Honest rate thread pls. Been cutting for 6 months now, down from 80kg to 65kg

Honest rate thread pls. Been cutting for 6 months now, down from 80kg to 65kg.

Rate what, your physique? 2/10 at best

Now get off the caloric deficit and start building lean muscle.

You look terrible. 2/10

Wtf is wrong with your skin

ostrich/human hybrid
>kill... me.....

That's not Sweet Dee though

I think you should gain 3-5kg fat and ~10kg muscle. You don't look good this lean and you need lots of muscle mass. Increase calories, don't pig out, use the discipline you've gained and do a slow bulk. On the positive, good job on the weight loss.

Every time I go to a calorie surplus (even 200 above) I just retain water and look bloated all the time.
Thnx bby
No sunlight and surgery
Ostriches scare me
Reddit in philadelphia reference XD xD XD Have an upvote my friend ;)))

How short are you? You're a skelly you need to put on some fat.

Thanks, but like I said every time I go in a surplus, even a few hundred, my body retains a shitload of water. Then I panic and go back to maintenance/cutting.
I want my lifts up :( I can only 50kg OHP and 90kg Bench, 120kg Squat and 135kg Deadlift

This is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen, what the fuck is wrong with your body.

5ft11, grand emperor of manlets


History of obesity, then anorexia, now a controlled form of anorexia in the form of iifym and lifting

no fuckin way you ohp 50kg unles you mean lb


I do haha, I've always been retard strong at shoulder work for some reason and shit at back stuff. 50kg OHP for 3 reps, 90kg bench for 2, squat 120kg for 5, deadlift 135kg for 3

>I can only 50kg OHP and 90kg Bench, 120kg Squat and 135kg Deadlift
I call bullshit on that

Did you bulk at all?

Here's a tip, stop increasing the work weight until you can actually do 5 reps (or whatever your routine calls for). Those 2 reps on a good day don't mean shit. You're not hitting the muscles hard when you're doing that, and you're lying to yourself about how actually strong you are. Also your progress will be slower and you'll eventually plateau, compared to doing it "properly".

Fuck you and your lying ass, you don't OHP your body weight in your decrepit state.
Stop posting in a mongolian basket weaving forum and go see a psychiatrist, a nutritionist and a psychologist. Take out a bank loan if you need to, but sort your mental life out asap.

if you're worring about looking bloated you have your priorities wrong, bulk and if you're that worried about being bloated just drink lot more water and do cardio, you'll pee most of the excess water and the cardio will take care of the rest

your belly button looks like a puckered anus

Seek help for your body dysmorphia/eating disorder.

Yeah I'm 6'1 and 80kg

Jesus christ
Eat more you disgusting ghoul

It's gratata dumbass


Go up to 75 kg AT LEAST
Do a slow clean bulk

Time to put down the fork, fat boy

Rate? Ok, pic related
Not quite skelly but damn dude eat a fucking burger.

Dont listen to the other guy youre gonna look yuge when you cut.

looking good op

what the actual fuck haha

Lean bulk NOW

Looks like the guy who did roids but didnt work out at all


if this is really you what is the reason for making this thread?
There is nothing we could rate and you don't look like you're working out
What a fucking waste of time

jesus that bellybutton looks like busted anus

Why did you do that.

I'm 6,0 60kg
I wish I was 80kg

What bodyfat is that

Are you cutting down to try and slip through the fences surrounding Auschwitz? I don't understand.

This gotta be graatatatata

I don't get it I genuinely think OP looks ok

look better than most people here

>the absolute state of modern Veeky Forums

WAT. Why the fucking bloody hell did you decide that you have the muscle and fat to cut.

Youre barely taller than a towel bar. Youre 5'8" tops

>Knocking on always sunny
Kill yourself aborted fetal foreskin lookin ass monstrosity

I decided I had the fat to cut and the time to learn proper form and to get a decent lifting/cardio routine in place

unironically this advice minus the mean gif

you need mental help. and are you running some kind of clen or dnp wtf man?

you should be bulking not cutting. Honest opinion 3/10. You have potential though, you look tall.

No drugs, and I'd say I'm mentally stable. I eat quite a lot, 154/60/252/2164 (p/f/c), lift for ~45-60minutes doing PPL, and work a warehouse job so quite a lot of walking and carrying things, pushing/pulling pallets, etc.

>I'm mentally stable
when will you stop lying jesus

I'm 5ft11
Honestly, my goal is pic related. I know its such a meme to say it but it's just true, I've no interest in being shonen anime villain huge. Apparently he was like 5kg heavier than I am, same height and everything.

>I'd say I'm mentally stable
>I'd say

Why am I unstable just cause I know how to diet? I'd argue that the hamplanets and skinnyfats who can't control themselves around food are more mentally unstable than me

You're just on the opposite side of the spectrum from them. They can't stop eating, you can't start eating.

I can eat any amount I choose, I just know when I go even slightly above maintenance I just start getting fat and retaining water.
Fucking sucks cause I know I need to gain muscle, and to do that I need a calorie surplus, but a calorie surplus just makes me look bloated BECAUSE I have no muscle

You look bad, bony
t. 6'1 ex-65kg, didn't look like that even at that weight
especially the shoulders, jesus christ dude

delete this

>when I go even slightly above maintenance I just start getting fat and retaining water
Yes, that's what eating above maintenance means, psycho. Seriously, get your head checked.

"and everting"

If it weren't for your weird looking skin and belly button, I think you'd have a pretty nice body by normie standards. From a bodybuilding perspective, it's an absolute disaster. Judging by the numbers, I'd almost presume I didn't even lift in that time.

In any case it's a step in the right direction, now build muscle and stop looking like a twink.

>now build muscle
Can't build muscle without eating, and he can't eat with his eating disorder.

looks like you had a tummy tuck. how recently was that? did you lose more weight after it? you should go see a nutritionist to get you on a healthy diet for you to start bulking, and talk to a therapist about your body dysmorphia.


Why the fuck are you cutting? You have no muscle. How do people get this delusional?


get a slight tan and bulk like 10 lbs and youll look great. a tan will do a lot to make the scars and veins less noticeable. as of right now its black metal /skeletal look

>trap imbalance

It's the angle shut u