ITT what have you done?
im gay
In high school I made an anonymous Facebook profile and sent sexual messages to almost every girl at my school including my best friend’s little sister.
I fap three times a day and I don't even use porn
High test
The bulk didn’t happen today father
I plan to /fraud/
im on a cut and had pizza for the first time in a few months. felt good. haven't lost scale weight in a really long time, just body fat. saw a buddy for the first time in 3 months and he said 'man, you're skinny'. so my poor choices are retroactively justified.
You need to bulk if other people are saying you're skinny
i was wearing a jacket and lost a lot of weight around my face. this was basically his way of saying "you look great", because i was overweight for a number of years and he was underweight, and we're nearly the same now. last time we were the same weight, we were both 14 and would probably both be considered anorexic.
I'm a skelly and I work hard in the gym but I just don't eat enough. Forgive me, priest of Zyzz....
Aight brah just keep at it since you're making progress. We're all gonna make it
I think I calculated the calories wrong on the lunches I've been eating for 3 days now, but I still ate them.
I had a wank earlier today despite telling myself I wouldn't.
I feel like a piece of shit for doing this.
my little sister baked cooking today and i ate them all like a fucking fatass. im on a cut and i lost a weeks progress due to this incident. how to i redeem myself?
I didn't sleep at all last night, currently on intermittent fasting. I feel so exhausted that I had to break my fast early just to get some energy.
Hug her tenderly and say "Sweetheart, your baking is the sweetest thing on this planet except for you, but I can't allow myself to indulge in it as I'm trying to become a better person for you, babe" as a tear runs down your cheek.
Then do 20 burpies an 30 hail marys.
I used Clem once..
I bought some lingerie today for myself and told the sales lady who was helping me that they were a gift for my gf
I'll be trying them on tomorrow :)
I've browsed Veeky Forums since 2012 and haven't consistently lifted during these 6 years, never made any gains and never had a proper diet.
Let us see
[spoiler]post pics[/spoiler]
I overslept today and skip the gym in the process.
Because we love traps. No homo ofcourse, because liking traps isn't gay, right guys?
I guess I'll post some pics here tomorrow if the thread is still up
I'm to tired to do it now..
I've been drinking beer everyday for like two weeks now, and for the first time in my life I'm starting to put on fat and i don't like it. I need to stop with the beer but its so hard when you're traveling
I've skipped school for almost 2 months in a row
I have the self control of a 600 pound ham
God dammit Veeky Forums. I was still going from No Nut November until tonight. Why didn’t I have to open up /gif/? Why did I bust the biggest nut of my life to a webm of a cute girl punching herself in the face and crying over and over again? What is wrong with me lads? Father please show me the whey
You want to dominate a woman, but punching is the only way you know how to because you're a brainlet.
Nice try satan
>No valentines date
>if I don't have a date I'll get blackout drunk and wallow in my loneliness
>offhandedly ask out qt i know via snapchat
>ask out another qt via snapchat
>they both say yes
>QT1 date will be in afternoon and QT2 date will be in evening, maybe an hour or two after
>they're both coworkers
When it rains, it pours i guess. I just hate telling women that i'm not interested in them and don't know which one I would rather pursue. I don't like dating multiple women but I guess I am tomorrow? I don't know which one I will like more and which one to let go. Will provide descriptions if necessary
Don't do it. Going for multiple women at the same time will end you up with none.
It's already in motion
recently I started showering at the gym at the end of my workouts instead of at home
not because I need to, but because firm hairy straight breeder butts and hunks, along with some exhibitionism
i chimped out and went over my prescribed rpe. my back is sore because of it, i'll never succumb to temptation again father.
Find a girl, think she's the one.
She cheats on me, I decide to forgive her only to have her break up with me because I'm not enough.
Been almost six months since then. Still hurts like hell. I'm on zoloft for my depression, it doesn't help on days like this. Listening to lil peep and thinking about ending it all.
Why does lifting not help with these feels guys?
this is why I don't shower at the gym, fucking faggots
>lil peep
yeah you probably should just kys
I probably will
kys faggot
kys faggot
kys faggot
Right there with you my man!
I had a slip with alcohol at a party and went from my 115kgs have been going down since October 130kg and I then weighed myself the next day after drinking was 116 so I thought fuck it I can have 2 meat pies and sausage roll from the petrol station and have nachos for dinner. Next minute im fucking 119 after 2 days :/
Your penance is to drink a gallon of milk per day
I've never read the sticky
I got some kind of a stomach bug so I haven't been to the gym in 3 days. I've also been eating like 1-2k calories under my surplus so I've probably lost a ton of gains. I was trying to hit 200 to finish my bulk by march but now I doubt that's going to happen. Maybe it's body dysmorphia but I saw myself in the mirror and I look noticeably smaller even though it's only been 3 days. I feel like I'm wasting away.
My wife bought me miniature strawberry bundt cakes to surprise me, I ate one and I feel guilty even though I'm still at a caloric deficit.
I just wanked
Think of how different the reaction to that tweet would have been if only the positions were reversed and it said "I hate college and I hate black people". Double standards are fucking infuriating.
Yesterday was my birthday.... I had a 4x4 from in and out and two slices of cake.....
Pic related.... Feel bad.
My workout wasn't too great either tonight, I'm assuming from the junk I ate.
I dropped the gym a year ago after someone commented on me being a dyel
I bought dumbells 2 months ago and I have barely used them
Just took a muscle relaxer and 600mg ibuprofen . bout to pass out.
good knight sweet prince
why though
Sometimes I binge eat and then make myself throw up cause I'm currently cutting.
Please tell me I'm not the only one bros.
I almost edged to /s/ pics today after nofapping for 19 days.
I took 2 days off because I had a fever and a bad headache. Probably better for my health, but I still feel like shit.
Don’t do it man. You dated a whore, that’s all. Learn from it