Have just started keto

>have just started keto
>have never felt fucking better

Jesus christ brehs, why did it take so long for me to consider doing this? It's changing my life. Getting up at 6am for the gym is no longer a huge effort.

I can wake up in the morning and eat sausages, bacon, spinach cooked in butter and still make games. Holy shit.

Other urls found in this thread:


You're gonna crack bruh, literally 100% of keto fags fail. Not sustainable.

I've been on this for about a month. Have dropped from 114 to 103kg. Bacon and eggies for breakfast and eating steak all day. ez mode

Pro tip - use the almonds, Luke.

bump for quitting the saccharine jew

FACT: 100% of carb eaters die

invalid, im now 7 weeks in, not even sweating it

terrible advice, almonds have a 14gr NET carbs per 100gr

not if they're activated

fuck, you got me there

nuts are best ignored completely however the only acceptable ones are macadamia nuts. they have very little carbs and one of the only nuts with a god-tier fat profile

stuck with keto for 2 months and my energy levels just crashed despite drinking litres of stock and similar memetic measures

>doing it wrong
did you even do your research lol

you weren't taking in enough fat and accordingly your body could never adjust to its new fuel. wouldn't matter how many broth drinks you drank

keto should be 70% cals from fat, the rest from protein, as low carb as you can go (20g maximum.

20g max is REALLY low
most people are able to stay in keto sub-50 (net carbs) i myself have 30 net carbs, and more protein than recommended, and still keto

you need to ignore the keto sub. it started out great, now its mostly a CICO cult.

The ratios are the most important thing. Take my advice for a week and watch the weight fly off. You may even be in ketosis now but it's minimally effective to what it could be. 30 net carbs + higher than recommended protein = more insulin response = less ketosis. You're hurting yourself.

I can only give you a personal example but I was 5'9 and started out 260

In 4 months I was down to 170 with no loose skin, starting working out only once I felt like it halfway in. You'll be hard pressed to find results like that on the keto sub, and the ones you do, they kept similar ratios.

just try it and see for yourself, fat is your friend, don't be afraid of it.

also there's no amount of carbs that you need so any more than you can actually conceivable restrict and you're just putting a barrier in your way.

You think your weight loss would be the same if you're eating 5g carbs a day vs 50? Not a chance.

who the fuck is gonna eat 100 gr of almonds?
100 gr of almonds is like 600 cal, what are you on about

this'll be my last post but I recommend keto coffee.

Why? Huge insane fat macros. That + one or two good meals in a day is all I would eat.

ex. breakfast 2tbsp butter, 2tbsp mct oil, 2-5tbsp heavy cream in coffee stirred with aerolatte.

lunch/dinner: breakfast food, steak, taco salad just beef/lettuce/tomato/cheese, any meat, etc.

Done. You're looking at 80% fat and almost NO CARBS. You're basically fat fasting and conserving muscle and losing fat as fast as humanly possible.

ok im done posting follow advice if you wish to succeed

Keto started to piss me off massively after 3 months.

>can't eat at restaurants etc
>need to plan and cook every meal
>cholesterol goes to shit if you eat too much butter etc
And yes I consider everything above 175mg/dl shit, inb4 stupid HDL LDL memes
>hard to get all the calories you need without eating too much junk food

Not sustainable imo.


>recalculated my macros because I've started lifting and actively exercising
It's the last value that actually has me worried. Isn't keto supposed to have MODERATE protein? Wouldn't this cause gluconeogenesis and throw me out of keto?

Bully me softly please. I've only ever dieted. Exercise has always been limited to light cardio.

Gluconeogenesis happens regardless. If you leave ketosis after a high protein meal it will only be for a short time. It doesn't matter at all.

Enjoy your colon cancer.

I love it when people post "x" diet it red-pilled and changed my life because it reminds me that someone else out there is saying the same thing about a completely different diet.

How do you deal with the high calories from all the fat? That's my one hang up for going full keto

It's not actually that hard to keep to your limit. I'm typically around 500 calories from my goal after all three meals. That's not even including the deficit for weight loss.

keto is actually different though fag

I've heard Keto is good for short periods.

