Complete the following sentence:
>The Texas Method by Mark Rippetoe is...
Complete the following sentence:
Christian Lopez
Thomas Stewart
a meme
Mason Cook
a routine
Sebastian Adams
A meme routine
Justin Green
yet another routine that you shouldn't be doing, unless you modify it so much the point where it's not The Texas Method
Charles Lee
Too much for THIS lower back
Carson Richardson
>...The Texas Method by Mark Rippetoe is...
Daniel Evans
the routing you should start after you're done with ss
Justin Morgan
It's a meme, it's a routine.. it's a meme routine
Joseph Ramirez
total fucking dogshit that only works for talentchads and people willing to fatfuck themselves
it's also not by Mark Rippetoe, and it's also not endorsed by Mark anymore he thinks it's shit now and directs people to HLM or feigenkike's intermediate program