The beard question

Considering the influx of soyboys with beard lately, is a beard still fitting on a guy in this day and age?

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As long as you can grow a thick one, keep it trimmed up and don't make that face, yes.

facial hair is a sign of weakness

Keep it trimmed, shaped, and groomed

And keep your jaw shut unless you're yawning or eating


5 o'clock shadow is the inly acveptable form of facial hair in this day and age

If you lift and don't look or act like a faggot then yeah sure. Beards don't make you manly by default but can be a great accessory if you have everything else on point.

Yes no way this guy mogs you or anything.


This. Basically look at what gays are doing and tone it down a notch or ten. Just trim it occasionally soyboys let theirs grow wild.

What you think you look like with a beard....

A man will look manly with or without a beard. At the moment I prefer the Roman style of clean shave every weekend, the discipline of man > nature. Other days of the week, I just limit the amount of stubble/neckbeard.

>have an ugly chin

Should just kill myself desu.

Light stubble+Moustache

If you have a good chin and jaw then shave, if not and you can grow a good beard do that and keep it groomed. If you have a bad chin and can't grow a beard then off yourself.


I think you already know the answer.

That pic shows that he's a soyboy either way.

I want to stab faggots that do that mouth shit in pictures.

How did this meme pop up so fast? I don't remember it being a thing

someone noticed all the betas do this ooen mouth toothy smile.
in animals it's a sign if submissive-ness

Bears can be manly and being cleanly shaven can be manly

Beard or no beard, you can tell a soft limp-wristed faggot when you see one. People think they are hiding a weak jaw/chin with a beard, but they just look like a guy with a weak jaw/chin but with a beard. That said, because peak beard was reached in like 2012, going clean shaven is bucking the trend, but if you like a beard, go with one, do what works for you.

>shoes with no socks
fucking barbarians

>bears can be manly

>a thing
>a thing
>a thing
and where the fuck did this come from? stfu with >a thing
you goddamn faggot

at least since 2008 you dumb fucking faggot

It's unfair to compare anyone to old time actors who had top tier faces. In reality, just shave, keep it trimmed low or just go with a thick stubble.

A long, untamed beard only looks good if you're in your 60s and a boat captain.

Yeah, bears are the definition of man. Go up to one in a gay bar and tell him he's not a man.

Just shaved my bugman-tier beard off yesterday, feels great man

Beards by themselves don't necessarily signal that you are a bug, but a lot of bugs have them and a lot of them get it to hide face fat/weak chins. If you can pull it off go for it, just don't use it to compensate

If any of those pants fit you, you're not squatting enough.

Also, nice quads.

>what are no-show socks

I have to because I have a shit tier jaw and chin plus I'm losing my hair. It's just to compensate, but I can barely even grow a beard. It refuses to get thick on the cheeks. End me.

Beards are okay if you are 65+ and live in a rural area. Clean shaven is pretty much only way to go until 30, then you can grow a moustache if you are thick and have the genetics for it.

>Considering the influx of soyboys with beard lately
Let me tell you something, the world does not consists of internet memes. No one other than you autistic faggots care about these latest meme trends.

>Soyboys in denial on suicide watch

It shows you need to hide your face. It is.
>muh Vikings
Yeah you shave down your teeth and eat human flesh and you can have a beard too

What’s a bug

Only faggots who have jobs that force them to shave, shave. Men have facial hair, faggot. Hairless faces are for women, faggot.

i have a beard to hide my jaw line

Clean shaven signals a successful professional career
Successful and professional career = powerful man

Okay bugman

It signals “I can’t grow a beard” too, so, pick your poison. Choice is yours.

No it doesn’t. That’s like saying not leaving your mouth open signals you don’t have a tongue.

Studies show that women who are ovulating (fertile) prefer men with beards, while during the rest of their cycle they show no preference. This isn't surprising, because during this short period they show preferences for all masculine features. Straight females show little sexual preference (for man or woman) during the rest of their cycle.

Now I'm saying this as someone who can't grow a decent beard (comes in 95% blonde, but is slowly getting darker, despite that I'm already 23). Honestly if you are fit, you should be masculine enough to not need a beard, and for many their jawline is more masculine than a beard anyway. Many soyboys sport a beard because they stand zero chance of mating without it.

