Anyone else here boring/fit/? I've made it but I still can't hold a thot's attention for more than a second. What lifts can help me make them personality-gains?
Anyone else here boring/fit/? I've made it but I still can't hold a thot's attention for more than a second...
Literally just smile and ask questions. Pretend to be interested.
If she mentions something that reminds you of something interesting, avoid bringing it up so she doesn't get that doe in the headlights look.
Hobbie get x 5
Every time I feign interest I come off as a phony or a creep. Something's missing.
What would you recommend?
you lack dopamine do I get it back?
easiest way is drug
Any recommendations user?
Pretty much this. If the only things you can talk about are lifting and memes, you're going to have some problems.
Do people actually think that the girl in the webm has a human soul? Look at it, there is no conscious thought going on inside there. An animal.
something physical, something intellectual.
To be fair people probably think the same thing about OP and a lot of us that post here since we can't hold a irl conversation to save our lives.
Sums up pretty much the entirety of modern ""women""
Just because she's hot as fuck...
Just because I'd kill everyone on Veeky Forums to sink all nine inches balls deep into her 20/10 body for weeks on end, knock her up, then take care of her and our 5 children for the rest of my life doesn't mean that she has no soul.
It just means that you have no soul and seek someone who has one to share theirs.
Go out and make something of yourself. Then one day you'll be able to see your own soul and realize that you should share yourself with someone else and create something new rather then reflect the life of another person.
best advice here. women can't fucking talk about anything of substance it's always just bullshit
I'm only saying that the person in the webm is incapable of complex thought and genuine emotion
She does not have a soul, and if she was ugly I would have said the same thing.
>he says on the board filled with insecure guys constantly asking how to develop a personality
>I'm only saying that the person in the webm is incapable of complex thought and genuine emotion
How do you know that?
l m a o at these cuck white knights
the absolute state of modern society
lmao this thread is literally about how to get a personality and not be a boring block of wood you dummy.
Learn to play an instrument, go hiking, photography, etc
How are any of those going to provide conversation material?
>oh yeah I went hiking the other day
>conversation ends
You need a hobby that you can actually talk about extensively, even with someone who has never participated in the same hobby, and sound interesting the whole time. A good example would be some kind of artistic pursuit.
So bore yourself to death just for the chance to bone a used up thot? I will never understand the mentality of Veeky Forums.
Get a hobby, read some books, develop an actual personality beyond posting on an imageboard
Even if you don't get a girl, you at least will be a tolerable human being
>all nine inches
Meditate every day
Cut internet time down as much as possible
Read at least 1 hour a day, try different genres until you find some you like
Cold showers
Get up and go to bed at the same time every day, get 8-10 hours sleep
Quit/Moderate ALL unproductive habits (alcohol, weed, video games etc)
After a year of this, i guarentee you will have a more interesting personality than you currently do.
Dont listen to him vidya and Veeky Forums is what is keeping me sane
Lying about your dick on the internet is rather cringe believe it or not
Your interpretation of sane is what others consider insane. Spending your life in front of a computer screen in a room isn't how you're supposed to live, it ruins your brain.
she'sclosr to a Veeky Forumsizen than you think bc she obviously worked her ass up/had a lot of surgery to look like that
You gotta do what you gotta do when the odds are stacked against your favor. People fake entire personalities just to get laid.
What if your hobbies are shit that no thot would ever be into?
>hold conversations with three different people today
I'm starting to realize my anxiety and social autism is just in my head and those people don't perceive me as I think they might do (he's a loser, loner, weird etc.).
>tfw people call me that on a nearly daily basis
Don't smile retard. When they talk kinda nod and keep eye contact but don't smile unless she tells a joke or says some funny shit. Smiling when there's nothing to smile about makes you seem creepy.
Stop jacking off
This is damn good advice.
>A good example would be some kind of artistic pursuit
He said learn an instrument you dolt.
Use your imagination user, ie. "I go on hikes to find a good place to take pictures, would you like to see some them later?" Or just tell her you know a couple of good trails for beginners.
Don't blame me you can't carry a conversation.
I'm a conversationlet as well, albeit an improving one, and I agree that getting a hobbie is a good advice, but the truth is that in most successful scenarios you will not mention your hobbies more than a few times. It's good to grab her attention, because you need to come off as an interesting person, but it won't be enough to hold that attention, and listening to women and getting them to talk about themselves is the best strategy anyway.
Usually what I do is, I mention what I like to do in the early, "meeting each other" stages of a conversation, and then it's all about getting her to talk about her life and her views, and asking the right questions.
I think you also have to be sufficiently well-informed about a lot of things to be able to hit the ball back, regardless of where she goes. You don't have to be super knowledgeable about everything, but you gotta be able to walk down that road with her. So idk, be reasonably aware of what's going on in the the world, get a basic understanding of the hobbies and cultural references girls in your social milieu have, learn to navigate sensitively through any potential bullshit rant about people or politics and drive the topic away from it, and just be a curious and inquisitive person in general.
The more you follow this approach with all sorts of people, the better you'll become at faking interest, and you'll end up with a bigger arsenal of references to recruit from. Let's say, for the purpose of illustration, that you meet a foreign girl and you two end up talking about the place she comes from. Regardless of how well your conversation goes, it would go ten times better if you had met someone from that country previously, and if you had tried to explore that person's background before and hear what they had to say. You can talk about all sorts of shit just from parroting what other people told you, adding your own observations and thoughts, and knowing how to segue into something else before it gets boring.
sauce plz
I'm sure you look very different browsing through Veeky Forums right now.
"Oh yea, this one time I hiked a weeks worth of the Appalachian Trail, it was pretty sweet camping out there overnight. I went with my brother and one of my best friends, we ran into a bunch of really cool people who were all here for different reasons" Thing is, when you get hobbies you get STORIES about your hobbies, and thats what is fun to talk about.
If I'm talking about playing tennis, I tell them about my 12-1 season and how the match I lost came in the section finals, and we finished 2nd. Or I tell them how cool it is to drive out to virginia for a weekend to play 2 or 3 college teams in two days. Those are stories that most people will find interesting because it lets them LEARN about you and who you are/what youre interested in.
I used to read a lot of 2deep shit and used to impress art hoes with it.
Now I'm ascetic mode and eight years celibate, which is such a superior lifestyle to the point that I will politely decline free pussy.
never talk about yourself unless the woman asks, and NEVER say more than one thing about yourself at a time.
You have got to be memeing me.
Ascetic Mode = Cringe Mode
I'm not.
When you're no longer chasing pussy people can cringe all they want, it does not matter because there is nothing to lose.
All this anxiety of trying to get cunts approval falls away. You can stop living by other people's standards.
Respect your dedication, man.
Also I think I found your instagram.