Don’t forget about your spiritual gains, Veeky Forums.
Don’t forget about your spiritual gains, Veeky Forums
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Sure user
Spiritual gains are the key to physical and material gains.
Reminder mass is obligatory today
Blasphemy, occult teachings are false teachings. Repent and accept Christ as your lord and saviour, or else you will end up in hell
>Occult spirituality
>Spiritual ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''gains''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
What religions give magic powers? I'm getting close to 30 with my virginity intact, so I want to start thinking about my wizard specialization.
Magic isn't real faggot. Read the fucking books. Christianity is right.
Want to learn more, pls gib me literature to read - Orthodox in particular thnx.
>spiritual gains
Anyone with at least some level of spiritual gnosis knows christianity is a completely antithesis to european nature. Unless you have semitic blood, being christian is a blasphemy agains your own nature.
What's the point then?
>literally Satan worship
Get your heresy off my Christian board
The spirit is a driving force that needs to be understood and integrated into the whole being. I think it is the most important since it is one of the deeper layers of personality.
It's cool that one can get there by training the body with a focused, connected mindset
Jacked Varg confirms
Not christian but why?
Are you guys all unironically creationist?
How do I become spiritual without attaching myself to a religion?
I put all of my points in fireball
: the religion
Yeah. I had a friend in Bio chem and engineering in college. He was afraid he would fall out of faith after his majors. Instead, he ended up becoming a hard creationist and got me into it too. He basically got to the point in his studies where he kept asking "But why does it do that on it's own" and finally said "fuck it something has to be behind this".
To give money to child molesters so their sins magically disappear
Ash Wednesday?
What time does it start?
Take LSD
>Get a decent non-thot gf
>Start lifting more for her
>Want to ravage any reasonably attractive woman near me
>The desire feels like a scream when I see women at near by churches
I think a rape demon is possessing me. I want to do horribly nasty things to married christian women more than ever.
You don’t.
He sounds like a fucking retard
>go to church
>"well, islam is fockin great, innit ?"
Yeah thanks. but no.
The Bible
>not accepting Allah (swt) as the only god and Mohammed (Peace be upon him) as his prophet
>Going to Church
Unless it's Eastern Orthodox or the Society of St. Pius, you're waisting your time. Vatican II is a corruption until we get a pope like Robert Sarah (who wants to "reform the reform") and Protestantism has been a joke from the start. You're better off just looking up lectures, debates and sermons from people who actually have PhD's in philosophy and theology. On the subject of Islam in particular I recommend Acts 17 Apologetics, the channel that claims (and with very good arguments using Islam's primary sources) that Muhammad was killed by God for being a false prophet.
Jesus preached a gospel of salvation and liberation from our physical urges, Muhammad had a message of lust and extortion. Such a message does not lead to spiritual gainz.
nah, I have my psyche in order
Just read the bible and accept Jesus. You don't have to get caught up in the church structure.
I feel so ashamed to pray if I had masturbated in the day, I cant bring myself to it and its leading me further away from God.
>just stop jacking off
Im addicted to the point of jacking off right after waking up
Mohammed was a pedophile warchief
Stop being (((Christian))).
>oral religion and tradition, next to nothing is known about it, most texts were written post Christianization - ie Snorri and were heavily influenced by Christianity
>play dress up and larp as followers of a religion that basically doesn't exist and is infested with neck beards
>listen to psychopath who killed his friend, spent 21 years in jail and now lives off black metal money whilst hating just about everything in life, surpassed nationalism gone full tin foil separatist
If Varg is a Nordicist, why does he live in France -the homeland of an Alpinoid-Latin hybrid race?
>does not lead to spiritual gainz
All of your semitic religions are nothing but ways to grow and harvest low frequency energy keeping us in a constant pit of sorrow, despair, anxiety and suffering to feed Saturn and other archons. Youre God is a God, albeit not the One God that we all have a bit of inside. Youre God is nothing more than a violent parasite and is merely keeping us imprisoned in this state of suffering for energy. The true God is something every intelligent being has inside of them, pulled from the nexus or infinite connection that we all have. It'll get better though towards the end of the kali yuga when we begin to be liberated from this oppressor that you call your God.
poast ur ashes
Reminder that Catholicism in its modern form is absolute blasphemy against your lord. Enjoy your homos and abortions... Also dont forget your religion was made up of Jews who introduced it to the roman empire after the destruction if the nation if israel in 66ad. It spread like wildfire with the masses that argely comprised of peasants. "You mean I can go to heaven after I die as long as im a good goy? Yes please! It feels so nice knowing our masters will be burning in hell after being such meanies!" Perfect way ti keep the plebs in line so they embraced it as the state religion. First pope was pope saul a jewish rabbi, who changed his name and went by paul. Youre literally nothing but a jewish puppet religion adopted by nations to phycologically enslave its subordinates. All of the semitic religions are straight trash.