The moral here, is that if you can pull off a beard, you should have one; it might increase your chances with women. If you can't, are masculine enough, or would rather look clean and groomed, you by no means need one.

>(((Studies))) show

>Considering the influx of soyboys with beard lately, is a beard still fitting on a guy in this day and age
It made me shave more often tb h

>straight females
>for man or woman


For every soyboy with a beard there's another one without a beard. They all have 2 arms and legs but I'm not going to cut my arms and legs off to avoid association. It's not the beard that's the problem, it's the person.

The thing with the beard should have told you that she was a fucking imbecile(and stupid horny loser who was easily talked into bisexuality) who extrapolated a massive chunk of stupid bullshit based on something she half read on some website or saw on some program years ago.

>Can't grow a beard
>Presents balanced argument, not strongly favoring or demonizing beard
>user's beardlet insecurity intensifies
>"Soyboy fag, get out!"

A sectoid, an insect, a bugman, soy infused, estrogen incarnate

It depends entirely on how the beard looks to be perfectly honest.

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of systematic alterations in male facial hair on female perceptions. A within-subjects design employed one condition (facial hair) incorporating five levels (clean-shaven, light stubble, heavy stubble, light beard and full beard). All levels were applied to three different facial designs, constructed using FACES software. The resulting 15 male faces were rated by 60 females on various attributes. Male faces displaying a full beard were considered the most masculine, aggressive, socially mature, and older. Males with a light beard were considered the most dominant. Males with light stubble were considered to be the most attractive, light stubble was also preferred for both short- and long-term relationships. These findings are discussed in terms of age preferences and good-genes models.

That says absolutely nothing about a woman's menstrual cycle.
It also says nothing about bisexuality being inherent in the female sex.

I stand by my post.
You are exactly what I said you are.

>tfw can't grow a beard because it's not full

>One of your studies only supports part of your argument so your wrong and also exactly what i say
Are you really this daft?

"Here we show that female preference for secondary sexual traits in male face shapes varies with the probability of conception across the menstrual cycle."

Basically they prefer high-test men when they are fertile. High test men are more likely to naturally have a beard.

Also for a womens lack of gender preference overall

inb4 you nit pick these studies too but can find zero evidence supporting your ideas (which are? that you think I have a beard? Might as well use character attacks when you have no argument)

Bet you have a real big car too you compensating faggot

>Basically they prefer high-test men when they are fertile. High test men are more likely to naturally have a beard.

That's fucking retarded. There are hundreds of men who have full beards but shit test levels.
The BIGGEST indicator of test levels and health are being large active and being bald. Because of DHT conversion.
Large and or well defined muscles and moderately low bodyfat or being physically lage and natural bear mode says more about test levels then a beard.


Let me let you in on something that was revealed to all of humanity decades ago.
Women are turned on by any form of sexuality and strong emotions like fear and anger.
....except for the dykes because they are not really women apparently..

It's the old ALL WOMEN ARE BISEXUAL EXCEPT FOR LESBIANS BECAUSE LESBIANS ARE MAGIC lie that the faggot agenda in academia has been shilling for generations now.

This is how the gay agenda and certain groups have been able to manipulate young girls women into full on bisexuality and even hardcore lesbianism and even transexuality in modern media.
The average newly minted lesbian isn't even gay. She's just stupid easily manipulate horny and a massive fucking loser. The typical easy prey of those lesbian pseudo cults. By the by, They were a thing, the feds and cia had to keep an eye on those broads and still do.

>Basically they prefer high-test men when they are fertile. High test men are more likely to naturally have a beard.
Men tend to take big stinky shits. Women are clearly attracted to feces

since you're actually being influenced by decisdions of others which means you are the soy yourself I'd say no.

The level of delusion among white trash metalfags

But you can't because you are a weak faggot, right?

