Legit cutting tips?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Eat enough, don’t go too low
>Zma for better sleep, don’t mix with protein
>Do HIIT every time you work out.
>Eat at maintenance once a week with twice the carbs.
>Get enough protein, about 180 - 200 g
>Start your day off with protein, few carbs
>Lift heavy
>Be prepared to cut for a long long time.
>don’t go too low
This so fucking much, I fucked up and ended up looking austwitch mode and failing a 25lb on each side bench. Fucking depressing
Do it vertically if you actually want it to work and horizontally if you just want to get help.
Cheap speed makes it fun
Jesus how low did you go?
>Zma for better sleep, don’t mix with protein
Why not mix zma with protein? I do it every night.
Having nightmares every time I take ZMA, is it because the protein + zma ?
Your lifts will stall but you'll be bulking again twice as fast.
i can never tell my night mares apart from real life, even after I wake up
Use scissors or a safety razor, straight razors are a meme.
PSMF is a farce.
> Week 1 PSMF: 3 lbs
> Week 2 PSMF: 3 lbs
> Week 3 PSMF: 3 lbs
> Week 4 PSMF: 3 lbs
> Week 5 post-PSMF maintenance: 0 lbs
> Week 6 post-PSMF maintenance: 0 lbs
> Total = 12 lbs, 2 lbs/week
Regular 1000 deficit cut.
> Week 1 cut: 2 lbs
> Week 2 cut: 2 lbs
> Week 3 cut: 2 lbs
> Week 4 cut: 2 lbs
> Week 5 cut: 2 lbs
> Week 6 cut: 2 lbs
> Total = 12 lbs, 2 lbs/week
Of course with a normal 1000 deficit cut you don't have to become a fucking hermit because you can still eat normally with normie friends and you don't have to only eat 2 lbs of chicken breast and broccoli everyday.
t. uncoordinated fuck up who cut himself once and can't handle pain
Also, note that I'm not including the 5-10 lbs of water weight you're going to lose from PSMF at the first week because none of us are retarded here.
Except if you /fast/ with a meal a week, you lose 60+lbs for 5+ lbs a week. The only issue is that you do have to be a fucking hermit.
Haha who in his right mind is able to withstand this shit WTF
>yes hello I shave with a straight razor like a TRUE gentleman because I am so skilled and equally as straight and edgy as this authentic 15th century piece of craftsmanship that was made from meteorite steel that was folded 1000000 times
If you're losing 5 lbs a week, that's a 17,500 calorie deficit weekly or a 2500 calories deficit. With the 1000 calories of [almost] pure protein you're going to eat, you'd need to have a maintenance of 3500 calories to lose 5 lbs of fat/week.
3500 calories maintenance is a fuckton considering that you're NOT going to be doing cardio with how depleted your glycogen stores are on PSMF and also considering that you're only lifting 2 times per week according to Lyle McDonald's protocol. Well a fuckton assuming you're not starting out morbidly obese, but in that case you could do literally anything and lose weight.
Actually scratch that, you are morbidly obese if you do PSMF for 12 weeks straight (3 fucking months). That, or you're doing PSMF wrong because only Category 3 dieters (read: morbidly obese) are supposed to PSMF for that long. If you're not Category 3, enjoy fucking your shit up.
Just use clen bro
And what was your bench when you started cutting?
Solid advice, more on avoiding strength loss:
1. Don’t exceed a 25% daily deficit
2. Use the same intensity (weight on the bar) as before
3. Do just the amount of cardio you need to reach your goals (anywhere from no cardio at all to 3-4 hours per week)
4. Eat the optimal amount of protein
5. Expect yourself to be strong in the gym
6. Cut back on volume if you’re not recovering properly
All copypasted from this article. Worked for me so far in my cut 5 weeks in. I've even managed to get some numbers up as early intermediate.
on test and i cant fucking get off the last 10lbs ;c
Your life is a meme
Straight razors are a godsend, literally just sharpen now and then and you have the perfect shave every day forever and never buy shaving products again
Safety razors are better than the usual stuff, but they're still for cowards who can't take an hour to learn a new skill
you have to learn two new skills how to sharpen a razor and purchase the necessary stones, strop and sharpening compound. And how to shave your neck using only angles that allow you to place the blade flat against your skin. The rest is so basic you can practically do it instinctively. Straight razors suck if you're skinny or have a prominent adam's apple (which you should if you're true high test). Safety razors are not only more convenient they offer the same quality of shave if not higher (based on how often you sharpen/strop your razor) with more viable angles so you can match the grain of your beard and cause less irritation. From a practical standpoint there's no real advantage to using a straight razor over a DE safety razor.
This right here But I was just making a shitty pun based on "cutting" hair.
bruh, disposable blade straight razors. Best of both worlds.
>eating protien
>while fasting
Are you sure? absolutley sure?
I've seen them, even bought one a decade ago and I don't like them they have the same mobility/angle issues straight razors have and they don't have a rounded tip like most straight razors so that's just a liability.
my daily calorie intake is 600-800 and i'm not hungry at all.
no workouts though, maybe a 2-3 mile run, 20, 30 minutes
at that rate why not go full fast?
i work and i get very nervous when i do get hungry.
fair enough people walk on eggshells around me when I'm cutting not the worse thing when you're a manager but it makes for a lot of unnecessary shit
how much protein is enough?
im a 5'7 manlet cutting at around 1200-1400 calories, today i ate about 150 grams
You honestly think that fast = psmf? Just don't fucking eat
Eat cherry tomatoes/cucumber or drink water when you have the urge to eat snacks.
Eat at maintenance up to a 10% surplus on days where you lift, preferably high volume HIIT training to maximize calorie burn. Don't do these workouts more than 3 days/week. Eat more carbs on these days.
On the remaining 3-4 days, either rest or do cardio, and eat at a 20% deficit. Eat lower carb/higher fat on these days.
The idea is to eat at a deficit on a weekly basis, but not to starve your body of nutrients on the high intensity days.
Depends on lean body mass. 1.6g/kg is probably plenty.
yohimbine 3x a week with lit cardio
I'm just eating around 1000 calories a day. 5ft 11in and now 174 lbs from 220 lbs. I don't care about muscle mass right now, I am aiming to get to around 12-13% bf (wanna lose the stomach pooch) and then lean bulk for life. I don't ever want to cut again.
>5. Expect yourself to be strong in the gym
this is really important desu, midset plays a huge factor for me.