Anyone else think that This guy has a kind of manic unstable look to him?

Anyone else think that This guy has a kind of manic unstable look to him?

He also looks goofy because he has these big arms, but then a tiny neck and other parts aren't well developed. He doesn't look proportional. It's like some skinny guy wearing big fake muscle arms.


He is literally the definition of a mutt. A racially ambiguous, mentally ill, sexually confused retard obsessed with his ridiculous fad diet.


He works his biceps and ONLY his biceps for some completely unknown reason.

Shoo shoo gains goblin

He's so weird. He has this soft effeminate face. Is he a fag? He seems to be loaded with insecurities.

God I'm not mirin that at all, literally everything there looks off. His bis and pecs, fucking hell it looks like he's got implants grafted on his bones. His face does not look healthy at all.

>fucking hell it looks like he's got implants grafted on his bones.

That's what it looks like. Something is off. I don't think he really did that, but he just sucks at this. First he looks SKINNY and thin. He's starving himself to get that "cut" looks. Second, his proportions are all over the place. He's good bicepts, but skinny neck and traps.

He looks like a monster.

I've met one of his fans at my gym. It's strange seeing muscle on feminine men.

I don't understand him.

Regardless of how big he is he seems like he has some serious problems, and I'm not even talking about his ethics. He just seems fucked up.

Because he doesn't eat enough protein to recover from working anything else out... The burden of being a vegan.

This is what mental illness looks like

He would just look better, more normal at least, if he was a skinny lean guy. Lifting is a meme. Also why is he green?

Why does he have such a flat chest compared to the rest of his body?

La creatura...

I've noticed all vegans muscles look like they're malformed somehow.

The results of race mixing

This, added with veganism and you get something worse than skitsophremia.

thank god he castrated himself.

Kevin Levrone got skinny


All vegans have that holocaust neck

Iirc he had a vasectomy and was proud of it. He believes human overpopulation is bad for animals so he thinks we should all get them.

la luz extinguido..