Joost van Doorn here AMA

you have 30 minutes

go away

send me your tokens first

I don't believe you

How much dutch poon you got with your 400k

but you did believe in our I-I-I-I-C-OOOOO?

Is your penis long enough to reach your anus?

with my stack I bought 1.5M LINK

Not funny. I lost our life savings. How am I supposed to tell my wife's son he can't go to college?

dude: we dutch invented swaffelen.

by killing yourself obviously
>problem solved

With 400k you should have gotten 2M+ LINK. JOOST GOT JOOST'D

incorrect. a bit more than 1.5M

I cannot stop to love biztards. You wouldn't know shit even if someone shits in your mouth.

Why'd you do it?


That won't help. Our life insurance doesn't cover suicide.

make it look like an accident

i would like only 50% of my investment back to
LiQm3AfsEv9kfE1XWq5AwQQyuv6sLLry1d :LTC

you do understand the nature of s SCAM, do you?

AMA is over guys. bye.
PS: buy CONfido. it's very cheap now.

