Are plant-based diets better for lifting? A lot of NBA players, endurance-based sport players, strongmen...

Are plant-based diets better for lifting? A lot of NBA players, endurance-based sport players, strongmen, and NFL players are switching recently.

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Are plant-based diets better for lifting?

>t. a virgin nobody

No, eat meat

Why would NFL players, whose paycheck and livelihood rely on their diets- tell everyone that plant-based diets lower recovery time?

>ad hominem

Their paycheck and livelihood rely on hiding their roiding

Only someone who doesn't understand nutrition could ask something like that.
It's about preference and mainly comes down to macro and micronutrients, in the first world you could structure your diet in many different ways and still perform optimally.

It’s easier on your body, good for longevity, and better for the planet as it turns out. Only troglodyte-tier minds try to justify eating meat as the superior approach.

If you still WANT to eat meat, that’s cool, just be straight about it.

>eating meat
Pick one.

Meme elsewhere boyo.

found the triggered faggot

they're better if you're on roids

Plant based diets are better for health in general.
Problem is, almost every study proving this lists plant based diets as majority plants with small meat consumption. Mediterranean, pescaterian, ovo-lacto vegetarian, strict vegetarian ("vegan"), all diets with between 0-15% meat, with high quality plants as a base and little processed foods, and in most studies it is the Mediterranean diet which comes out on top.

Problem is, many animal rights advocates are pushing "plant based" to mean "only plants" and will cherry pick information to support this, and will portray a strict vegetarian diet as being a panacea for all ailments, using anecdotal evidence or twisted information (eg, it is nitrates in processed meat which is carcinogenic, not the flesh of dead animals), along with various other untruths to push their agenda.
Remember, a hardline vegan equates farming livestock to the Jewish holocaust. To them, the ends justify the means, and they will do whatever it takes to encourage people to abandon meat.

Truth is, you SHOULD be eating a plant based diet, but a plant based diet is a broad term. The clue is in the word "based".

Well you can switch if you are on roids since 15 like nba and nfl players.

Where in the FUCK would you find your soya and beans in the nature? Go eat one day a salad without man-made veggies (brocolli, tomatoe, carrot), without dressings and tell me if you enjoyed the meal.
Of course fuckin not, because that is the other animal job, you are the natural predator who knows how to capture and kill the animal.
Plant based was and always will be the food for plebs.

Even if those diets are better, these people are elite sportsmen looking for any possible marginal gains.

It's not worth it for the average gym goer. Even people training for amateur competitions shouldn't
give a shit because you'd have to sacrifice something you love (meat) for a small advantage that may not even exist.

Go re read, nigger.
Im not advocating a vegan soy diet, I'm saying eat meat and vegetables.
Like we have done since the dawn of time.
Im saying equating "plant based" with "completely and utterly vegan" is done by idiots and people who listen to cherry picked data put forward by dickheads like peta.

>be nfl or nba player
>make money off body AND image
>realize being vegan is trendy nowadays
>say you're vegan but secretly eat meat just like you say you're natty but you roid

plant based diets with meat, otherwise youd get acne and fucked up skin and all kinds of shit

no to dairy though fuck that shit

the problem I have with all this vegan stuff is leucine content. seems sub-optimal
can any vegans answer this? how do you get adequate leucine content per meal as a vegan?

I second this. More whole grains, more greens and fruits. Less meat and cut diary out entirely. Should be good to go then.

non-whyte detected


But with careful planning, they can be equally as effective; for an advanced athlete at least.

name one world record holder who did that recently

>no to dairy though fuck that shit
Lad if there is anything that could help you not be an absolute soyboy on a no meat diet it's dairy.

Good post, plant-based with a little bit of meat seems to be the healthiest diet, so around 80% from plants. Also in terms of meat my impression is that fish (obviously not shit with a high amount of toxins/heavy metals) is the best.

I do think a vegan diet could theoretically perform better if done right but I doubt there will ever be studies on that.

define a lot and please provide evidence.

>on a healthy diet of whole grains, vegetables and legumes
>shit my guts out throughout most of the day, loose stool and borderline diarrhea 24/7
>light headed too
>belly feels full all the time and I can hardly train without feeling sick or wanting to vomit

Why do healthy foods make me feel like shit?
I operate perfectly on "shit" foods like a gallon of milk but even just 100g of broccoli wrecks my gut.

Because your gut flora needs time to recover from the years of horrible shit you've been eating.

I went 100% plant based for at least 6 months straight it never got any better, only when I was literally starving myself and eating like 1000 calories a day did I ever cope with the diet without shitting my food out 30 minutes after eating it. It led me to avoiding specific foods like beans and oats but I still get issues even when eating 100g of broccoli or cauliflower or even just a small ammount of carrots.

After switching to half gomad my digestion went from shit to perfect in less than 2 days, it doesn't make sense but it's just what happenned to me.

99% sure you're just bullshitting. Or maybe you have a rare disease like Crohn's. In the first case fuck off, in the second go see a doctor because no being able to properly digest vegetables means there's something very wrong with you.

Imagine being such a fat American that you feel a strong (love) to food, especially something as boring as meat...

More likely he's just american and what he ate has barely anything to do with that.

>Why would anyone lie if someone gave them money

What they're saying =/= what they're doing

Name them

Balanced diet is best. Balance in all things shows best results, going to one extreme or another will be detrimental in the long run.

Damian Lillard got off it because he was losing too much weight like two months ago.

100% not bullshitting, just reporting what I experienced.
For some reason oats, legumes, vegetables of any kind and most fruits give me issues.

