Think I finally did a deadlift right today. Glutes and quads sore instead of my back. Feels good

Think I finally did a deadlift right today. Glutes and quads sore instead of my back. Feels good.

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Dumb fucking anime poster

Good job

Yeah, my ass hurts too, OP. I did 5x5 for 295lbs yesterday in the squat rack and today I want to die. Instead I'm fucking cooking Valentine's dinner because my wife didn't want to go out. Talk about a pain in the...

fuckn idiot

>finally 420lb conventional drunk
>think ive been living in snap city ever sine but cant tell

why is this kind of bullshit allowed? why cant this place just be more like bodybuilding forum with memes. that would so cool......

What did you do differently? My back is always the thing that gets sore

Glutes sore after deadlift the fuck??

You better return the favor by making her ass hurt tonight, brah.

What's your issue here, faggot? Don't like waifus? You're in the wrong neighborhood motherfucker.

>he doesn't put his ass into the deadlift

t. weeb dyel

Go back

Squeeze your ass cheeks together like you're in prison as you come up. Tighten up your core.


>quads sore

You're not doing it right

I was actually referring to vigorous anal sex, but that works as well.

You can come back when you learn what you are talking about.

quads shouldn't be sore. if they are, you're going too low to start the lift

What? How?

You know how I know you're a manlet?

>mug Veeky Forums is for le animoo!

Kys yourself

LOL at you, I'm actually tall which helps with dead lifts. I barbell row more then most people deadlift and you want to argue with me? You fucking twink

Dumb ESL poster

It's hilarious how peeved people get over anime images compared to literally anything else posted on this entire website. The little anime girl isn't going to hurt you baby boy.

My posterior chain / erector spinae is always sore the most after diddlying. What should I fix in my form?

Your glutes are amoung the main muscles used in deads.

>i-I d-do barbell rows

Yeah, and? Congratulations on being able to follow some Mehdi YouTube videos.

>i-i-im tall

Keep telling yourself that boy-o.

wut, I barbell row 405 for 3 reps, 315 for 15 reps. I don't think you realize how big of a twink you are compared to me.

If you feel deadlifts in your quads your ass is getting too low. I had this problem years a go until i fixed my deadlift form. Twinks never learn

post bod

>h-heh we're winning anime fans!

Yeah definitely post bod

I'm getting moist

quicky i took for you guys

You literally got that off Google images. That gets posted here at least once a week.

i literally took that 5 minutes a go. LMFAO fucking twink.

Thiccc back bro

Here's me at 210. Silly twinky thinking i got it off google images. I'm 230 in the other picture

Why do people do this, lie in the internet?

Get a load of this roider. Why don't you actually earn your muscles?

you want a spoon picture twink?

Post a time stamp t b h.

Ri-chan supports your growth and so do I.

>calls people twinks
>wants to rape men

well, i think its ok for you to come out now small fry

twinks be twinking

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline '1-800-273-TALK (8255)

here you go twink

Lookin thick

>315 for 15 reps
What r your stats for other lifts?

>tfw I'm never sore in any of these places even tho I did a PR of lmao2pl8 yesterday

what the fuckk am i doing wrong

lol I remember the first time I knew I deadlifted properly

>get Stronglifts
>start DL with 65 pounds
>couple weeks go by
>don't really get the point, not feeling the DL work
>get up to 135
>do everything like internet said
>squeeze abs, chest up, use ass cheeks, hold breath
>grip bar
>let go of bar
>I don't remember moving the weight
>app says I did the set

what a trip

Stopped doing conventional deadlifting, squatting and benching so I don't know those numbers.

Romanian deadlift/stiff legged deadlift hybrid with no ground touching 405 for 12 reps before crippling back pump sets in.

I can give you some random exercise lift numbers if you want.

>Ritsu poster

Good taste faggot

>I was actually referring to vigorous anal sex
I figured that was what you meant, but I don't have a "vigorous anal sex" folder, for obvious reasons

thanks bby


embarrassing dude, stop posting old pic's and actually go to the gym lol

2/3 pics were made two hours a go. I train 2:30 hours a day. I mog you

So where should one feel deadlifts if done properly? I can do 405 and I think my form is fine.

>"y-you're a dumb twink and don't know anything about deadlifts haha"
>"wh-what you're actually arguing with m-me!?! my smug anime girl didn't drive you away?"
>"well why don't you post your body if you're so big and strong, huh?"
>"wh-what you actually posted your big thicc sexy body..? y-your uhh embarrassing yourself so uhh... stop please..."
just stop man, you're a little twink who got completely BTFO
mmm sexy!


depends what your weak points are and your limb length. My quads are weak compared to my hamstrings and I've never felt them in my quads.

Where do you feel deadlifts?

Lower back, traps and forearms generally. Sometimes glutes but I also do front squats on my deadlift days so I can't tell the difference. These days I don't really feel much in the way of DOMS though. Still work my ass off in the gym.

Do some yates row and rack pulls (heavy), not those retarded alpha destiny rack pulls, put the safeties around knee height.