Reminder that Catholicism in its modern form is absolute blasphemy against your lord. Enjoy your homos and abortions... Also dont forget your religion was made up of Jews who introduced it to the roman empire after the destruction if the nation if israel in 66ad. It spread like wildfire with the masses that argely comprised of peasants. "You mean I can go to heaven after I die as long as im a good goy? Yes please! It feels so nice knowing our masters will be burning in hell after being such meanies!" Perfect way ti keep the plebs in line so they embraced it as the state religion. First pope was pope saul a jewish rabbi, who changed his name and went by paul. Youre literally nothing but a jewish puppet religion adopted by nations to phycologically enslave its subordinates. All of the semitic religions are straight trash..
>But why does it do it on its own?
What is intelligence? All beings possess a modicum of it.. The universe is full of it..
u mad? god bless
>Also dont forget your religion was made up of Jews who introduced it to the roman empire after the destruction if the nation if israel in 66ad
Except one of the things we know about the historical Jesus is that He was condemned to death by the Jews for blasphemy. Also, early Christians were pretty antisemitic because of that so that's the worst "good goy" scheme I've ever seen in history.
>First pope was pope saul a jewish rabbi, who changed his name and went by paul.
Except not, ya dunce. The first pope was a Jewish fisherman named Peter who was directly appointed by Jesus. Ever heard of the phrase "You are Peter, and you are the rock upon which I will build my church"? The whole phrase is a pun by the way, as Petros is the masculine form of Petra, which means rock in Greek. Paul was very important in that many of his epistles became New Testament canon, but he's a legitimate source as he has been affirmed as legit by people who actually knew Jesus (including the aforementioned Peter, the actual first pope).
At least try to get your facts straight.
No, im trying to take off your shackles that your false God has on you. Though free, i am bound by the chains of my brothers...
If Allah is so great why have a bunch of Jews been kicking the shit out of his warriors for the last 60 years?
Fundamentalist Lutherans are closer to the doctrine of classic Catholicism than modern Catholics.
Already made those gains bruv, Serb Orthodox since birth.
Yeah, fundamentalist Lutherans. Modern Lutherans believe crucifixes should be removed from churches to not offend Muslims. I wish I was making this up.
Who else /subjectiveidealist/ here?
>tfw able to easily perform magick without none of the cultural baggage bullshit like muh demons and entities
Fundamentally there are no entities to mess with, you can have experiences "as if" entities exist because that's because you intended them to exist in the first place.
Stick to the fundamentals and magick is the same thing as moving your arm, merely a shift in experience.
Damn, what's the least cucked version of Christianity? The pope is full promigrant.
Society of St. Pius are basically Catholic "heretics" who reject everything about Vatican II, to the point of still doing Latin Mass.
absolutely BASED
>street shitting yuropoors
I'm atheist
>materialist fedora shitbag
>"""free""" in any way
LMAO at least religioncucks will experience heaven, all you'll experience is emptiness because you cucked yourself into materialism
> magic isn’t real
> magic is said to be performed in the Bible
Pick one you Christcuck
Magic is real retard, in fact, praying itself is a magickal ritual. You christcucks are braindead.
Don't worry bro. I woke up for fajr this morning, alhamdulillah
>First pope was pope saul a jewish rabbi, who changed his name and went by paul
It must hurt to be this retarded
Read Paul's epistles, you'll find them really interesting
To avoid the 2nd ice age, he said in a comment
Amish for sure.
>Jews invented a religion that says pic related and persecuted Jews for over a thousand years
Make some wonder what all based Christians are doing against the Jews today. Ah yes, fighting and dying for them. God bless, user.
Evangelical Zionists are not real Christians
Too bad you’d get thrown out of every church for preaching what you think “real” Christianity is.
it sure is lucky out of the thousands of religions the one you got born into is the right one user!
I was born to an atheist family, researched the big ones and choose accordingly. What now memester?
>chose a religion
That tells you everything. Regardless of that, you're right anyways. Your beliefs and knowledge dictate reality and what you choose will always be the right choice, because you don't experience anything else than mind and mental contents.
read soren kierkegaard homo
I have moderately more respect for you than the catholic apologists that come out of the /pol/ woodwork.
