Can I get buff only doing pushups and planks? What kind of pushups could I do...

Can I get buff only doing pushups and planks? What kind of pushups could I do? Say like 2 sets of regular pushups and 2 sets of decline pushups every day and 4 min of planks? What about close grip pushups?

Hang a noose from the ceiling, put it around your neck, and push up off a chair.

Do this 100 times each day for a month

You're not going to get buff doing only bodyweight pushups and planks. Weight rooms exist for a reason - because they're the most necessary thing to actually get big

Don't think so, you could get started in calisthenics tho.
I recommend the Reddit /r/bodyweightfitness recommend routine


three months doing exercises at home. you can.

What the fuck happened to your shoulders my dude

i squat alot

Does the one of the left do lewd stuff? or are they like 16?

They both have ugly faces. You can tell the one on the left has weird tits and the one on the right has no tits at all. Would still bang/10

Not with planks. Push-ups can get you buff, but keep in mind you will need to push yourself hard in order to make gains. Advance your technique when you get used to a particular motion and add in a weighted vest or change elevations to increase the load. Also keep in mind that having strict form is absolutely crucial to getting anywhere, probably more than weightlifters have to worry about. A 100 pound weight is a 100 pound weight, but 100 pounds of weight on your hands in a push-up can be whittled down by bad form.

He didnt work traps so looks ridiculous.

Gypsy, your magic has no effect here. Begone!


idk shit about bodybuilding but wont crap like pull ups or front lever shit work traps

calisthenics** but seeing as i am a dyel i guess bodybuilding works too

bait right???

Not enough to give you the taper up your neck.

I think I know what porn this came from

You can make a change in your body by only doing pushups and planks. You're not doing anything for biceps, triceps, neck, legs, or forearms though so you still gonna look like trash.

Dont forget pull up
Get a door frame pul up bar

Fuck no, they'll work your lats. Traps are the muscles between your neck and shoulder.

I read your post with a Valley Girl accent in mind because of the pic you posted. It sounds like something a ditzy girl would ask desu

Left > right

Buy an iron gym and a set of weights second hand.

You're not going to get ripped without going to the gym but you'll be on the top end of dyel which is enough if you're not short/ugly.

thats a bad pic of kimmy desu

her sislovesme vid is kino as fuck

She does porn, forgot her name though,.

My brother, it's valentines day, I'm single and pronhub is probs giving out premium for free. Give me a name....I need it

Kimmy Granger and Sydney Cole, best part is the video ends with a creampie too

thanks man

hanging upside down from your hands and pulling yourself up over the bar will work your traps

Are there any reasonably tall fags(5'11 and above) that actually did calisthenics and made respectable gains? Im currently doing PHUL but i was almost tempted by the reddit routine to save cash.

Unless you are very low test you can get fit BY NORMIE STANDARDS doing bodyweight stuff, though Veeky Forums will still call you DYEL. You will need to do more than push ups and planks, however. You'll definitely want a pull up bar for pull ups, chin ups, hanging knee raises, and dead arm hangs. Eventually it's better to transition to barbells so you don't have to go to extreme lengths to get progressive overload, but it's fine to start with bodyweight exercises.

Kimmy Granger is by far the best porn star right now. Her natty look and complete enthusiasm for cock would make a gay man straight.

This my dude

wew they look terrible, this guy is right

Will i get serious neck gains?



Got a source?

you sound like a cuck





Checked for solid workout. Been doing this for two years.

I feel like this pic is from porn

Will follow this workout

>girl disgusted porn
sounds like i could relate

Anyone see my thread about this? Shit 404'd before I got back to it to see if I got any replies.

No, what of it?

It is I've actually seen it lol. It's girl with foot up is "step sis," An the other is her friend, apparently the guy blackmails the stepsis for going out or some shit, and they begin fucking pov style. It wasn't that good to be honest.

I was reading up on the push for physical fitness conducted by JFK's administration. This booklet was a part of it. Lists a tiered fitness program for men and also one for women.

I decided to try out the program from a more or less untrained, out of shape position.

I'm on week two of 16+ weeks. The plus being if levels take you longer than the minimum.

The exercises don't use equipment except maybe a skipping rope and an elevated place to stand for an ankle exercise.

Are you making any progress?

How it's structured is there's an orientation program you do on week one. Then the first six exercises of that become your warm-up for the five real levels.
Each level is to be done for a minimum of 15 workouts across three weeks. So, one workout on each weekday.
A level is seven conditioning exercises plus your choice of three circulatory activities.
You are to stay on a level until you can complete its workouts without having to pause to take a quick breather.
So on week two I'm doing Level 1 which includes doing 1x4 push-ups. On week four I'll still be doing level one with the same amount of push-ups.
Which means my measure of progress is basically just how puffed out I get.
That skipping rope is pretty difficult for me, I haven't done any cardio in a long long time let alone jumping around.