Does Veeky Forums get migraines? How do you go about preventing them or dealing with them interrupting routines?
I used to take sumatriptan which helped some if I took during the aura stage but I've found that if I take 1000mg-1500mg of l-arginine instead and sleep I'm back on my feet so much quicker. It still sucks but I'm usually okay within 24 hours instead of the 48-96 it used to take.
Stay hydrated.
my mother gets aura migraines, hardly any headache but it messes with your vision so bad that you almost cant function
a few weeks ago i drank whiskey every night for a week, and then i got one as well.
went to the fucking ER because i thought i was having a stroke or something. couldnt see anything except for what i was looking at, like no peripheral vision.
happened a few more times after that but since ive not drank the whiskey again it hasnt happened.
shits weird.
one time it appeared as a blurry circle that i couldnt quite see through, then it expanded and got more translucent until finally it was like a rippling in the bottom right of my right eye, like it was full of water.
migraines do weird shit man
There are many triggers for it, look them up online and see what caused yours and don't do it, one of the ones I've noticed is if I go outside into the cold without covering my head. What helps is ibuprofen, aspirin and staying in a dark room until it passes.
I fucking hate the aura- but at least it gives me a heads up to the migraine. I'm waiting for the day I get a seizure or worse. Has anyone ever felt the residual of a migraine a day after? It's not the full blown migraine from ground zero but you definite have a confusing/ heaviness a day after? I guess mine are getting worse with age. Can't be good.
That sounds more like a TIA to me.
I fight migraines with prescribed barbiturates.
Family friend has gotten migraines his whole life, so bad that they'd put him out of commission for a couple days. A few years back he started getting shots of Botox in the back of his neck and by his temples. Says it's made a world of difference, migraines are much less frequent and much less severe
Yeah, the post migraine hangover is pretty usual for me. Takes another 24 hours or so to get back to normal. I’ve had them since I was like 12, and seasons seem to affect it. Could be a pollen thing.
after the aura stuff is gone and im left with a mild headache (30ish minutes) i then feel a little weird, like weakness and just out of it.
ive only had this happen 3 times total, and they were all 3 during a 2 week span. since then its been nothing, but the 1st time was just aura and mild headache after and i was fine. 2nd time was aura and mild headache after but then i felt kinda shitty and brain foggy.
3rd time aura and then mild headache but after i felt completely out of it and useless. i laid down and went to bed immediately when i noticed the aura coming, and about the time i felt the headache i had to get up to pee and i almost fell out of bed due to being weak and lack of coordination from it.
very weird feelings.
cant imagine having to feel that into the next day
Had migraines with auras very frequently when I was around puberty. Luckily they seem to have gone away.
Yes, hangover would be a better word for it. I know for a fact that mine were triggered by 18+hrs on the computer with cell phone usage. Hydration also plays a part in it as well. Cuting back on the caffeine too.
those might be contributors to mine when they happened.
it seems the 4-5 shots of scotch every night for 10 or so days in a row were the last straw though
Were you able to fully rest your head on the pillow/ bed? I wasn't able to, there was pressure for me as I tried to lay my head down. I had a small light from my laptop (power light) that pissed me off- it seemed to be too bright In my dark room. Really odd.
Keto diet and it went away.
My mother has it and I think that I inherited it from her.
It always starts with some itching on my left eye. Sometimes it will go away if I don't touch, but most of the times it starts to get stronger and then there's paying behind my eye.
I feel a kind of pulsation in my head. It only stops if it take some pain reliefers. But there's still this feeling of hangover.
Migraines suck. I have them at least once a year and then they go away completely.
yea, the headache was negligible. just the vision and weird feeling
the other day I did get some sensitivity to light and mild headache.
maybe they're happening again.
I was changing fluorescent bulbs and halfway through the day I squinted every time I saw one
I use suma and nap, caffeine helps as well. I'll try l-arginine
>aura migraines
My mum did the same
my mom has them and the only time i had a headache i wanted to kms so lets see if i inherited them (i will probably take my own life if thats the case)
wait everyone's moms have migraines here lol maybe it's a woman thing. less worried now
I believe its more skewed toward women, but its really just a strong genetic tendency. If either of your parents get them, there's a really strong chance that you'll get them too
Got it from my Dad. My very first aura gave me transient aphasia. Probably the most terrifying moment in my life so far. Recently figured out that unexplained severe abdominal pain I had in highschool was probably abdominal migraines. If I'm quick on the uptake during the aura with NSAIDs, I can stop the worst of it but the rest of the day is still ruined.
I've had migraines my whole life. I used to get them once a month but it's been a long time since I've had one. My doctor prescribed Anaprox DX which is a generic form of Naproxen. Whenever I feel one coming on I pop one and I'm good.
I used to. Until I started donating blood regularly.
find the root cause OP. I use to get them awful let me give you some help.
1. go into a dark room, remove from all stimuli, turn off lights, put a pillow over your face and lay in bed and just meditate on an image which helps reduce the pain. you'll have to cycle trough a few but you'll find one eventually. usually gradients of dark colors helped me.
2. drink something with caffeine and eat something solid like protein or some carbs
3. take your preferred over the counter head ache med
sometimes you'll have triggers like smoke or bright lights
also go to a neurologist and get an MRI so they can see what is wrong with you. My neurologist gave me gabapentin
one last piece of advice, sitting for a long time and artificial sweeteners such as aspartame will really trigger migraine headaches. good luck man I know they are hell. also weed helps too to calm migraines for myself but idk if it would work for you