Help with routine

Hi Veeky Forums. Can anyone help me picking out a routine for me and my girlfriend? My girlfriend hasn't lifted at all. I've lifted for a year before this on a strength routine and I didn't like it too much after the initial high of making quick strength gains wore off.
Is there a good 3x week full body routine that incorporates some lower reps (4-6) and higher reps (8-15) in the same day?

inb4 sticky.
No thanks to SS/SL and any variation of it.

We both need to lose fat, about 25lbs each

addendum 2:

addendum 3:
Bump 2

What compounds of the strength routine did you like doing, first of all? And what are your goals?

Get her into a basic cardio bunny routine.
Some form of cardio,can be riding a bike, stair master, jogging, sprinting, tae bo, ddr, fucking doesn't matter.

Then get her into a lower body and booty focused workout.
Romanian deadlifts
Cable kickbacks
Gobblet squats
Then some ab work and then some slight calisthenics to tone her upper body.

You CAN get her into something that will do all three like...stripper pole dancing. But that is fairly advanced.

Woo thanks for the reply. I like heavy OHP the most, i like doing lightweight squats or front squats and lower-rep deads.
My goal mainly is to get leaner and maintain that leanness for the rest of my life, as for muscle-gain, go up to like 90-95kgs(200-210lbs) lean (10-12%bf ) and maintain that for as much of the rest of my life (I'm currently 6'1" and 90kgs at ~20%bf)
Thanks for the reply, my gf says she wants a well-rounded routine, not lower-body only and she also said she's interested in weights, not bodyweight-based routines.
I WAS thinking of putting her on a lower-body focused routine with cardio, but if giving her a good split of upper-body and lower-body will help increasing interest in training, that's what I should do.


>my gf says she wants a well-rounded routine, not lower-body only and she also said she's interested in weights, not bodyweight-based routines.
>doesn't want to do SS which is heavily emphasize on lower body due to Mark's Ass Fetishes
Literally kys faggot, people like you are laughable beyond saving, not wanting to do a proven program and ask random strangers is a joke.