you ever have to dump the bar?
You ever have to dump the bar?
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Jesus Christ, these give me anxiety
thats what u get for cheating with belts and sleeves
lifting beyond your bodily limits
What do you mean?
>be me
>alone squatting in home gym
>squatting off 4x4's stuck in concrete in 5 gallon buckets
>330 for 3
>fail 3rd 3/4 up
>dump bar off back
>tfw it scrapes down my entire spine on the way down
got a power rack not long after.
Can't Panic, don't panic
They knocking, don't panic
It's them people in penny-loafers
They searching people and searching sofas
Oh lord! can't panic, don't panic
No time to plot it, no time to plan it
100 keys up in the attic, 100 keys up in the Attic
Oh lord!
>looking up while squatting
>rack pins so high you need to be on tiptoes
Deserved it.
fucking just lower the fucking j-hooks you insecure fucking faggot
If you have to put the pegs at shoulder level to unrack the bar then you probably shouldn't be lifting that amount of weight.
no belt, check
no sleeves
better Lord Faggeti?
if you dump the bar in a rack you are a turbo nigger for ruining a fucking bar
squat on a platform if you want to dump behind you
just lean forward into the safties if you are in a rack
> putting the pins behind you
Is this guy actually retarded ?
is that kelsey?
uggo check
>turbo nigger
This. I dump the bar all the time but not in a fucking rack. If you are gonna go low bar body horizontal with the floor “powerlifting” style just use racks
no fucking way did that baby just smirk at the camera like that
i'm in the powerlifting club at uni, and the coach refused to allow us to use spotter bars when lifting. I foolishly went too heavy on a squat and tried to bail out of the hole, but wasnt quite quick enough to jump out in front of it, so the barbell hit me on the lower back and drove my knees into the ground.
I always get anxious before maxing out now
he likes walking it out to the front, so what?
Ouch. Did you get injured?
>thot squats
How do I incorporate these into my routine
Holy shit you're fucking retarded. It's not that he was using too much weight, it was because he set the height too high so the bar didn't catch right away
pins too high
throw in some ho squats every 4 weeks in place of accommodating resistance
Even if you're going HAM, having convulsions like that is clearly not a good thing. Dude needs to let go of his ego and work his way up.
How can someone that squats so much pot the pins so high up?
Just put them at nipple height ffs.
>tfw no qt black Raven gf
God I wish that were me
front squats like this?
Damn, got absolutely ripped apart his CNS to be shaking like that.
pretty sure it was so the girl could sit on him but whatever.
Of course i have. How else do you push yourself. Fucker was stupid af for setting the pins so high
Where do the pegs should normally be?
>that gyno
Never dump but I’ve had to Drop it onto tge safeties before
Nipple level is best
Make sure you tuck your butt if you do dump so it doesn’t hit your back on the way down
>pussy pad
I had to bail the bar only once during a 1RM, but I was at the bottom of the rep and just rested it on the safeties.
Aren't you supposed to set the pins below your shoulder height?
Why don't manlets just put the pins lower? Is it a pride/ego thing?
>get stuck at the bottom
>lowest pin too high to lean forward
>no platforms in commercial gym
what the fuck dude
is it just me or is his form snap city?
The way these guys convulse after lifting such a weight makes me think I'll never lift that much.
It looks like it's more effort than I can muster
You only need to dump the weight if you are lifting without safeties
Am I retarded or is he using the rack backwards?
? walking out or backing out is simply a matter of preference
>>dump bar off back
>>tfw it scrapes down my entire spine on the way down
learn to bail your fucking retard
you're probably right
never had to dump the bar yet, but i fear the day that i do.
>imagine the test boost from feeling the inside of her thighs on your head.
And using it backwards means you prefer being a retard to being safe
>trying to rack a barbell backwards
Enjoy missing the pins and getting flattened down to the safeties
jesus christ, what a retard.
Remember kids, you barbell racking height should be *BELOW* your shoulders
I see too many DYELs "tipping toes" to rack and unrack
In the squat rack you don't have to pretend to be 6'2'' like the guy who trained before you
manlets, will they ever learn
>is simply a matter of preference
No, it's not. At the end of the lift you're stressed and it's easier to walk forward the racking pins rather than turning 360 degrees and walk away
The guy is retarded
Damien Pezzuti doesn't give a fuck, the guy squats pretty much everyday and doesn't wear a belt or sleeves. Apparently he took some time off shortly after that video as he was injured pretty badly and on painkillers.
