>ill never have sex
Ill never have sex
>with a girl
When one door closes, another door opens
Honestly, ive never felt compelled to have sex. Its just seems like a lot of work for very little payoff. I just wanna get shredded and strong, man. i don't want to fuck around with girls. I masturbate pretty often and have a high sex drive, but i dont want to fuck any girls i see, most of them are skinnyfat and look like shit. Am i disabled, or have i ascended from the mortal coil?
>got fit
>never leave my house
>mfw realise that i've put all this effort into something only i will ever appreciate
buy onahole
you're just a pathetic soyboy betamale cuck
grow a pair bitch.
You just have high standards user, wait for a girl with nice muscle definition and 10/10 face
>Be Bisexual
>Never kissed a women, but have been with a man for almost 3 years
>Meet a qt.Slav girl who is thicc, but dedicated in going to the gym to lose weight
>We flirt constantly and she playfully calls me darling or sweety
>Want to make the final seal the deal move, but love being with men more than thots
I mean if you’re describing the worst sex I’ve ever had then yes it’s better to jack off.
Good sex though is pretty fucking good. Like high as fuck good.
fucking kill yourself
I'm not a pussy lmao. I can talk to anybody and make conversation really easily. I talk to girls all the time, i just have no desire to peruse any sexual activities.
I guess that's what it is. Most girls i meet are really immature and lazy. I got all the time in the world to wait.
I find that whenever i meet a girl I get turned off by how dumb they are, or certain aspects of their personality that i dont like, and it makes me want to not talk to them, or have sex with them. Is sex worth ignoring these feelings of displeasure?
Fuck sex, the real kicker is realizing that nobody will ever truly love you and the few friends you have will eventually attain relationships and their time spent with you will dwindle rapidly as they spend their time and emotional energy on their SO.
>giving even a gram of your protein to some thot.
>i'm not a pussy lmao
>i just have no desire to persue any sexual activities
pick one
Sex isn’t that good.
>shooting your load on the girl instead of your own mouth during sex
>not making up for the burnt calories by sucking a hot log out her ass
>be a miserable fuck
>think getting laid will change that
Wrong. You can get laid on the daily, and you will legit wish for something else. You will never be happy or satisfied.
I had sex this past weekend only took 34 years, never give up
>not impregnating as many women as possible so that you can have a steady supply of nutrient dense placenta in your fridge.
Why not?
Thai boy here
just go to Pattaya and pay for that shit
the girls down there love fit guys
delet nao
Where do you meet women for serious relationships? If I meet a girl on tinder or at a bar I already don't like them because I'm not interested in that stuff but I feel like it's the only way.
me2 feels bad man
there's no simple answers to that other than try to go on as many dates as possible until a miracle happens
Church. Mormon chicks are pretty wholesome desu. They also are pretty eagar to please their men. Just pretend to be a good provider and some old guy will practically throw his daughter at you.
tfw when your dick is too small to satisfy a woman
Met my gf of 3 years on Tinder. Friend that got out of a long term relationship last year met his current gf on OkCupid. The answer to that question these days is usually "through an app"
pls no bully
Don’t feel bad op, Sir Isaac Newton was a virgin and he was a total faggot.
Calculus and physics > women