Jason Statham has the absolute peak natty body
Jason Statham has the absolute peak natty body
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Guess I'm peak then
>dem rounded shoulders
The fuck is going on with your nips?
Loose skin, botched surgery on left side so nipple is lower down. You can faintly see my scars
Your arms are like half of his arm size, pecs are smaller, and you have more bodyfat. So no not at all.
it delusioning
>tfw same size and body fat but waaaay less aesthetic
I got the bald part down at least
jesus christ how can you be this delusional
anyone know how big the weights are that stafe can pick up? And/or how many times he can pick up the big weights?
imagine being this stupid
Don't know but he can do this
i have a friend who does calistenics. can do flags without a problem but looks like a complete DYEL.
but that being said, girls love him. girls love DYELs as long you are no above 12% bf
he would look great if he stood up straight
Ya, you're peak retarded.
Lol thanks for the pube tuft
In what universe is this not a respectable physique?
Close, then.
Few more months of bulking before a suicide cut for the spring and summer months.
part of the aesthetic of that photo
I agree though.
LOL no
>shit posture
>lower belly fat
>every thing is at best half his size
lol. the ab chiseling definition provided by groove hairs
Yeah I know.
But I'm a foot taller and recently lost well over 70lbs.
What muscle I have was fucked off from really stupid and hard core dieting.
So, it was either be fatish and swole or not as fat with some muscle.
Veeky Forums
but can he do this?
Just stand up straight already :(
I have this so fucking bad from having been a teen laborer. Shoulder mobility gets worse every year. Starting to see some recovery thanks to a few of Jeff Cavaliere's. Not optimistic.
Jeff really is a fucking saint, i don’t even care that his supps are garbage and his program is retarded he’s helped me so much
I really like what he does he's got such a good head on his shoulders and such a rational approach to fitness for fitness sake. That being said I don't think he's a replacement for an actual physical therapist and probably winds up discouraging people from seeing them because they think they can just do it at home. Which in probably half of cases is fine but anything more substantial is like putting a bandaid on the gunshot. It creates the self delusion that you're doing something.
He'd really make more money if he just created a free basic generic workout routine for noobs and older guys who just want to look good and get fit.
Even talk about supps and eating patterns and what not.
Few other guys on youtube are all about the mens fitness more down to earth exercise thing.
He has the name and exposure to do it. A simple program that would rival those other programs then sell his clinic and personal training to people would net more money.
along these lines, whenever i stretch my arm down and backwards as far as it can go, i get shoulder popping almost every morning when i wake up. Just one of those things, or something i should look to fix?
Whats his stats user? Genuinely curious about calisthenics fags. I got a chink friend that does it at 6'2 175 lbs and hes full ottermode but dyel in large shirts. Still gets more chicks than me tho...
general guideline is if you have a normal range of motion and no pain associated with noise it's fine/normal. If you were to fan your arms from above your head and move them down to your sides and back allowing them to rotate naturally. You shouldn't have any pain. If you get pain around 45 degrees from your head that probably means you have some shoulder issues. If it's not bad you should probably do some of Jeff's shoulder mobility exercises daily. If it's worse than a little pain or stiffness you should see a physical therapist and see what they can do about rehabilitating your shoulder. Tendonopathy is degenerative once it gets past the reactive stage. So resting it or just ignoring it are not good solutions.
One day, I may.
i've had this popping for more than a year but its never painful. does he have a video specifically on the "shoulder mobility" exercises you mentioned; do you have a link to it?? I would like to look into that and other ways to strengthen rotator cuff because i'd rather be safe than sorry long term
yeah he has a lot of them
thank you! will start doing this
i just did this; not exactly sure if i did it 100% correct because the video is a bit unclear about the point at which your elbows should leave the wall. Be that as it may, it really works! after completing 6 reps i stepped away from the wall and raised my arms above my head and heard no popping at all. guess i'll be working my rotator cuff from here on out.