What's the consensus on the mixed grip?

What's the consensus on the mixed grip?

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it's a meme that doesn't count towards anything

the consensus is don't. double overhand with chalk until you can't, then hook grip with chalk

>b-but it hurts my thumby wumbys

toughen up faggot

It can help, but you will develop asymmetries with it.
Just chalk up and double overhand.
Train your grip.
If you really need use straps.

Do the opposite of what this place tells you.

I'm just starting to move into tealman, but I've still been doing a shit ton of research. I personally overhand, because, I'm not DLing that much yet, but I do see pretty much every reputable trainer and/or person that diddles heavy doing mixed grip. I don't think it's a meme.

I use mixed grip for my heaviest sets 450

regular double overhand for warmup sets

hook grip for one rep max and doubles / triples

hook grip single handedly fixed my issues with my deadlift, i had often bad assymetrical pumps in my lower back, and for sumo mixed causes this helicopter effect.

Putting on straps makes you lose explosive power if you dont make it super fast, and making it super fast usually results in uneven load.
i use straps for rows, RDLs, high volume shit, rack pulls

i dont use mixed grip anymore for few months now and i dont think i will ever again

Regular grip if I’m doing more than 3 reps, hook grip if I’m doing less than two.

Use regular as long as you can, break out mixed when you have to

Mixed for high reps or paused deadlifts. Hookgrip for heavy singles/doubles/triples

switching to hook grip was the best thing I ever did. It tears up my thumb like a motherfucker, but it has helped me up my numbers.


Only use it if grip strength is the determining factor. Otherwise you're robbing yourself of grip gains.

even in that case using hook grip is straight up better and safer

more and more very strong deadlifters are switching to hook grip


I wish whoever made this would have represented the data as a bell curve (useful) instead of a fucking pie chart (beyond useless).


only try hards care about it, though hook grip IS superior
only thing is that if you're gonna do mix, learn to be able to alternate which hand do over and under hand to avoid imbalances
almost everyone does mixed grip, no point in thinking that anyone but fags will look down on you

what other anons have said - consider mixed grip your super saiyan mode and use it only when going real real heavy or attempting a max

How does it develop asymmetry? Aren't you supposed to alternate the grip for each pull?

I currently use mixed grip but I get the odd balance issues (5rep max @ 185kg, nothing insane) and have tried hookgrip a few times, I feel less explosive than using a mixed grip, and my thumb bruises like fuck, does this stop and does explosiveness come with practice or does mixed grip have an advantage over hookgrip?

after a while hookgrip feels so natural you will subconsciously do it when you just want to do regular double over hand

explosiveness issue stems from the fact that your thumbs are still sensitive, and your body "tries" to not smash them against the bar.

Give it some time.

Bruising is there tho, both my thumbs have brown marks on outer side of thumb

unless you are perfectly ambidexterous alternating will not help much. It will just make pull on dominating hand always stronger. It's already a problem you need to watch out, and this just accelerates it.

Just google mixed grip asymmetries, there are far better explanations than what I gave you.

I will keep at it then and see if I can get used to it. Thanks.

I'll just ask, i feel like it's actually harmful to the thumb. When I do hook grip it doesn't feel uncomfortable, it feels painful. In my gym experience I know the difference between discomfort and actual pain, so I want to know if it would cause long term damage to the thumb in some way.

That means you're positioning your thumb wrong. Don't let all the weight rest on your thumb. The thumb is like a lock, while your fingers are the chain.

I've seen too many bicep tear videos to even consider using it, I'd rather use straps than risk an injury. If I do 4 sets raw I'm not going to let my 5th set have grip be the limiting factor, so I just whip on the straps : ) no big deal really.

I'm a small man with small hands
Why is everyone so opposed to straps? I can't dead more than one set over 225 overhand without straps

What do I lose by using them? I will be able to progressive overload
Wtf is grip strength honestly?

Warm-up with double overhand, work sets with mixed grip.

And alternate which hand you supinate at every deadlift workout (not sure how necessary this is, but for the sake of "muh imbalance" meme you might as well do it).

do you have small hands?
if so try pronating your hands and shove the barbell through the meaty part between the thumb and the index. you should be able to hook your middle finger over your thumb nail and apply pressure with only a slight discomfort (pressing on the thumb nail is what's been causing me real pain)

Most records are mixed grip, but more and more people use hook nowadays, might see more records with hook in the future.

Double overhand until the bar starts being unruly, then mixed grip, then swallow your pride and use straps or hook grip if it's heavy enough for you to worry about tearing a bicep.

You need to learn to stop giving a fuck. Fuck what Veeky Forums says, Fuck what other things. If you want to use straps then go for it. Warmup and try to progress as heavy as you can without them but dont let your grip limit you.

>I've seen too many bicep tear videos to even consider using it
you will never get to their strength level to tear a bicep from deadlifting


some people just have small meaty hands and they cant do hook grip well.

I have slim, skeletal hands and my grip is pretty damn good despite barely ever training it and hook grip is extremely easy for me, i can get 3 fingers on my thumb


number #1 retard award to you


Hook grip is superior

What? he is right 95% of people here will not get even close to a weight where a bicep tendon tear could be a problem

You have been awarded the #2 retard award

explain yourself

yeah dude its really harmful which is why every olympic weightlifter has to have their thumbs amputated eventually

It ain’t the weight that tears the biceps. It’s the tendency to bend the elbow.

I like hook grip with sumo, but honestly just can’t handle the pain past ~500.

Don’t really see a point in using hook grip for conventional pulls. Just switch the hands around every so often, and you won’t have imbalances.

