is this achievable natty? I know all bodybuilders juice but this has got to be possible through sheer calorie intake right?
Strongman Mode
this is not a bodybuilder
>is being the worlds strongest man achievable naturally?
good thread
You could get that big, but without cream of the crop genetics you will never be that strong.
Absolutely fucking no chance.
Read cycles somewhere Chris Duffin apparently ran and others Brandon Lilly ran, the sheer volume of gear they were consuming was ungodly.
he weighs 28 stone what do you think
you'd just end up bloatmaxxed without significant GH and juice
also they have to wear oxygen masks in their sleep because being that size gives you CPAP along with a host of other massive health risks: storngmen are that size out of necessity but they don't keep it once they stop competing because its not fun to be
If it is possible natty, I still would not suggest trying to achieve it.
Bearmode is fine, but being a "strongman" like the guy you just posted is not something good for your health and it is too time consuming. His diet is over 10,000 fucking calories. His day-to-day life consists of him focusing on being strong, that's it. His heart must be so stressed from the amount of red meat and cholesterol he is consuming that he will probably die before 45.
>rakachi chikara
what did he mean by this
Unless you have a MASSIVE frame and top 1% genetics, no chance
I said strongman mode, not bodybuilder mode didn't I?
You will also never be able to achieve that no matter how many thousands of dollars of gear yourinject into yourself.
>Can you be the literal strongest man in the world without gear?
Are you stupid
>gives you CPAP
cpap is what they use to alleviate sleep apnea. you meant sleep apnea.
and the reason hardcore athletes use CPAPs is because it absolutely insures the best sleep quality possible via maximum optimal oxygenation to induce proper sleep cycles and oxygenation of muscles for recovery
Not if you want to live past 30.
Nigga you wouldn't die to be the strongest motherfucker on the planet for one day??
uh, no.
Your fear gives me strength.
Yes, only if I had a good body and wasn't fat like Eddie Hall though.
cringe: the post
No seriously I want to absorb your pathetic life force before I ascend to Valhalla
You might be the dumbest motherfucker on this whole website right now
rewop power
>shitty postmodern fashion ona shitty postmodern andorgynous body
take that shit right outta here
genetic freaks do exist, Brian Shaw, Herschel Walker, and Clarence Kennedy come to mind. They're fucking rare.
Not him, but Hafthor managed to do it without being overly fat.
Thor is also 6'9 with a huge frame that could support 300lbs lean if he wanted to. He's an extreme outlier in the world of strongmen
You think Brian blasts a ton of juice? I keep flip flopping on how much I think he actually takes. No doubt in my mind that he takes something though
Sure why not
If you're talking about the aesthetics only then yes, just lift heavy and go on 1500 calories surplus and you'll get the body.
it is indeed not healthy
watched a movie about strongmen, and when they interviewed him, he said he'd stop after winning WSM, because his doctor told him he wouldnt survive another 5 years
You better have better fucking genetics and live a life that lead to amazing lifelong epigenetic changes for you to even get anywhere NEAR that level as a natural.
Duffin blast doses -
Dan Green gear doses -
These two are top tier powerlifters, however I would say confidently that top tier strongman probably take more gear.
>roiding for this
Eddie himself is trying to cut down on the weight now that he's won World's Strongest Man, citing health concerns
This shit is taxing
I mean Boogie2988 completely mogs Eddie Hall and he's natty
and then he does this shit like 4 months ago:
Jesus christ you're retarded