Motivation thread

yo life's been hitting be hard af lately. i gotta start fighting back or it will win.

can we do a motivation thread?

Other urls found in this thread:

y'all are bitches.



>Not posting the most classic of classics

Been having a shitty day and that comic made me tear up bro, we’re all gonna make it

We're all gonna make it

We are all going to make it. Stay strong m8s.

We are all gonna make it

Veeky Forums has the shittiest memes

honestly what other board has better?

I watch this every day.

Don't forget, Plus Ultra

lads I just started working out again while cutting on a 1500cal/day diet, and my body isn't taking it well. I haven't slept properly for 3 nights due to DOMS and hunger, and according to my workout schedule I'm supposed to work out today, but I'm fucking fatigued. Should I put it off until tomorrow or go for it tonight? I don't want to grind myself to the ground but I don't want to be a fucking pussy either.


Unironically /an/

pretty soon my parents will go to bed and I will be tempted to go downstairs and seriously binge eat. I told myself i would start OMAD today, made it through the whole day so far but I'm 70 percent sure im gonna cave soon, and if I make it through tonight I'll want it tomorrow in the morning. Can someone talk me down? Im on day one here, I weigh 287 pounds.

I watched some gay Facebook video today but what the guy said actually hit something in my brain and I've been thinking about it all day. He basically gave his life story about how his father wasn't supportive of him at all and, even after becoming a self-made millionaire at 30, his father couldn't think of a single moment when he was proud. The guy lost everything and was down in the dumps but he found a mentor in a boss of his. The guy only had negative thoughts of himself, but his mentor had only positive things to say. Then his mentor said this:

What follows "I am" follows you.

His mentor said to use the phrase, "I am" and a positive description. The guy idolized Clint Eastwood and thought of him as "ruggedly handsome" and so his mentor told him to repeat the phrase, "I am ruggedly handsome" every day, a thousand times if he had to. The guy eventually started to believe himself, then he said, "I am the greatest real estate agent ever" (his occupation at the time) and he broke record sales in just 1 year.

So you need to think of some strong, positive adjectives and then say, "I am".

I am strong
I am smart

Say it at least 3 times a day - when you wake up, before you go to bed, and once throughout the day. But say it as often as possible, and soon you'll believe it, and then say something else positive until you believe it, and keep going until you're the richest, strongest, most confident motherfucker alive.

tl;dr What follows "I am" follows you

Fuck off

What kind of food do you usually eat?

You're likely addicted to sugar, and you need to break that addiction. What kind of foods are available? Make yourself a turkey breast sandwich with no mayo. The protein will sate you.

i remember when zyzz first died and this was made and posted in RIP thread. Shit had me in tears cause that faggot got me into lifting 7 years ago


wasn't he just some roided out idiot?


He never died user, he ascended to rejoin the Pantheon of the Gods. Better to die the hero than live long enough to become the villain. In a way I'm glad Zyzz left us when he did, he never had to see his body slowly decay, he will never go the way of Arnold. He left in his prime and strode through the pearly white gates with perfect cuts.

I only just got back into the gym after a year of being lazy. What did it was thinking "Would Zyzz be proud of what I've become?"

it's carbs and cheese and shit. right now there are 3 main things im thinking of eating, a toasted ham and cheese sandwich, 2 or 3 eggs between some eggo waffles with slices of cheese, and some pretzel chips. I could easily eat all three of those and probably whatever else I find. I shouldn't be eating at all cause of OMAD. Even then at my meal today I had two cup cakes and a recces peanut butter cup.

Time to leave newfags.


Go train bruh.
Rest is important, and recovery is the only way to make gains, but training on a day like today gives you mental strength and that always overrules.

I started at 330 lbs down to 270. I still have serious cravings, but what you'll find soon is that your body doesn't really need as much food as your brain is telling you.

Here are a couple reasons to not binge eat tonight.
-You won't feel better than you do now. In fact worse because you'll feel bloated.
-The first few nights are the toughest, if you can make it through those, you'll feel pretty good on Monday if you stick to a good eating pattern.
-In a couple of weeks your clothes will start to fit better.
That's just the beginning. After a while it will flat out not feel good to overeat because your stomach will have shrunk somewhat naturally.

This video speaks deeply to me. Probably will to other anons too.

unironically get the fuck off Veeky Forums please and thank-you

That was fucking nice.

I'm going to start doing this, especially for spiritual goals.

I am gay


>tfw been going to the gym for a year now and no vinny or max to spot me while lifting



You're going to cave. You'll do it again next time, and the time after that, and the time after that maybe. That's just how it works, but pretty soon you'll eventually just eat omad naturally. Week long fasts will be easy. You'll be astonished at how little you weigh and how much muscle you gain with ease.