Following that rationale you're just as likely to rupture a bicep on a dumbell curl or a chinup. You're an idiot.

so dont bend it?
and no, you wont get a fucking bicep tear from less than 4pl8 unless you're basically curling the bar

>Just switch the hands around every so often
that's actually a really good plan

405 is baby weight so it sounds like its a very real concern

Except you will have a lot more weight on the bar for you dead
>and no, you wont get a fucking bicep tear from less than 4pl8 unless you're basically curling the bar
How the fuck can you just make something up like that?

i didnt make up shit, its called experience
what the fuck is it with noobs acting like they know more than people who have lifted for several years longer?
bending the elbow is bad form, period.
dont fucking do it and you will be fine
you fags might as well say that you shouldn't squat because of the tendency to buttwink

unnecessary unless you are an advanced lifter - you should be able to DL 4pl8 for reps with double overhand.

Ah, the famous "I let my smaller muscles determine the progress of my largest muscles"-method.

if you do all your exercises without straps you shouldnt really have this issue up until your DL weight gets actually heavy. if you simply never use straps or mixed grip your grip will catch up quickly and if it somehow doesnt just add some grip work ? I dont see the big deal, maybe I have above average grip strength but it never really was an issue for me up to 4pl8. after that it starts to get hard though.

unnecesary is a strong choice of words
some people just dont develope that kind of grip strength, and need to use hook grip or mixed; because working on overhand grip strength and increasing your dl slowly isn't optimal, just because you want to impress the few people who care
the point of deadlifting is to lift heavy ass shit, grip strength can be worked after that in the session

>Physiology different from person to person? Nonsense. Everyone is the same as me.

Its only for homosexuals and pedophiles.

real men use hook-grip.

I get what you are saying but I also think the same argument could be made for wearing a belt. It also lets you use more weight.

And I mean if you want to test your 1RM and your grip gives out fine do mixed grip or use straps it is just a test of strength and ultimately pretty pointless for a new lifter. However if you are doing 5 reps or more and dont bounce it off the floor but do actual dead stop deadlifts you shouldnt have issues with your grip. If you feel your grip slipping on the 3rd rep just reset it ? I think the problem is most people bounce the weight with their touch and go deadlifts and that makes it WAY harder to hold onto the bar than doing deadstop where you can reset if your grip starts slipping.

>ignoring all the other people just in this thread sating mixed is fine
>ignoring all the people in your gym who do mixed
>ignoring all the elite lifters who do mixed

lad if you have short fingers you are never going to have a DOH grip that is strong enough to not be a massive limiting factor in the deadlift, it will just never ever in a million fucking years happen that someone like that will be able to train the deadlift productively with DOH alone

this shit has been done to death and this is the consensus according to every reputable strength coach: you DOH your warmup sets and then you switch to hook (preferably) or mixed (less preferably) or straps (if you don't compete) for your working sets

>I think the problem is most people bounce the weight with their touch and go deadlifts and that makes it WAY harder to hold onto the bar than doing deadstop where you can reset if your grip starts slipping
pretty sure its the opposite, otherwise bouncing would be a legitimate thing

that cant be real

>However if you are doing 5 reps or more and dont bounce it off the floor but do actual dead stop deadlifts you shouldnt have issues with your grip
Totally unreasonable to all but beginners. You think just anyone can DOH 4 plates for reps?

Dropping bar mid set because your grip is giving out is dumbest way to limit your diddly gains

Even with straps your forearms still get worked

Use straps for volume
Hook grip for singles doubles triples or if you are retarded like me always use hookgrip and thumbless grip on rows

but belts arent a helping tool in the same way that mixed grip or straps are
belts to the opposite, it makes you use your muscles MORE by tightening your core more than you would be able to without it

>actually suggesting straps, ever
shoo shoo gains goblin.

hook grip will never fail you before your back does. if it does, you're possibly both a handlet and doing it wrong.

>casual 4pl8 humblebrag


if you don't see the utility in straps, you're a sub 500 deadlifter almost guaranteed

your hook grip or mixed grip won't fail on your top set, but you don't want to do all your deadlift sets that day with it because it just beats your thumbs/hands/grip strength up needlessly

not saying you should train with straps all the time but they're a great thing to have in your gym bag for when your grip is just too fried to do productive work, they make a huge difference

I pull 445 x 5 hook and 495 x 1 hook. I have never had my grip so much as waver with hook grip.

>b-but I can ALMOST pull 500!

>use straps to focus on hitting target muscles more and lift heavier weight
>train forearms on their own

Mixed grip being a meme is a meme.

ok dude real solid point made there I guess I'm only 99% of the way towards being able to have an opinion

grip strength is literally functional strength. whenever you see somebody easily do things that you would struggle with, e.g. moving big awkward furniture, 50% is just grip strength. grip is how you interact with the physical world.

>grip strength can be worked after that in the session
implying you or anybody else actually does that to any meaningful extent

I pull 585 DOH, who else here /gripchad/

double overhand/hookgrip/straps, do mixed if you wanna look like jason genova

yes ? maybe I am a freak but it's not hard to hold 4pl8 DOH for reps. I mean my grip starts getting weak after the 5th rep but I could grind out a few more.

fucking hell my sides

double overhand until failure
then mixed grip for heaving working set
dont let your grip strength fall too far behind

i do some grip strength, yes
not like those massive dudes who pull 15pl8, but enough so that it makes a difference
it doesn't take a huge chunk of your lifting sessions if you aren't aiming for elite level strength
i also see several people at my gym do farmers walks pretty often, but i guess i also dont go to a super commercial gym

>Uhh yeah bruh don't do mixed grip it's got... uhh... like... imbalances 'n' shit bro.