What's Veeky Forums's alcoholic beverage of choice?
>pic related
What's Veeky Forums's alcoholic beverage of choice?
>pic related
enjoy your estrogen, rumboy
Jim Beam, Jack, vodka if I feel like scum
I like johnny walker black label
beer cause if I'm gonna get hammered I wanna get the most calories out it that I can, hardgainers live a sad life
pale ale
also cocaine
pic related
Rum will raise your histamine over time, making you a brainlet since it's neurotoxic. Vodka is the cleanest, don't fall for other memes.
Same for whisky, also raises histamine.
I buy one of these less than once a year.
what about gin?
the obvious answer here. refreshing as fuck
It's good
>Less than 2 years to 2020
>Still drinking alcohol
Yeah it's good. Bacterias cause histamine to raise and gin is made with juniper berries which have antibacterial properties and it's also more distilled than brown liquors.
pic related.
two of these are like 560kcal, but enough to get a buzz on an empty stomach.
>inb4 POO
Either this, Jagermeister or craft liquors. I don't drink much though.
Oh hell yeah...I can't keep this shit around my house or I turn into a drunken hobo
not op, but can you elaborate?
Jesus christ you people will believe anything. it's not even funny anymore.
Cant you just have fun for an hour instead of trying to over analyze every aspect of your life for fear of turning into an effeminate fagdick.
The mere fact that you are concerned is enough to ward you from becoming one. god damn.
Wait can you drink captain morgan neat?
Also this beer makes my peepee hard
This bad boy.
Original >>> spiced
Tbh The spiced has too high of an alcohol content. I kinda like the taste of the rum rather than the alcohol. Anyone else?
That's a bingo
Yea? It's just rum.
Do you live in africa?
You are all tiny baby
Lol, good stuff.
Oh god, I have nightmares about this stuff. So sweet and smooth you can drink it straight. Drank so much of it on New Years I puked my brains out.
Camp worker?
Kek my bro got it for my 18th birthday. It was the first time I got drunk
who /rumandcoke/ masterace here?
Stolichnaya is worlds better than that piss. Jameson for whisky.
That stuff is fucking shit.
Is there soy based alcoholic drink? Probably that. I mean, If I decide to transition, might as well go full throttle.
any of these
Whats up. Malibu is pretty good with orange juice too. Really sweet though.
>Malibu and orange juice
16 year old girl alert
ITT - stock photos only and no anons actually showing what they drink.
I wish I had some beer.
I'm the guy who posted the Stolichnaya bottle. It is indeed way better, but Smirnoff does its job very well too
slavnigger reporting in
blacked out on this last friday
Stoli is bae.
Two at a time from the gas station 30 seconds from my house.
Miller Lite if I'm feeling hoity toity.
Just got out of the gym. Had a so-so workout. Hanging out with my grandfather now.
Gonna hit the gym, down one or both of these with a few benzos during a movie, then dump mad protein/water/supps in my body to mitigate the effects. :^)
Is it shit? Or is it THE shit?
Also CACHAĆA. Not for pussies
IPAs are pretty soy
Surprisingly good for the cost.
is it good? i find that the alberta premium (or maybe it's called alberta pure) vodka is complete trash and tastes of car exhaust
after Negrita I can't go back to white spirits
Any vodka/whiskey/tequila that is 50+ proof and less than twenty dollars for a handle
The magic blue.
I'll drink almost anything. Never understood how picky some people are especially when it comes to hard liquor. Some stuff is tastier than others but how does tequila or vodka "make you want to puke" while whiskey doesn't?
Beer I just like anything except beers that just taste overwhelmingly like mostly fruit, chocolate, or coffee.
Pic related is refreshing as fuck. Germans do it the best.
I thought I was the only one drinking rum neat. Truth be told I order it with come at bars but don't keep soda around for parties.
Nah higher proof is better for mixing and I have to waste so much to get a buzz with the lower proof
I quit drinking after Christmas. I haven't felt better in my life. That in return lead to stopping the habit of smoking cigarettes also. Which in return has given me gobs of determination.
>I've been to the gym every day this year...
My negro.
You are all plebs.
I'm taking this thread over now with a 5 part post.
Used to be a rum and peppermint schnapps and red wine kind of guy. Got real serious with my lifting and health so now I'm 1.5 years sober.
This glorious purple juice
And one more for a bonus.
You're welcome.
Now you dorks can go to a party with something different and actually good. And not looking like a total puttz bringing bud lites or Modelos like every other snap back hat wearing faggot.
Do you guys just drink this stuff straight? I was thinking about stocking up a home bar
All my friends drinking Vodka in here, either Vodka or Beer for me (Brown Ale is best Ale).
I'm sure strawberry boonesfarm is more your speed...or maybe a tampon dipped in Zima. The Japs are fucking alchemist of the highest order when it comes to whiskey
This Abita is God tier but Big Wave is like drinking Leinenkugel Shandies it's just trash fruit beer.
Not everything modelo makes is bad.
where do you guys get this fancy shit? the liquor stores in fucking Pennsylvania only have mass brands
The gins? Fuck no. Unless you like eating flowers you won't enjoy it straight.
Rum is best mixed unless it's low proof.
Good whiskey, bourbon, and shitty honey whiskeys are OK straight.
I like using tequila and vodka to hand out lots of shots with but otherwise I wouldn't keep tequila since it's only good for mixing margaritas. All vodka mixes are shitty versions of other drinks or sweet girly drinks.
Isn't all liquor in Pennsylvania distributed by the government or something? It's just your shit state laws.
Canadian whiskey is great straight, even the shit dirt cheap kinds.
>more distilled than brown liquors
Go to sleep kiddo, the adults are talking.
Bourbon neat. Usually go for Evan Williams. 15 bucks for a handle, can't beat that.
Your choice is correct
This one
i need something that will get me fucked up
Any kind of vodka. Alcohol negates any attempt at fitness though.
If you're drinking anything other than Vodka Lime Sodas, you're doing it wrong.
I generally drink it neat but that does sound good.
It's extremely refreshing, low calories and re hydrates you if you're getting shitfaced. Literal goat Veeky Forums beverage.
I lol'd
Cool bottle. How much will it set you back though?
Tried this last week, was great
Dark and spicy Belgians are my favorite type of beer by a mile. You can really enjoy them, everything else just seems "alright"
Honestly a good taste you have. I don't care much for Big Wave, but that's me.
my fucking guy, i couldn't care less if histamines make me stupid, i love me some kraken.
Line 39 Petite Sirah, damn good flavor for the price. Unfortunately they stopped producing it in 2016 and it's becoming increasingly difficult to find.
Brandy and vodka(mostly eastern European shit)
Serbian plum brandy