How bad is it to drink 2-3 times a week iifym?

How bad is it to drink 2-3 times a week iifym?
t.cutting and losing weight while drinking

had 3 beers last night. Three. I weigh 100kg. And I slept like shit and feel kinda shitty now and put off lifting til tomorrow.

Fuck alcohol, really, fuck it to hell.

doesn't matter
i drink a 6 pack a day and keep dropping weight and lifts keep going up so im not stopping

I only drink on vacation or on special occasions and even then never in excess. How much do you drink during your 2-3 times a week? As long as you have the mental fortitude to not become an alcoholic and can monitor the amount you're drinking it should be fine. It shouldn't affect your cut as long as your calories and macros are correct. As for long term health it is hard to say I know people who have been drinking since 12 who are well into their 80's and 90's but these experiences may be purely anecdotal.

Alcohol is pretty damn bad for you, mainly because it fucks your metabolism up. Considering how it affects your kidney and liver, excess amounts can interfere with protein digestion and can stunt gains.

I'd say on a cheat day once a fortnight is fine.

Pretty bad. One shot of whiskey is 110 cals I believe, not sure how you would fit that into your daily calories.

Only good thing about alcohol though is that after you drink heavy you won't eat anything the next day.

Not possible. Quit drinking now for your body, fuck your social life.

I lift twice a week to maintain. Alcohol doesn't affect that for me.
I drink 2 8% ciders, I'm dropping weight and keeping up lifting.
See above
My grandfather was an alcoholic but he died in his 80's with all his hair most of which hadn't even greyed, anectodol though like you say
I do fit it into my calendar cutting at like 1720 eat a lot of fruit and chicken etc.
Yeah I have no social life lol


That guy from the dick show drinks a shit load and he has good gainz

Yes but are you truly counting calories reliably while drunk?

I use calorie counter and I drink after I'm done eating but put my calories for alcohol in before I start drinking. So yes 100% reliable, I also have a food scale to weigh out amounts some user recommended I get one.

alcohol is poison. if bleach fit your macros would you drink it? you'll never amount to anything if you can't not drink retardo juice.

if you're honestly asking this question, you're probably an alcoholic. America is way too casual about this shit.

don't be such a stick in the mud

There are plenty of people who lift and are bigger than you user.
>56% land
>Can't compute other places exist

If it works for some why make them conform to your dumb standards

There are 2 things wrong with alcohol.
1. Its empty carb calories, just like sugary soda, which makes you hungry.
2. Its actually poison, so your body prioritizes digesting it at the expense of digesting food, which isn't too bad if ya drink a beer on friday night with the bois, but will totally fuck you up if ya get shitfaced level drunk.

So just know moderation.

Enjoy fucking up your body to "unwind" or become slightly less pathetically anti-social. Why not throw in a couple cigarettes too? Then you can end with injecting soy up your ass.

I'm out. This is a joke.

My goal is to maintain muscle and lose fat, as long as I keep up my 1700kcala day it doesn't matter if I drink, the poison thing is irrelevant I drink coffee too that isn't good for me. Some anons here smoke weed but they still are Veeky Forums

>Believes soy is bad for you
>Claims to know about bing healthy
Objectively if you want to take this retarded line of argument to its conclusion we should all be than because animals are injected with all kinds of drugs like antibiotics.

Are you really her?I mean the poketuber

Sure I post on Veeky Forums about lifting to maintain, while cutting at 1700 calories in between playing Pokémon and doing girl stuff

Probably not a good idea. Alcohol messes with your cellular respiration. Read up on the Krebs cycle. To metabolize alcohol your body must stop breaking down other things. This means those calories you would otherwise be burning don't get used up. Keep it to a minimum if you're on a cut, 3x a week is probably too much.

3 times a week is my max it's usually less.
>Cellular respiration
Im losing fat and maintain into muscle I honestly don't care about the bro science behind this but thanks anyway

I'm gonna go study then lift will check thread later

That was quite unexpected...
I like your videos.


Hey aren't you Buzz Lightyear?

No Tamashi

If it really does fit your macros, then your macros suck. Drinking 2-3 times a week is a lot in a general health sense. Maybe 2 drinks on a Friday night or something isn't too terrible, but there really isn't any reputable studies showing there is benefit to regular alcohol consumption. Everything out there has been bastardized by "science journalists" so much to make it look like drinking is good for you.

think it depends on how much your drinking at a time in addition to the frequency at which you drink. This might be broscience (although there is plenty of anectdotal evidence to support this), but having one drink 5 times a week (glass of wine, oz of scotch after dinner etc.) will probably impact your body less than have getting hammered once a week.