

Why do 60% of the black people I work with CONSTANTLY click their gum? I want to fucking snap their neck.

I told a gf that if she continues to smack her lips we were going to break up. We've been married for eight years now.

Yes. Sometimes I think he's purposely being as loud as he can. It's too the point that I have to walk away from him.

>I want to fucking snap their neck.
How "edgy" of you.
You are such a loser.
I want to snap your neck. Guess what? I will

look up Misophonia, retard,

*teleports behind you*

I know all about it fool.That's not a real thing, It's just wine babies like you getting annoyed and not being able to control you anger and rage.
Fuck you you piece of shit, One of those black people are gonna stop you into a bloody pulp you fat faggot

It's Vapelord

This is great bait my friend, do you really think I would literally act out on snapping their necks?

It drives me up the fucking wall, is the point.

Did you fail literature? Are you unfamiliar with the use of hyperbole?

why do black people always smack their gums and laugh through their teeth?

>This is great bait my friend, do you really think I would literally act out on snapping their necks?
The way you retards are on this board,yes.
one of you faggots killed his girlfriend with an extension cord and posted pics of the body. So yes i think you would.
Too bad you're gonna get curb stomped.
I'm quite familiar with hyperbole you autist.
Too bad you aren't.

> he thinks this is /b/

Jesus Christ, you newfag

My fiance does this. It's literally becoming a deal breaker

>4 guys
>3 girls
I bet this guy is the one without a gf

Are you visiting from Reddit after hearing how "we" blew up a can?

>he thinks this is /b/
no i don't newfag but you sound like a violent psycho.
I can't wait until you try to act on it. Dead meat

Fuck off back to r.eddit

>the 4th girl is holding the camera

Fuck off back to your room. I'll stay here as long as i want.
Dead meat

lmao exactly. to anyone who isn't batshit insane, OP's pic is a group of normal people at a restaurant that serves huge pizzas as a novelty thing. some people have no perspective at all

Worst part is: the girls look quite ok while the guys...

> quite okay

the girls are clearly overweight too my dude.

but if chubby chasing is your thing.

Well, they are not fit, but kinda average. While all the guys are just fat fucks.

Tell her to stfu while she eats



>fat ass comes into gym with qt gf
>doing decline chest exercises
>fat guy picks up 25 pound dumbells, i assume to "impress" his gf
>starts doing the hardest cheat rep curls i ever seen moving his whole body right next to me
>dont have room to do my exercises on the bench anymore
>move bench away from him, keep my headphones in
>he puts down the weights and goes back to his gf
>hear "haha did you see that, that guy moved because he was scared of me" through my music
how long does this new years shit last

Mate if you can, do yourself a favour and get a bar fridge with freezer compartment just for you

>Fuck off back to your room. I'll stay here as long as i want.
>you cant tell me what to do youre not my real dad

He has a qt gf and you're on Veeky Forums.

Who's the loser really?

Him and you. He's at the gym trying to change himself into something i already am, so much so that he had to voice his insecurity to a woman who wont even believe his BS, and is probably on the verge of leaving him because lets be real, we've all seen how that dynamic goes.
You too, because you assume not having a gf and having time to yourself is being a loser, Assuming you didn't already know what's wrong with that and baited this exact response from me, you'll find out soon enough when you get a SO of your own.

Why the fuck didn't you go sit next to him and mog him you cuck

I think I hit a sensible cord there

Because in mind, and personality, i am a certified soyboy scared of conflict

another one for the collection
We waste it by being ultra thin
>t. 6'6 guy

how can anyone look at this picture and come to the assumption that the fat fucks date anyone, the only ones who look like dating are the two lesbians

also the brunette is the only one even close to fuckable

Yeah when I'm out with gf she practically rubbing up against me cuz were so close. The girl in-between the guys looks uncomfortable to around them and yeah, the lesbos

What disturbs me the most.. does one of them say "lets keep our mouths opened" and then they stand there in silence like this waiting for the camera to take a picture? Do they sometimes agree to take a second or third picture because one thinks he looks too normal?

I heard once, if you force yourself to smile, it releases happiness hormones, cause your brain recognizes your smiling expression.

What happens when they force themselves to look fearful and excited simultaneously?

>Small talk during group meeting for class project
>Fat kid in group says he's been hitting gym but not getting results
>Ask him if he has changed his diet or sleeping patterns
>"What does that have to do with"
>Try to explain how important the two are and how there are basically three pieces to the equation. Lifting, eating and sleeping
>He checks his phone, makes up some bullshit about having to go, gets up and waddles away
>Everyone else in the group giving me stink eye
>Fem user says "that was really insensitive"


Lurk moar. We blew up vans in my day

Legitimately upsetting. How can any human get to that point?

