Full body workout suggestions

I am looking for a decent full-body routine for a beginner/average experience Veeky Forumsizen. I can only make it to a physical gym two or possibly three times a week. I will run on off days. Suggestions?

fit pls

Just make your own. Look up the optimal weekly volume to stimulate hypertrophy per muscle group and include variations of the main big lifts into your routine.

Starting Strength

Starting Strength or your chosen SL5x5 mod.

Just do Starting Strength. And do it by the book.


Pick a balanced selection of compound exercises.
An upper body push, upper body pull, a squat and a hinge.
You can stick to just a few exercises for simplicity or choose several from the same category and rotate between them.

You can do all 4 exercises in one workout 2-3 times per week
You can do 1 push, 1 pull, 1 leg exercise one session and variations the next session
You can do a push/pull setup, alternating upper body push + squat with upper body pull + hinge
You can do an upper/lower setup, alternating upper body exercises and lower body exercises from workout to workout
You can do a push/pull/legs setup doing push exercises one day, pull exercises the second, and lower body the third. This option will give you a lower frequency but let you use more exercises.
Basically you have a lot of freedom as to how you want to set it up.

Work in the 6-12 rep range mainly.

Work up to 1 all-out topset per exercise per day. Focus on improving performance on this set from workout to workout. Add reps or weight or both.
Do 2-4 back-off sets after the topset. Use less weight on these so they won't be as tough. Just go by feel here. They should be challenging but not kill you. The 1 topset is where you give all of your effort.

You can add a couple of easier exercises per day if you like. Such as arm work, ab work, calves etc. Spend no more than 15 minutes total on this extra stuff. If you have more time or energy, you should've spent that doing the main exercises.

I tried SS, read the book, maybe I didn't diet right but I didn't get as much out of it as everyone said. At this point I am starting tot hink it might be a meme.

>but I didn't get as much out of it as everyone said

>didn't get as much out of it as everyone said
What did everyone say?

Personally I think the biggest reason many people shit on SS is that new lifters judge a routine on things like before/after pics, completely disregarding the fact that no beginner's routine will ever take you to your endgame, nor is it meant to.

People want to see proof that other people got absolutely ripped from a program before they'll do it themselves. This is of course quite ridiculous as such a result will never happen from your first 3-6 months of training.

But this is hard to wrap your mind around when first starting out. Initially people are very goal oriented as this is what prompted them to start in the first place.

The routine you begin with is just the first step. Of course, if you truly think it hasn't worked for you then it makes sense to change something rather than keep doing what isn't working. Just as long as you ask yourself whether it was actually the program that failed (it could be!) or whether it was you who failed (more often the case).

Thanks for the ideas man. I will do my bro-split for now while I go back and re-read portions of that book and get my own workout plan.

Vanilla SS or any holy trinity only program can be boring and monotonous. You could swap to a variation with accessories, like ICF.

Holy Trinity as in Bench Press, Squat, Deadlift?

Do Stronglifts 5x5

if you can lift 1/2/3/4 for 5 reps at least.


doesn't this neglect the back

I think deadlift covers the back

and HOLY FUCK... i just did squats today for the first time with baby weight. My lord it hurts

Found this in a thread a few days ago

GSLP is the only way

>Warm-up: chin-ups and pull-ups


2x5, 1x5+ Pendlay Row
2x5, 1x5+ Bench
2x5, 1x5+ Squat
2x12 DB Supinating Curls / DB Hammer Curls (alternate)
3x10 Leg Raises

2x5, 1x5+ OHP
2x6-8 Weighted Dips
1x5+ Diddly
2x12 DB Supinating Curls / DB Hammer Curls (alternate)
3x10 Leg Raises

2x5, 1x5+ Pendlay Row
2x5, 1x5+ Incline Bench
2x5, 1x5+ Front Squat
2x12 DB Supinating Curls / DB Hammer Curls (alternate)
3x10 Leg Raises

For two days routine use A and B.
>and read the book

Has anyone else used this?

is there any way i can do gslp when i only have a bench/barbell/dumbbell and weights. I also can't do any chinups/pullups and don't want to focus on legs too much.

Yea, just use DB variations where you can't use your barbell
>have fun being leglet

This is ok but what about your traps and triceps dood

I'm a 5'8 manlet so legs won't matter much to me as they will to taller guys


Bruh for good butt you need leg work
>tfw flappy ass cheeks
>butt bandit was here


There are reasons why Veeky Forums love squats m8