Post your face

Clean shaven signals some shitty office job

trying to get one like pic related
manly but still looks respectable and not homeless

Stop blaming the exisence of professional-class eunuchs on the humble soybean. Soy is a wonderful and nutritious food and doesn't deserve to be shat on just because guys are pussies these days. It's also an important export crop for the US, a useful source of various kinds of oil including high-oleic which is effectively substituting for the unhealthy trans fat, and an environmentally-friendly and cruelty-free source of protien. It's a shame such a wonderful plant is being denigrated by a bunch of armchair endocrinologists and ignorant manchildren. I just take solace in knowing that soya will be growing strong long after its haters have gone broke and had coronaries from an over-reliance on expensive and environmentally damaging animal protien.

>what beardfags mean when they say women love their beard

Fuck off, soy is one of the main causes of this nu-male phenomenon

Is this what Veeky Forums has become now? Worrying about some soy loving cunt as opposed to trying to improve yourself. You are never going to make it.

>too lazy to actually bother shaving
>soyboys happen
>make sure im clean-shaven everyday

fun fact: a beard won't make you a, nor save you from being a, soy boy.

>will I still be a special snow flake if I do this thing normies do?
If you're really that crushed by other peoples perceptions of you maybe you should stay inside.

yeah it couldn't be the rise in popularity of videogames and more people being inside all day sitting on their asses or the increased consumption of take out/convenience foods and alcohol, or the disappearance of sports from adult recreation. It's gotta be this fairly innocuous substance and not what people are actually doing.

Doesn't actually matter in the slightests. Ugly men look ugly with or without beards and vice versa.

Does anyone know who the stud in the bottom right of the left block? Never seen him before.

Alain Delon, french actor

What age where you when you realized that beards are for children? I was 24


>trying to demonize bacon
nice try Mohamed

It's about glorifying bacon, not just eating it like normal people do

>I let soyboys dictate if I can or can't have a beard
This is how you can tell the difference between betas pretending to be le epic fit alpha guy and actual alphas.

Bugmen fetishise everything. As in, they display weird attachments to random objects as a substitute for actual identity, and they also shove those same things up their ass.

t. soyboy

what the fuck does this "t." mean, its not on UD

is this a shop? Why is his face so low or rather his head so high? What the fuck?

>what is greentext?
Hello, soyboy

it's called stubble

>the second most phytoestrogenic food known to man
>innocuous substance

You must be one of those leftist cucks that think biology dont real and dont matter. Such faith is needed to preserve the idea that we r all equul.

Yeah, low test and high estrogenic activity is the cause of soyboys, their lack of self respect, their cowardice, and their general cuckery.

If you think this doesn't matter, give the manliest man in the world a few months on tranny pills. See what happens.

Yeah, because letting other people, let alone people you deem inferior dictate if you are allowed to wear x and/or do y is not femenine oversocialized behavior. Right.

It's the Finnish shortened form of "source"

It's posted in the facial aesthetics thread my dear boy of soy :)

>reddit spacing
>calling other people cucks
key prefix phyto,
phytoestrogens are not durable and don't survive digestion intact enough to really matter. Sure you can artificially plasticize them stick them in your veins and call it HRT but that's not representative of eating it and a poor substitute for the actual thing. There's probably a dozen things in your diet more estrogenic than soy but it really dosen't matter lifestyle factors have been shown to influence test more than anything you can eat. Xenoestrogens are more dangerous but like soy it's blown out of proportion. Bunch of dudes like you wake up nearly 30 years old living at home with bitch tits and minor ED and start blaming soy and the world at large for doing this to them when it's something they could you prevented in the first place. Get a good nights sleep, don't drink too much or too often, don't smoke, get outside, lift your weights, stop being a bitch and let your conniptions go. There's no substitute for living life.


I grow a beard and shape it to hide my small chin haha get fucked.
But these faggots that do that open mouth thing really disgust me.


How bout you drink a stout or a dark beer like a normal man?

Retard, you should send me to plebbit first and only then call me soyboy.
>tfw every discussion in Veeky Forums now has only two arguments - "you are soyboy" and "back to plebbit" - because of this retards

>I a-a-am not a soyboy because I p-posted my face somewhere else
Nice try, facelet, now post it here.

Why do they all take pictures with their mouth open? I have noticed this trend for a while. When did this become a thing?

>When did this become a thing
>become a thing
>a thing
How I spotted a soyboy

is that sam hyde trying to travel incognito