> It's Valentine's Day
> Alone again
It's Valentine's Day
>Thank God
>never had a gf
>never had a valentine
>never had birthday sex
>pubic hair getting long again
>realize no one will see it even if you do trim
Got a date but she's thicc fat. I like skinny girls.
never had sex period
i have a qt skinny gf
i love my skinny gf.
You guys should stop feeling bad for yourselves. Being alone is great. You might not realize that till you get older though.
t. divorced and will never have a “gf” again
Enjoy every last strand of freedom still left in your life, it slowly but surely disappears as you get older.
>dating fat girls
that’s like driving a 98 civic. Gets the job done but you should have more self worth than that.
Same here, same age. Hard times my brother
>Being alone is great.
I miss my ex. 6 years down the drain. It's been a year and 6 months (in a couple weeks).
I've had some good sexy times since but I compare all women to her now and personality wise no one competes. I honestly think if I do end up with someone I'll feel like I'm settling.
This except for birthday sex. But I don't think it's bad. First few times it can be exciting but then I'll get bored over this shit. I think. Or it's just coping.
Cheer up! I'm here for you, op.
is 4 a month break enough time before speaking to my ex? I still miss her lads
It’s been 4 months? Nah brah you need to meet new girls.
that feeling of no gf
what you need to do is forget about her
with that being said
>still didnt get over my oneitis and its been 2 years
Lol... you know the exact day when it will be a 18 month anniversary of your breakup?
You need a reason to live. Something that is above your own life and that of others around you, so that you can rise above these fleeting human trifles. Shame that you don't have that purpose, and you never will have it, and no one will follow you like a leader because they see your life is meaningless without them.
My life is so full of meaning and purpose that I can bear any amount of suffering. Just like Jesus. Try and figure out how to be like Jesus - what responsibilities could you see yourself taking on? Take them on. Bear the weight of a new assignment. If it seems trivial and dumb, ignore those feelings and go through with it. Pick something that would help other people.
Also stop being a sad cunt
;_; I don't think I'll ever meet a girl who baneposts with me irl and laughs when i flex a cep and ask if she's mirin. She's different lads, not a lot of women understands my tism bants and even fewer appreciate it...
kek what kind of purpose and meaning does your life have
Gonna ask a girl out from one of my classes tomorrow. I'm attractive and not autism but I've only cold approached like this years ago and it went terribly, so I'm a tiny bit worried. Wish me luck brehs
good luck faggot
When I see my normie friends panicking about what they're gonna do it's the one day im kinda glad to be single
Be a strong and attentive and hard working capitalist, use tech to found companies that eat up entrenched incumbent players in forestry, mining, construction equipment. Make improvements and use that to build a business. Then divert resources to high volume rock crushing and spreading to sequester carbon through accelerated silicate weathering. Elon Musk has shown a generation of disillusioned millenials that you CAN kill the old players... take their money and use it RIGHT. I won't let his lessons go to waste!
Report back later to let us know how it went.
please leave mr hyde
sending you good vibes bruh, you got this
>it's Valentine's day
>Normies spend their money on useless shit
>I spend my money on whatever I want
Feels good. There's no reason to have a gf unless you're a Chad who can give her nothing and still be loved because she just likes you and your dick.
>literally got a gf yesterday
>we aren't gonna see eachother today but tomorrow because my family is braindead
Getting a gf is so easy if you actually try.
cmon brah you got this
oh fuck off jesus fag. i know i'm a sad cunt.
it was much more than just losing a girlfriend. i lost parents and a sibling i never had, and a best friend. some of the best people i have met in my life.
i'm focused on making it, looking for a new job, and finishing college soon.
good luck. there's only 2 possible responses she can give.
know what you're gonna say? just gonna ask her if she wants to go out some time or gonna try to chit chat first?
>>we aren't gonna see eachother today but tomorrow because my family is braindead
wtf do you mean your family is braindead?
Just gonna get to it, don't want to unintentionally bother her with an unwanted conversation. Like I said I'm not autism but I do get a bit nervous, just need to remember to not speak too fast really
broke up with mine last night. so..