Was hoping this was going to one of those snap city webms.
The pins are too high but Jesus fuck by the way he's shaking he should've just dropped it and bailed forward. This is how people get hemorrhoids.
>squatting 700lbs for this
Retard. Bet you squat 2pl8.
>have to squat without safeties because I'm too manlet for the lowest setting and can't get full rom
so underrated
typically Veeky Forums scum
Guess I'm a retard for not wanting to blow out my knees/back.
got to make it safely to death huh?
As opposed to what, romanticizing dying early so that you can get huge? If you're going to senselessly kill yourself, at least have the decency to do it for something that matters (spoiler alert: being huge does not).
>squatting with the pins that high
What kind of gym allows Manlets out of the pits?
Holy shit that's impr--
>notice his gyno
Not natty/10
>you ever have to dump the bar?
Yes, but we got back together.
a couple of weeks ago a guy used the rack after me without moving the pins down
was racking and unracking on his tip toes shaking the whole time
the gym owner told him to lower the pins
the guy looked at him like he just insulted his family
Once you rerack a heavy squat your body goes bananas for like half a second due to no longer having 400lbs on your back
How do these people can squat so much. I can barely squat 0.75 plates if I try to break parallel. Today I dropped a 0.875 pl8 squat because I couldn't get up at the bottom. No safety rack at the gym either.
How to squat more? My progress is so slow that I doubt I'll ever be able to squat even 2 plates. Please help
A power cage where you have pins behind you AND in front of you would be nice
You walk forwards to unrack AND you walk forwards to re-rack
Why nobody ever thought to implement something like this?
>barely squat 0.75
Can you even deambulate? Do you weight less than 50 kg?
why are you so emotionally invested in this guy u pathetic soy boi lmfao
I walk without any problems, I can even run long distances, do ski touring, cross-country skiing etcetera. I love hiking long distances and I never felt I lacked strength in my legs, until I started squatting.
I'm 6'0" and weight 65kg another pair of pins then?
Like my 3rd month of lifting I tried a 3pl8 squat and blew my quad out. I don't know why I thought jumping from 2pl8s to 3 when I could only do like 3 reps of 225 was smart.
>6'0" and weight 65kg
Female, right?
kek those fucking sips
No male. I even have a gf who says I'm big. Such is life for small Europeans.
BTW I OHP half plate, bench a little more than 1 and DL a little more than 2
The internet has skewed our perception on body and mass, if you actually go outside, you'll notice not many people are buff or strong.
>I even have a gf who says I'm big
She's flat out lying and/or has no idea what she's saying. Besides, your mom/gf/granny opinion's value = nihil
65 kg on a 182 cm tall male = anorexic/awfully weak. It's underweight even for a "marathon physique"
>65 kg on a 182 cm tall male = anorexic
Actually if you put the numbers in a BMI calculator it says it's in the healthy weight range, but I agree I'm not very strong
BMI is only good when applied to populations, applying it to the average individual is shit.
Looks like putin
> doesnt eat
> wonders why he is weak as shit
Retarded lurk more fag
You are borderline underweight. Put on 10kg and you'll be fine. Eat more, especially protein.
The pins were high enough when he walked it out, but because he squats big boy weights the bar bends and it goes below the pins on the way back.
I don't think he's made that mistake since.
>The Chad Baby
Bulk up to ~80kg and stay lean.
>I'm not very strong
You're not strong, period.
>BMI calculators
individual BMI means shit, BMI calcs have their own set of limitations and the one on doesn't even differentiate per gender. For a decent target weight pick
that's still a noobish mistake someone pushing that weight isn't supposed to make
unless he's coping for being a manlet
that would explain his quest for mass too
>too high to lean forward
This isn't a thing. The pins can be too low to be helpful in bailing a rep, but not too high. They can't be too high. The only thing that happens if the pins are too high is they prevent you from reaching below parallel at the bottom of your squat. Your pins should be set a hair below the bottom of your ROM, where you can very comfortable squat down and lean the bar forward onto them. How do you not already know this?