
On the fence about starting, so has anyone here taken it? Aesthetic results, strength benefits, side effects, recommendations, etc?

dont buy ON, buy the cheapest bulk creatine u can get your hands on

nigger this shit is a meme. just take it and let placebo do the rest.


Sorry I'm on mobile lol do you think it's helped

I think it helped me put on some muscle but I started peeing so much.

See that bit bottom left about the inorganic phosphate? That's where creatine comes in. It will give you a bit more juice in the tank and that added efficiency to your workouts translates to ~10-15% more gains over the course of a year or two

Were the gains before/after noticeably different? And I don't mind pissing a lot

Will my body lack in that department if I stop taking it tho? Kinda how ur balls shrink on gear cus you don't need to produce nearly as much natural T

I'd say it's given me like 10-20% more juice for a workout since I've started using it. I wouldn't consider it essential or a miracle supplement, more of a meh here's a little extra juice for 12 bucks a month.

there is no such thing as endogenous production of inorganic phosphates like there is of testosterone my man. it all comes from the food you eat. you can get enough to saturate your cells from red meats or fish if you're eating to the tune of 4-5 pounds a day of just meat but chances are you probably arent.

Worth it to me desu

Have fun being bald user

12 bucks a month is nuts my dude. you can pick up a kilogram jug of this for ~30 bucks and it'll last you 200 days.

Okay gotcha thanks and yeah I'm not spending all that money on meat

Any validity to this?


Gets you some nice intra muscle water retention, you will look fuller, but expect your hairs to start shedding pretty bad, creatine is no joke for your hairline.

What about the hairloss aspect? I've got great hair that women love and I dunno if it'd be worth it.

I had some creatine monohydrate but I stopped taking it because I was worried about a receding hairline. I don’t know of studies to back it up tho.

Creatine definitively makes you shed hair, when i used to take it I would litteraly find dozens of hairs on my desk and it stopped after i stopped taking it. I feel like my hairline got worse and never really grew back, i shave my head anyway now so idgaf.

There's literally no drawback to taking creatine, it even helps you make cognitive gains, look it up.

It increases dyhydrashitfucktestosterone which is the one that makes you lose hair. So it probably does. I also stopped it for this reason years ago, I still have a huge bucket.

It will boost it if you have the genetic trait for balding. Slightly raises DHT and that fucks you hair follicel.

kind of hard to isolate if it was the creatine as I just started lifting more regularly in general.

is pretty spot on.