You will make it bro, fight hard, but know life will beat you down. Your body isn't used to this yet. But as long as you don't give up these little defeats you have now you won't even remember

Less Veeky Forums and more about life but it’s so hard to stay motivated in college. I’m a junior in a field that I should be enjoying, but I’m not, and I can’t pay any attention in any of my classes despite being medicated. I have focalin, but that shit scares me to take because it makes me want to eat literally nothing and not talk to anyone. Where do you guys find the motivation from? I feel like a loser because other amstudents would probably laugh at how light my workload is to theirs in contrast.

Holy shit

Reported and saged

>detail in last panel


i fucking hate muslims

>mfw imagining a world with only whites and east asians


>East asians
You wouldnt be wishing for this if you visited australia.


that was good

i skipped to the end because i can't be bothered watching all of that, but he said to avoid fruit juice which is a good idea, not sure how that could speak deeply to you though

I loled

>Tfw hate west (for ruining other countries and my country) and now seeing them commit suicide

Fucking gold

>not realizing that you would have almost zero technology without the west

do you use electricity at all?

>Implying others wouldn't have created it later

well they never did, almost 100% of the things around you and that you use were invented by white men

Brisbanes chock full of chinks as well. A fun activity is playing "spot the white guy" in Inulla

sub-saharan blacks never invented anything past sticks and they go back hundreds of thousands of years as their same modern self

but you're not a black, i think you're a poo or mudslime???

Just like how Zimbabwe become so prosperous and turned into Wakanda once whitey got kicked out and left.

Just think about the fulfillment that'll follow you succeeding.
After that step to the next stone.


entire town is asian

>white supremacist
>posts on an Veeky Forums trying to ride on the successes of others solely based on the color of their skin

You realize no white supremacist thinks of someone like you when they speak of their 'great race' ?

>projecting this hard

hitler thought of me

Been to Brisbane, can confirm. Good food though.

Both are shit pictures. They're either
>Be a beta white knight
>Be an asshole Chad

The first (original) comic would have a lot more punch to it if the last line was simply "Just try to be the best you". Can't really find it online, but as shit as GT was it had a great character development moment for Vegeta. The point where he says he doesn't care about surpassing Goku, he just wants to see how strong he can get.

Arabic and Persian people created medicine before west, middle Easterns created language before everyone else, etc. so by your logic Without them none of this would have existed.

Aye, a bit of self-suggestion goes a long way.


I like you guy.

Where did the bad man touch you?

You obviously do not know de wey.

I didn't want to feel this, but it is a nice reminder.

If you are that fat just fucking starve man. I can't compare exactly, but I was 200 pounds and 5'6 almost 2 years ago. After being fat my whole life I lost 50 pounds in a little over 3 months and I did it by continually saying fuck you and embracing hunger. Your body won't change and start eating itself unless you experience and embrace hunger. Whenever you want food, know that your body is healing. Further, go for a bike ride whenever you're hungry. Say fuck you to fatness. Say fuck you to the niggers who tell you to eat in moderation. Best of luck brother



>Be, be a champ

I said I wasn't going tocry tonight

fuck me thats good, i'm gonna fucking make it

not even a chad. the bodybuilder guy is way too muscular to be attractive. it's "the guy who always gives up" vs "the guy who made lifting his entire life because he has some other life problem". both are red flags

>Arabic and Persian people created medicine before west, middle Easterns created language before everyone else,
Holy fucking shit, there are people who actually unironically believe this.
>What is Roman Empire
>What is Ancient Greece

Rock Thomas

Saw that video too.

That was nice.

I Australia is there a SINGLE non-moon faced or shovel-faced Asian ANYWHERE?

Idiots, lesser man the ones who fight for their Vaterland without knowing who the true enemy is and his ways.
Open your eyes faggots, this is all the work of the Bank and monetery System.

lesser Brains the ones who dont see the enemy.
Nothing will ever Change if you dont destroy the Bank and monetery System.
Muslims, blacks and ect are not the Problem.
Open your eyes.

How did he become an asshole?

Peterson said that when you're changing for the better you'll first have to lie to yourself but eventually it'll become true if you put the effort in.

Kindly get the fuck out

>be an asshole chad
Chad is not an asshole user. Your insecurities are clouding your judgment.
Chad is actually a pretty good guy that will help you get laid.


Arabs created nothing, they only stole from the Byzantines and Persians.
The Persian people before the Muslim invasions were as white as Europeans, look at ancient sources or today's elite in many of those countries (eg: Assad, house of Osman)
>Middle Eastern created language
You don't know what language is.

behold the omega

This is fucking great.

you're both niggers without any sort of proof
>actually judging a character on 4 panels of a comic

Rich too.

Spat out my coffee


wtf that video just autoplayed on facebook for me this morning too

Kill yourself

Pakistan is not in the EU.

You'll have to man up and live with that feeling for a couple of months, and then they will be gone, trust me, I lost 70 lbs in 6 months, just hang in there bro, you're gonna make it.