It is. There are some benefits from doing it long term, but there are just as many drawbacks. It's best to do it to trim fat down to wherever you want it, and then do something else.

>one of the only nuts with a god-tier fat profile
They're kind of shitty actually. Walnuts are a lot better.

non carb eaters also die at that rate. what do?

pumpkin seeds nigga. thank me later.

>been doing almonds like a dipshit
I might have to take these into consideration.

Buy keto piss sticks. If you fuck up and get out of keto, you'll know it.

Will do. How long does it take to get back into keto if I fall out of it? I've been considering doing that carb reset thing to reap the benefits.

>not eating zooplankton fecal pellets for maximum polyunsaturated fatty acid gains

Not gonna make it.

I read every package in the store, and pumpkin seeds looked best as far as the nutrition profile for keto. All nuts seem to have shit tons of carbs though. Some are saying that the fiber content doesn't count, despite it being listed in the nutrition facts, but I don't want to trust that and fuck up.

I'm not sure, I'm pretty autistic about staying in it. Just make sure you're chugging shitloads of water, which will dilute the ketones in your urine. If you're still in the purple but have very clear (diluted) urine, you're doing great.

There's soluble and insoluble fiber, and that's where some people fuck up. I am 20% sure that it doesn't matter though.

can you bulk/grow on keto though?
even the carnivore doctor doesn't recommend keto

I think it's possible, but probably difficult due to the lack of protein. Calorie surplus is easy enough due to all the fat though.

Might be best to alternate cycles of fasting/ keto with dirty bulking.


There is no lack of protein. Every keto macro calculator recommends more protein when you are trying to bulk. You can end up with more protein than fat, but that's normal and doesn't affect the diet at all.

>ate my 500cal breakfast
>45g of oats, 120g of greek yoghurt, 500ml milk with instant coffee
>an hour later
>hungry again

This cut is not gonna be easy, is it?

Thanks for the correction.

why are some people so addicted to giving money to big pharma? just don't eat carbs, you don't need to pee on a stick

N-none of this is keto. If you try keto, you'll find that hunger dead. You'll sometimes have to force yourself to eat. It's one of the perks.

I can't afford keto.

I've spent less on groceries on keto than I ever did off it. I used to average $180 for one and a half weeks. Now it's down to $100 for two weeks.

>that sodio bomb
w e w

>cauliflower + butter
>whey protein in water
>couple eggs

keto can be cheap as fuck

>sodium is bad! :(
Just drink water.

>$180 for 1.5 weeks
Jesus Christ man
a dozen organic eggs is 1.50 at trader Joe's
what are you buying

Can I get a quick rundown on a keto diet?

Do you still eat at a calorie deficit, or is it some metabolic magic that makes you lose weight?

You don't eat carbs and get all your energy from fat.

I said I spend $100 for two weeks now. I know how cheap keto eating is. I tend to buy in bulk now. 3 cartons of eggs, family sized packages of meat, several bags of frozen vegetables, whey protein, and electrolyte drops for my water.

Before I started keto, it was a combination of fresh fruits, vegetables, frozen meals, pastas, and fad drinks like GT kombucha.


>claims to be eating healthy
>posts pic of cold cuts

Little bit of both. Keto makes you not want to eat as much (which can lead to a calorie deficit if you want), while transitioning your body into burning primarily fats instead of carbohydrates. A nice side effect is that you don't want to eat as often, and you supposedly have more mental clarity and alertness.

So if I do my current 1500cal a day cut with protein and fat only, do I end up losing weight faster than if I ate carbs too?

How the fuck do I get fiber?

You get a surprising amount of fiber from this diet. Don't worry about it.

Cool beans. Might end up doing this then.

>How the fuck do I get fiber?
when I was on keto I'd eat a lot of salads with a pile of meat on top

Always remember net carbs are what matter. Carbs - Dietary Fiber = Net Carbs. So try including different vegetables. I find avocado to be amazing for it.

How much fiber do you get per day?

Husband and I have been keto for the better part of 13 years.

But yeah, you're right, its not at all sustainable, everyone cracks, no one makes it.