Meme tier list desu senpai. All you need is Advanced Magick for Beginners, Condensed Chaos and Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous.
>What is intelligence?
Exactly. What causes free will? What causes sentience? What caused YOU to be in control of your body and your immediate environment?
E Michael Jones is in good standing with the Church I think I'm ok user
Tim Staples is a mainstream Catholic apologist and he takes regular shits on Zionists
You don't need magic when God and Jesus will do them for you. Christianity is great.
Pray the rosary daily and ask for forgiveness of sins. Please
>You don't need magic when God and Jesus will do them for you.
Except praying is literally magic. Literally. Fucking. Magic. Holy shit. At least stop pretending getting something by simply praying isn't anything short of magic.
are you accusing the tradition of ash wednesday to be a form of magic? bro what the hell is the rosary?
Magic is people doing spells, spell casting. Only Jesus is allowed to do these. Prayer has power but it is not magic, it is asking Jesus to perform miracles for you.
The rosary is what Catholics use to pray. It is a guide, and helps pray to Mary and Her grace.
They'll never get it. Like the summit of a great mountain, Vedanta is too obscured by the fogs of new ageism and indigenous superstition.
Muir, Emerson, etc. got it, but their legacy has effectively been destroyed by hollywood/consumerism and swarms of bible-thumping inbreds.
Why bother converting to Hinduism besides some culture fetish? Even the Hindus tell you to go with your culture's religion.
You have a meme definition of magic. Spells are one of many ways you can do magic.
Magic(k) is the Science and Art of causing change to occur in conformity with will. Praying is magick. Moving your arm is magick. Any intentional change in your experience is magick.
The way I do magick is by wanting something then declaring as a fact that I will get it. I do nothing more than that. If Jesus is only allowed to do magic then I shouldn't be able to.
I don't even ask any entity for help. I don't ask for any devil's help. The concept of "selling your soul" is useless to me, when it is completely a choice and a stupid one at that, since you're literally using magick to bring undesired consequences to you.
The same happens with God, I don't believe in any other God other than my mind. Why would I put my will under God's, when I can make my own miracles? The idea of a God is useless to me, the only reason people flock to it is because they don't want to have the responsibility of creating their reality, why do that when you can blame it on some higher beings will? It's the same with pretty much all other belief-systems. Gnosticism, simulation theory, atheism, all put their will under someone/something else's because it's easier. It's all useless trash that only deters your from true freedom. It's like praying to a God when you're dreaming, not realizing you are the dream itself.
Simply, you have power, all humans do. But you are not wise enough to use it well and I doubt you will be wise enough when you are 100 years old. Your spells may misfire, or just be plain weak. You can think you are strong enough but this is similar to how a 5th grader feels he may know more than his teacher; mere insolence.
Jesus is not man like you or I.
Satan wants you to think that you can do it alone, that you are all-powerful. He is a liar. Satan's lies and manipulation is too great for you to even comprehend.
Jesus wants you to know the true way.
Hinduism in this case refers to the cultural aspects of the religion, whereas Vedanta contains the philosophical backbone. It's the first they say to go with your own, the second is universal.
You're assuming I think of myself as "human". That's another thing that, by close investigation your direct experience, you'll realize is merely an assumption.
Think of it like this: imagine you're dreaming right now. You become aware that you're dreaming. You enjoy playing around with your lucid powers flying, floating and throwing fireballs. Eventually you stop to think, as a thought catches your attention. You think "where am I in this dream?".
You think "well obviously my body!". However, what appears to be your body is merely a product of your dream, including your "brain" and your "eyes" you're looking out from.
Well then, what exactly are you then? The correct answer is, you are the dream itself, taking the shape of things. When you were flying around your dream city, you weren't a person flying at all. You were the landscape taking the shape of "a person-formatted view of flying around a city". You were the person, but also the city and also the idea of flying itself.
This applies to the waking state too.
You can prove this to yourself via a thought experiment, to be done '1st person', as if you are having the experience:
>Sit comfortably. Now imagine turning off your senses one by one:
>Turn off vision. Are you still there?
>Turn off sound. Still there?
>Turn off bodily sensations, such as the feeling of the chair beneath you. Uh-huh?
>Turn off thoughts. Where/what are you now?
>Some people are left with a fuzzy sense of being "located". This is just a residual thought. Turn that off too.
You're still there, you realise; you are a wide-open "aware space" in which those other experiences appeared. You are the the generator of those experiences, including the body and many of the spontaneous thoughts and actions. Only a subset of change: *intentional* change, is actually your influence. The rest is just part of the experience.