Turned 66 Bitcoins in 9 Bitcoins day trading

Turned 66 Bitcoins in 9 Bitcoins day trading.


thats the kms special right there

my condolences dude

if it makes you feel better i've lost even more

I'm sorry my dude..

Can I have 1 bitcoin sir?

How nigga? Did teeka fuck you?

I would have necked myself already if I didn't follow a buddies advice and bought a rental property with some of the Bitcoins before I threw the rest away.

Fuck I don't even know what to do anymore.

good job keep buying high and selling low my friend

jesus christ do you just shit money

how long did that take?

Nah it was Bitmex, BCH, chasing pumps, swing trading, etc all the rookie shit.

Did you mostly long or short?
I lost 80% of my assets before I started shorting.

You must be doing it wrong bro. Put everything in XMR/ IOTA/ LTC/ ETH/ and a couple other solid coins. Then sell after you double your money back. Then wait for the bubble to pop and buy back in when this mania calms down and it settles around 3-5k for a few years. There will be another bubble in a few years or maybe a decade that you can ride but this one is already pretty big and you will lose what you have left unless you invest ingeniously into certain alt coins which is a skill you just dont have down yet.

A few weeks

Lost most of it shorting

Don't you use stop losses?

>he didn't keep a certain amount in BTC and then fucked about with the rest

don't short a bull market

XMR is solid

LTC is okish

IOTA and ETH are scam coins with 100% centralization, 0 innovation, 0 security

I got fired from my job friday and today i lost my 2fa authenticator key
Meh, good thing i dont even care whatever the fk happens anymore

That's more than half a million dollars, why invest in something so risky?

hodl 4 lyf
>no gain, no pain

yea the shilling on the flipping was fucked up. They got us to believe it was the real BTC for weeks and then that all most the hashing power was switching over b/c it was more profitable.

I lost a couple litecoin buying in at 2,300 trying to hedge my bets on LTC when it was plunging lmfao.

Aight yea id just go all in on LTC and XMR you will at least double before this thing is over.

I went all in on LTC at 52 two weeks ago but was to much of an oldfag to get into XMR.

I turned 4 into .9 :)


How do you guys accomplish being such retards? Literally just HODL niggas HODL

Daytrading is hard and requires a lot of specific knowledge. Why on earth did you think you knew how to do it?

Because larp or he got daddies money.

how much have you lost user? i lost a similar amount to OP and am genuinely feeling suicidal. i could have helped my parents out financially instead i gambled it all away on shitcoins. i dont know what to do with my life

I literally lost over 200 between losing a hard drive and destroying a computer.
I'd OD but I can't get more nembutal.
SPics never send anything

>Sold everything for DGB


>wasting time """day trading""" aka gambling on worthless PnD shitcoins when you were already in the 21 club


Can't say you didn't deserve it.

This, and I also realised it too late.

Not worth the stress daytrading when you're shit at it. Don't feel bad about having a low IQ, you still managed to be an early adopter, don't push your luck anons.

Sounds like some of you are gambling addicts

do both of you watch a lot of anime?

wtf if you're throwing away BTC just give them to me lmao


Mannn how do people like you get so much and throw it all away.

I would be so fucking careful if I had 5BTC. If I lost one I would have a long hard think about what im doing with my life

Welp. I guess I don't feel so bad about losing $400 today.

Had 1.2 BTC back in may and i sold majority of it to buy a monitor and GPU

I feel like a fucking idiot

Lost .13 BTC in the past week and had a near heart attack, started out at .82. I think I'm done trading. =(

And I felt bad having 8 BTC of LINK which is now 1.5 BTC.

>tfw don't even have 1 btc and people are losing more than I have saved

feels bad

All you had to do was go on Normiebase and go 50/50 on BTC/ETH. That's it.

In fact that's what you should do now. Hold 3 BTC and put 3 ETH. If you're feeling up to you could split BTC with XMR.

Because everyone thinks they are a super special wiz-kid and they buy the daytrading memes on this board. I'm Team Hodl myself and it's served me very well.

Crypto. Is. Gambling.

Sorry bros.

Shitcoins are gambling.

If bought the three coins on normiebase then you would be in the black as long as you don't panic sell.

If you reply that this gambling too, then all investing is gambling and we should all remain wagecucks forever even though almost everyone rich do so by 'gambling'.

High risk high rewards, so it's okay to daytrade.
BUT, with like 5% of you stack max.
The other should be in more stable coins.

50%: Top 5
30%: Top 10
10%: Projects with low MC
5%: Pure gamble ICOs
5%: Daytrading, shorting and the likes with high leverage.

Most everything outside the Big 4, whatever the fuck. I'm not gonna qualify everything for you, faggot.

>we should all remain wagecucks forever even though almost everyone rich do so by 'gambling'

Ain't gambling if you're loading the dice.

The only reasonable day trade scenario is selling before the week end blow off, and buy them back during your Saturday morning cartoons.
This provides you the reoccurring possibility to shuffle your portfolio as well.