Is this some half assed story? Are you omitting details or exaggerating?

Why would people be angry with you for attempting to give advice?

Rule #1 of Fat Hate Club - There is no Fat Hate (just human honesty).

>hot chicks
god our standards for women are so low

women are shallow AF and a lot of them will forgive how dumb a man is if he's tall.

Does anyone have an ugly pink comic where a fat feminist is telling people that we can and should brainwash ourselves into wanting fat chicks?



>hot chicks


Yo are not wrong. I go to a small nighbourly gym and often get to know stories of the people coming and going.
Over the past three years every couple with an avg or better looking woman and an out of shape guy, broke up a few months later.

My guess is that those guys became slobs during the relationship (but didnt used to be) and the gym was their girl's last ditch effort to turn that ship around.
They probably are slobs in other aspects of their lives.

Or maybe im just proyecting because that's more or less how a 9 years long relationship ended for me.

Here is some unsolicited advice for you that'll make your life x10 times better: don't volunteer unsolicited advise.

dat filename tho

>it's happening .gif

Blonde on right is 5/10. Girls on left both look chunky, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say 6/10.

Good for those guy's standards I'm sure but NOT hot chicks lmao

I want to tell you about my boss.
She's fat.
Really, really big.
She started some kind kind of program with her husband and surprised me when she stuck to it.
I don't know much about it. I know the diet seems memey; it seems more so based on portions/servings rather than macros. I think the person who runs the program incorporates that into the plan.
>If I have X I can have Y. But I can't have A.
>If I skip Y though, I can have A and B.
I think the exercises she does are mainly aerobic, possibly like insanity or something, I'm unsure.

We talked about diet and I asked her if she was hungry and she
>I have a hard time eating all of it.

She's lost a TON of weight. Its been a few months and it's visibly obvious. Her pants are looser and she looks a lot happier. She always talks about going to 5am session and stuff before work.

She's over 40...might even be 50, she has a 16 year old kid.

No one in this thread has any excuse.

I hope you tell her good job

wtf is wrong with americans

Name my fit band

me for reading this shit



Is she holding a fucking autismspinner?

Damn, good for her!

Calvin & The Nu-Males

underrated spaceballs reference



My eldest son somehow makes these noises without opening his lips while chewing. I can't get mad because he tries not to.

I watched maybe half a second.

Worst half second of my life.

What the fuck is this?

[x] doubt

I realized this recently and started losing weight partially because of it.

Built like Bobby hill I'll tell you hwat

Ex-fatty legs


Yep I mean if you are tall and in great shape you pretty much take over the room, everyone looks at you and waits for what you are going to say. It's like those 90s teen movie slow mo sequences every time you walk in a room.

Underage b&, only a teen can be this edgy

The Soy Boys

>be me, female, have fat female friend, felt bad for her but she ended up being one of those who fell for the thick meme and had a giant ego fueled by fatty lovers thinking she was more fertile despite her pcos
>constantly make comments on how my tits are small, how I have no curves, how I have an "average body", etc
>fast forward, make dresses for all my friends for christmas since I'm a seamstress, take her measurements
>this bitch, all this time she spent bragging about how she was curvier than me, I have more hip/waist ratio than her. for reference hers was 43 39 47, mine was 34 23 39
>fast forward, we go get bra fitted, all this time she spent telling me how I have small tits, ends up we both have the same cup size however she has a bigger band size, not to mention most of her boobage is due to saggyness and the fact her tits look deflated with nipples bigger than salami and a gross white purple color
>brags about how everyone says how tight she is, etc
>once we went to go get waxing, I never saw a vag with so much fucking roast beef, I thought it was some weird birth control attachment, I asked "what is that" realized what it was, and she said "what my birthmark" and I just played it off as it was, not to mention I saw another female friend stick 4 fingers in her super easily without her reacting
>had such an awful vaginal stench like most fatties to, to the point where I would start getting extremely fucking nauseous when she sat next to me and she refused to wear panties

for reference she was exactly like pic related, as well as me having another story with a shitty fat friend who is like pic related
if only fat fetishists stopped enabling them

I know this feel. You can't give fat people advice lest they or people around them misconstrue it as criticism and anything less than heaps of praise is criticism. Nowadays whenever I hear a fat person tell me of their new 90 day diet or exercise program I just make a series of affirmative non-threatening grunts until they leave me alone.