>be stationed in the east coast, VA
>friend of my brothers gf is into me
>we start dating september
>we smash, go out etc
>she still had doubts of keeping this up because i didnt tell her if iwas doing more time in the navy or leave
>im on my last year in the navy and i saw an opportunity to go back to california, san diego exactly
>my only and only condition since i started to even consider doing more time for was to go back to the west coast and see my family
>even if its 6-8 hours to Nor Cal
>told her im gonna have to stay in for some more time
>it wasnt because i wanted to, because i needed it
>for my own benefit, its shore duty no deploying
>so the benefit is i can get tuition assistance and keep my GI Bill after im out of the navy
>i didnt explain that detail to her, maybe she would have under stood my rationale
>shes still going nuts that i told my family first instead of her
>fine whatever
>either way i tried telling her i would take every chance to back to Nor Cal to see her
>she just couldnt see it my way
>i like too but the fact that she went to fly herself across the country out of her own expense was a statement on her own
>that was two months ago in december
>shes head over heels over me obviously
>either way when i got the approval that im going to SD i was holding back on finalizing the paperwork
>i was still fixated on how she will react so i delayed my decision for a week so far and now they're pressuring me to decide right now
>my only hesitation was that i was holding back because of her
>i was bent on keeping everyone happy that i lost sight on my own damn satisfaction
>now that shes saying that shes done, i dont think so btw because shes in fucking love with me she admitted it
>i was hoping that it would work, i thought we were gonna be a real power couple
>i guess not i thought i was gonna be like these other guys i work with that had their bitches hold down the fort regardless of the distance
that's how i approached my ex i've been bitching about. small talk then got her number. went really well.
other times i try to talk to a girl and they just totally act like i'm trying to hurt them by speaking to them or something. fucking cunts, how the hell are you supposed to get to know people?
i see so many pretty girls that might be interesting and it's a shame to not try to speak to them or get a number.
I leave house A LOT and i mean a lot and they cry that i am never with them so i am trying to atleast stay home for one day every two days
Im not bitter about it because i gotta understand how shes feeling or whatever but i gotta give credit to the sociopaths i work with for making me more callous and cold-hearted. I feel like a fucking asshole right now. I should have fault for that too but I had to make a call and i did it. so that shit i just green texted happened
Im gonna endear the good times for what it was worth for that brief amount of time. she was the only real relationship i ever had.
Not him but i did the same today. The girl is ackward and shy, looking good for me tbqh
just saw nice girl walking in front of me when i was walking my dog
Was in nice classy clothes / coat, but still showing of her legs a little, extremely thin waist and pretty tall for a chick
>she turned around to look at me twice
I guess this means I'm a Chad now. I made it.
If she's 8/10 or more then congrats, if not, don't forget to turn the lights off when you'll fuck her.
so fucking what, had sex for the first time at 24
im sure you had chances before man you just have to relax around women
idk man but youre missing out on one of the best things in life, and what you can do with your body to please a woman. its just such a good feeling man, the closeness, the touching and sliding it in. its such a great feeling user stop holding yourself back
my regret is that it was really nothing to worry about and that i had the damn confidence in me to do it. but its probably from spending alot of time here, i just let go and broke out of that beta shit.
should have talked to her dingus.
she was either mirin your dog or thought you were cute. either or, probably could have gotten her number at least.
Why'd she break up then? I seriously doubt she was "the different one" unless she has a genuine disorder like asbergers, autism adhd etc then she ain't different lad
she was about 15 meters in front of me
dont think like i should chase her and scare her off
same. gonna go hard as fuck at the gym
As is tradition
>valentines date with my gf tonight
>can't enjoy it because i'm in love with another woman
I mean i'm committed fully to my current gf but it sucks feeling so torn between two women. There's always that feeling of "what if you were with her right now..."
Don't muck it up user, what's so great about the other girl anyway?
Hello Veeky Forums , I'm a tourist from another board.
Do you have some pics like pic related?
Something with a phrase or something.
the guy on the related image is pathetic. That being said, i got back again with my ex because she's a medical student.
>tfw gold digging stud
have some decency
>it's been over a year and a half since I had a gf
>tfw last gf I dated for two years was: suicidal, depressed, smoked weed twice a day every day, cutter, and tried to fuck over my friendships
> one of my coworkers wanted to hook me up with some vietnamese chick who was 6 years older than me and evidently quite fat.
>mfw I'd honestly rather be single for a decade after dating a psychopath for two years who nearly destroyed everything I cared about
can't wait for that cheap valentines day chocolate desu in three days desu.
This gave me a major feel
>tfw still remember her 8 years later
Not what I was looking for, but this is intense.
Saved for another time, thanks user
Nice. I can't find an hd version, but at least i found a complete one.