I can drink 2l of milk in 30 minutes and have no digestion issues but give me a plate with some vegetables and some legumes and I will shit my food straight after eating.

I'm southern european, I've always eaten a seafood based diet alongside potatos and olive oil.
I've always eaten salad and never had any issues.
But when the bulk of my diet is mostly plant foods specifically legumes and vegetables I get major issues, ranging from acne to constant loose stool and pseudo diarrhea.

Jup that's a digestive disease. You're the absolute exception, you should avoid grains/vegetables/fruits.

>Are plant-based diets better for lifting?
>absolutely not. But don't let that stop you from adding broccoli and other greens to your diet to supplement the other food you're taking in. Just taking in pure protein and carbs won't do you any good.

This. omnivores make it look like meat was essential, many vegans make it look like poison. just do your research and eat whatever suits you op

>no to dairy

How do you bone density then??

Meat has been considered necessary to build muscle for all of history. The monks of the Shaolin temple even claim that their guardian diety vajrapani demanded it of them.

>Are plant-based diets better for lifting?

From personal experience, switching to a plant based diet made running gains a lot easier to get. If you optimize it properly, I'm guessing it would do the same for lifting.

What is actually distinguishing meat as being better? You can get all of the protein you need from a plant-based diet. Non-meme responses only please.

If you're a long distance runner your experience is far and removed from lifters.

I always get explosive shits from veggies, too. That is most probably the reason why indians need designated shitting street.

How do you know that girl?

>What is actually distinguishing meat as being better?
Please read more carefully. Forget about what I said about personal experience.

ironically, dairy increases estrogen. it also has antibiotics, growth hormones and SHIT in it. dairy makes you fat and gives you man-tits.

Calcium from nuts,seeds and vegetables(kale) are superior then milk. milk also makes your bones ironically WEAK like shit.

>>Im saying equating "plant based" with "completely and utterly vegan" is done by idiots and people who listen to cherry picked data put forward by dickheads like peta.
sesttle down buddy. When people say plant based diet they usually mean vegetarian/vegan. If you were to include meat with plants, how is this different than every other diet? Oh you eat chicken with rice and broccoli?

>Calcium from nuts,seeds and vegetables(kale) are superior then milk.
Enjoy your .1% bioavailability, trendfaggot

Higher mps.

(((Vivian Goldschmidt)))

Diets free of processed food is what matters. You are not going to die because you eat a steak every once

Nice strawman. You dont know what his dietary choices where, fuckface
Same thing happened to me. Only it was one year vegan instead. Now i eat lots of meats, eggs, grass fed butter and i feel amazing and full of energy all the time. Fuck vegans and plant based soyboys

This guy is woke. Its a shame 90% of Veeky Forums will read this and go full retard like

I would rather have slightly more estrogen than having to shit every fucking our of the day and having to cope with constant gas and bloat and feeling dizzy during physical exercise and having to avoid being around people while realeasing foul gas from my gas chamber.

I don't wanna hate but
Finnish people consume the most milk per capita in the world by far, they drink on average 900-1100ml a day, they also have the highest consumption of calcium in the world, and also have some of the lowest rates of osteoporosis in europe.
Cyprus and countries in the middle east have way higher rates of hip fractures despite consuming wa less dairy products
Japan also has the same hip fracture rate as finland, hong kong has a higher rate.

It just seems to me that it's based on genetics, phyiscal activity, sun exposure and vitamin D,K intake.

>It just seems to me that it's based on genetics,

100% correct . The optimal diet for an individual is largely based on heredity, the insistence on a one size fits all solution will continue to fail.

Plant based diets are good for sluts because you look weak and skinny and your brain works bad

Harline Jews use the holocaust to obfuscate the holodomor and dresden and hiroshima and nagasaki

Ive recently reduced my meat intake(plan on phasing it out completely other than fish) and I dont feel any weaker. I still eat lots of dairy and eggs tho

I squat 200kg if thats worth anything

This is the hard truth right here. I stick to a plant based diet at home. No dairy cause I'm lactose intolerant. Just a lot of tofu, quinoa, eggs, etc. When I go out I'll get chicken and rice or something cause I'm not autistic.

Meanwhile this is exactly what happens when most people drink a lot of dairy.

Prove it

It is to bypass newer ped tests. They dont give a fuck about trying to find "designer peds" (not real btw, more like designer masking agents) anymore, they just check if your hormone levels and ratios are somewhat near normal human levels. Avoiding meat and especially dairy makes it much easier to game the system. If an athlete changes to a plant based diet it means they got caught while using the more simple methods (where diet doesnt matter). The league will keep it quiet it unless you are repeatable failing or clearly abusing or misusing steroids.

>Cyprus and countries in the middle east have way higher rates of hip fractures despite consuming wa less dairy products

you don't. you just kys

>Americans actually eat less meat by their own free will
Haha, you'll soon be gone, niggers.

Shitting is the fun part user

>When people say plant based diet they usually mean vegetarian/vegan
Which means they are wrong, as all the nutritional studies refer to a plant based diet as one which is based on plants, not around the consumption of meat or dairy.
Scroll down a bit for a list of what the scientific community actually defines as a plant based diet. Note that there are "plant based" diets which only limit meat consumption, not exclude it entirely.
Including the regular all-round winner, the Mediterranean diet.

Good choice, user. I hear that's the type of eating habit Scooby goes with.

I'm trying to do the opposite more regularly. I'm picky about the quality and origin of my meats, so eat meat at home when I can be sure of what I have, and I'm trying to take the vegetarian option more often when eating out.