Usually just 13g, but that's with my weird calculator. Some of the fiber from net carbs disappears. So I'd say closer to 30g.

post pic pls? im curious af to results

That's not surprising, that's as low as I would expect

Post ass.

I mean, you can always supplement it. It's one of the easier things to do.

ITT: current and future diabetes patients

Yeah, and that doesn't give the same health benefits as getting it from food. Fiber content is one of the best signs of diet quality. 13g is SAD-tier and even 30g just barely scrapes the minimum RDI.

lets do the math.... 5 pounds a week?
That's 3000 calorie deficit a day. So, assuming 2000 cal a day from just sitting around, and another 1000 would have to come from exercise. ASSUMING you ate 0 food. So starvation (which is ketosis). No way you could have a meaningful diet and lose that much.

>30/38g is scraping it
You're a dipshit.

>obese psuedoscience peddler
Yep, that's the keto fanbase

You said 13, then 30, now 38. But yeah, the minimum intake is 32g a day for a man.

Which I get. 30/32 is better than 30/38.

>Which I get
Apparently you don't, you're just under the minimum acceptable amount. At least that's what your guess is since you said your calculator shows it as 13g. That is an awful diet.

My calculator is for fat, protein, and net carbs. Not fiber, sodium, or anything else on it. The script I run for net carbs doesn't care about those, so the values are either incorrect or come up as NaN in the case of sodium. Dipshit. I calculated the actual fiber content by looking without the script.

How does the calculator give 13g fiber then if it doesn't count it? Regardless, 30g, which you probably don't even get every day unless half of your regular diet is avocados, is not good.

people pushing nutrients (like fiber) need to refute the carnivore diet

most people who do strictly only keto look like shit

There's nothing to refute. It's one of a million ridiculous diets you read about on the internet with little or no scientific support but plenty of anecdotes.

there is no scientific evidence to anything regarding diet except that you should eat fresh, real food instead of processed garbage with an extended shelf life
give me studies with large numbers of people where multiple diets are completely controlled

There are thousands of studies on both diets and individual foods and nutrients.
>you should eat fresh, real food instead of processed garbage
To be more clear, it's mainly fresh, whole plant-based foods. "Real food" means nothing.
>give me studies with large numbers of people where multiple diets are completely controlled
You either get small-scale studies where diets are controlled or you get large-scale studies where diets aren't controlled. Doing both isn't really possible. Either type of study is useful.

how many onions a day can i eat on keto?

What kind of snacks can i have in keto? I'm like 4 days in and I'm not gonna lie, I'm struggling. I've debated many times to give up. The thing I miss the most is fruits like apples and Clementines which I used to eat in between meals. I can't find a good low carb snack to hold over my hunger like I used to do with apples. I also don't know what to consume for fats, could I just drink straight melted butter or some shit?

>literally 100% of keto fags fail. Not sustainable.

why not cycle it then?

How do you work out without the carbs?

maybe try NOT be a complete pussy with an IV of glucose intravenously flowing into your arm?

all of your studies are performed with a conflict of interest and produce a biased result

"La la la, I'm not listening, it's all a lie, bloo bloo bloo"

Reminder keto is a reddit meme based on pseudoscience and will have no significant benefits for the majority of the population

That is because you’re a extremely fat disgusting fuck so putting your body in a stressful survival state is actually good for you.

So youve never taken a university level stats class I see. The relevant factor is how representative and what the methodology of your study is.

Ok first off stop using youre retarded reddit spacing and obey the conventions of the english language to a reasonable degree. Second, brace yourself for this because its going to revolutionize your world - you can lost weight as effectively by putting down the fork and getting off your ass. Keto diets dont provide any significant benefit while being more difficult to maintain.

You must be a professor.
Sample size and methodology are important things but not in the way you think. The methodology changes with the sample size. There is no such thing as a controlled trial with 300,000 participants, and an epidemiological study with 17 people would be just as ridiculous. A small study typically uses experimental design, a large study uses observational design. Both are useful for generating data.

Fasting is easier than keto imo

Keto is a dumb fucking diet for fat asses

Nice placebo, idiot.