>worried about having a valentine in a age of #metoo bullshit
It's my fault we broke up. We rushed into the relationship before she was ready for anything serious. I don't know what came over me but I fell head over heels for her, it was a just such a rush of emotions that I've never felt for anyone before. Guess I just got too excited.
I'll be 27 next month and I'm a kissless virgin. Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing so wrong. Life is suffering.
I've got a couple for you, but you have to share your feels.
you just gotta be yourself bro
fair enough
lol If you were behind her the whole time she wasn't "miring" you retard, she was scared
Feel you mate. I had something like that, we broke up 6 months ago. She cheated on me, I couldn't bring myself to break up with her, so I forgave her. She broke up with me 2 days later...
Six months later, I'm listening to lil peep and thinking about ending it all.
I'm on zoloft, but it ain't helping on days like this.
God I miss her.
Fuck this gay life
>never really cared about relationships or sex
>sometimes enjoy the obvious attempt by people to seduce me, female and males
>never any strong desire to reciprocate it outside of in the moment for fun
I must be blessed.
That's just how it is on this bitch of an earth
>Valentine's Day
>Not Ash Wednesday
Today is the day your path towards self improvement begins
You will cast out all temptations that cause you to stray away from the path and reforge yourself as a strong, powerful, masculine man. For 40 days you will relinquish procrastination, shitty food, laziness and weakness and come out stronger at the end.
Godspeed you miserable bastard, abandon the walls of the prison that you have created for yourself, become the soldier in the army of righteousness and purpose
Her personality just resonates amazingly well with me. She makes me feel like a king pretty much. It's a great feel but I also know that it wont work between US long Term. My current gf is just the more stable Type.
I just don't think I'll ever have anything like her again
I might end it all today
I don't even care anymore
>only one in the friendship group without a gf
it's time...
you have incurable autism
Not worth killing yourself over some thot. Just keep lifting heavy ass weights until someone loves you user.
girl that was in the same japanese class from a year ago texts me out of the blue: "i don't have a bf for valentines day again"
reply がんばって
>didnt wank until i was 16 and still no gf
>wanking now and no gf
Reminder that nofap is a meme
I just moved in with my friend, his gf and another girl who's pretty cute and single.Thinking about buying her some flowers. Not expecting anything from it , just want to be a gentleman
>I had this girl
>Best time of my life
>She had to move to another city, far away
>We write sometimes, but we got different lives now
>Years pass
>I try with other girls, but never goes well.
>They never are as funny, as open as her. We had our own kind of relationship which I was never able to recreate
>Also, I keep thinking of her
>Decide I quit with women, focus on my career
>After many years, she write to me
>She wants me to go to her
>I do
>Ends up having the worst sex of my life
>I spend two terrible days with her
>When I return home, I should be sad but I'm not
>I'm free
>I now know all relationships are miserable, and I'm no longer interested in having one
>I have a great job, so many friends, I have a lot of fun and a thousand distractions
>I'm free
>It's Valentines Day
>Both gf and I literally give 0 fucks about a jewish industry sales day and continue loving eachother as usual
Feels great budeeeehs
>gym card expired last session
>receptionist lets me use the gym for free
>"happy valentine's day, user"
You are in a good place.
And dont worry, one day you will even be ready to love again.
that's nice go do it and reply with her response.
She's probably not even that special.
Youre just low status and desperate, wich can be helped.
You are destined for more than to breastfeed on some thot on a pedistal
I take back this comment after reading your original post.
Youre beyond pathetic, get your shit together.
hardly low status mate, banged quite a few chicks after her, tried out a few relationships, but it all turned out to suck for me
This hit hard
Iktf. Unfortunately. But I think we have to get over it. It may seem that she's the only one but before her you probably thought there wouldn't be any special girls for you at all, turned out you were wrong then and can be wrong again. Don't stick to people, care more about yourself.
That sucks mate, but 6 months is still not that long. Get off the zoloft and look the feel in the eye and you will process it in time.
So the secret to getting over people is really bad sex.
Awesome I have a super power!
>sitting in room with GF
>going out in an hour
Kinda made it brahs
>been hanging with a girl for a few weeks
>Both like each other and was gonna gf her this weekend
>Get a text this morning saying it's all a bad idea
What do I do
got a psych date in april, if he thinks I should get off, I'll get off
not a good idea to go off on my own, gets me seven kinds of fucked up
I always get my bf a nice card; here is this years.
your a guy