If you don't care about grip strength on deadlifts get some straps. I use straps for every pulling lift even bicep workouts and my forearms are 16 inches

Lower back: is it a pump? Are you bracing your core properly? Are you using a belt?

I use overhand grip up until ny 2 heaviest sets, then do mixed. I'm hoping this combats the imbalance over time. I do not use a belt but I have one in case I need it. The "feel" is directly after the sets, and disappears a short time after. I think I'm properly bracing my core. Inhaling as much as possible, starting from a low position to activate the legs and hips, etc.

>I'm hoping this combats the imbalance over time

I prefer to use straps because I do heavy barbell exercises to workout big muscle groups on my body not forearms. Get straps and do some direct forearm work once a week and your forearms will grow. No point in limiting your deadlifts/rack pulls due to forearm strength

>The "feel" is directly after the sets

That sounds like a pump. Does it feel like your lower back is going to explode and it's hard to bend over? Try to maintain your spine at neutral. Use the belt, no reason not to.

This thread is a disaster

Definitely hard to bend over. I wouldn't go so far as to say my back feels like it'll explode, however. I think I round my back on the heaviest sets but generally it's as straight as can be. I'll work more on that. Honestly the only reason I stopped using the belt is because I haven't seen Olympic lifters use them much, and Clarence Kennedy doesn't either. Shit reason, I know.

What exercises are good for forearms specifically? I have quite decent forearms and I think it's only due to deadlifts. I've considered straps in the past but I don't think I'm at the point where I'm limited due to grip strength yet. I'd say that will come at 5pl8 or so.

Get a load of these C O P I N G faggots

>not doing Bulgarian split squats
Get on my level

Is your goal to build size or to be a Olympic lifter? Even Olympic lifters use straps in training.

There's been studies done and using a belt is beneficial in every aspect. The only reason not to use one is if you're competing and they don't allow it.

So many forearm exercises:
-hammer curls
-reverse curls
-forearm curls (rest forearm on bench)
-forearm curls with palm facing the floor (rest forearm on bench)
-Zottman Curl

I can keep going and going lol

please kys

My goal first and foremost is to lose fat. Beyond that I want to focus on nutrition, health and longevity of life. So yeah, building mass fits into those priorities, just over time. My thinking was to build a solid foundation of strength while I lose fat, then switch to a more hypertrophy based regimen. I don't have a ton of weight to lose, about 30 lbs or so.

The regimen I'm doing doesn't include any sort of curl work so I've never done them. It's nsuns linear progression, if you're wondering. In the past I did 5x5 which worked very well for me, but this was several years ago.

I'll start using the belt more often. Thanks for that.

>some dyel says deadlifts hit quads
>actual experienced lifter gives advice on deadlift form
>army of angry dyels flip their shit in denial

This is why the board is full of tfw no gf betas. Why would actual fit ppl even come here and talk with a bunch of whiny babies

Don't fall for the strictly strength meme to build a foundation. Include some accessory movements. If I were you i would incorporate at least 8 sets of curls a week for biceps.
Lets say you can deadlift 405:
-rack pulls you can use 585 to overload your traps and back

-straight legged deadlifts 225 to put much more emphasis on hamstring and glute development

Do those exercises to failure I guarantee you will have DOMS

with the 405 deadlift you aren't training any muscle to it's fullest potential compared to using another barbell exercise variation and that's why I don't like them for bodybuilding

I forgot to ask what does your program look like? I highly recommend a PPL style program for beginners. Focus on your main lifts in the beginning of the workout then do accessory work and machines

I haven't done rack pulls in fucking years. Huh. I'll try em out again. It's like a shorter ROM deadlift, pulled from the needles in a power rack, right? I've never tried straight legged deads either. What kind of rep scheme would you follow with these? Rack pulls I assume 3-5 reps per set, and straight legged deads literally to failure?

try doing deadlifts, 2pl8 isn't a deadlift you sad fuck

It's the 4 day variation of nsun's. It's based on 5/3/1. I only started at the gym a month and a half ago. Before that, I hadn't been serious in a gym for 2 years, and before that it had been 4 years. So I don't know if I'm truly a beginner or not at this point. My lifts are almost as good as they were at 18-19 with much, much less time spent.

>with the 405 deadlift you aren't training any muscle to it's fullest potential
>thinking a 4pl8 diddly is impressive
The state of modern men

>It's like a shorter ROM deadlift, pulled from the needles in a power rack, right

yeah, you should feel them in traps and upper back.

Rack pulls
3-12 rep range. Do some warmup sets 8-12 reps. Then some working sets at 3-5 rep range then do a burnout set at 12-20 reps.

>straight legged deads

6-12 rep range. If you can do more then 12 reps load up more weight,

twink do you even know who you're talking to? My deadlift right now is probably around 7 plates and I haven't done them in over a year

If your goal is general health and looking good I would switch to another program. Doing 1 rep maxes in every workout scare the shit out of me due to injuries. Do exercises in the 5+ rep range

Look into PPL

Thanks for the advice friendo. Lots to think about and research.

You have a great physique, by the way.

good luck boyo