this is a periungual wart. All my fingers on my left hand have them and my gf won't hold my hand, and my right hand has two of the fuck do I get rid of them? I got them after I joined a new gym. Going to the doctor every other week to freeze them was a waste of my time. I have immiquimod cream and also trying the nail polish treatment to suffocate them. I fucking hate the gym for doing this to me with their dirty equipment.
Periungual warts
maybe wear gloves that cover the whole hand?
Wart lotion and duct tape
Had hundreds of warts on my hands as a kid. Had some kind of UV therapy to get rid of most of them. Got rid of the last of them by shaving them down after showers and applying OTC wart goop on them.
I have the same shit all over my fingers. Nothing fucking works but I've been trying this stuff from eBay called Bazuka Extra Strength from the UK.
I would get fungal infections every time I used certain machines until I started wiping them down before I sit. OP you need to call the gym manager, ask for a refund and see a doctor. someone at the gym is spreading it
Cut em out with a razor blade. Used to have a big wart on my wrist as a kid and lotions and freeze treatments weren't working. Eventually had to be taken to a dermatologist to have it burned off.
does it work?
I'm so fucking sick of these things.
I don't want to scar myself. That sounds painful and shit. It's around the nail bed
Get back at the gym by pooping on the floor in the front entrance during the busiest time. Get back at your girlfriend by doing the same at her parents' house.
If you follow the instructions to the T, it should work. I've been slacking some days so I still have them. I got them under the edge of my fingernails which really sucks.
yep I got some under the nails. It's fucking disgusting and annoying and I keep clipping them and it always grows back, It's fucking insane.
Use duct tape. Look it up. Need to keep it covered nearly allmday, just remove to wash and afterward put more duct tape on. Took me about 2 weeks and they are gone. Adhesive in the tape provoke immune response. If you're skeptical you csan try wrapping just one finger ton see if it works. Got nothing to lose before you try medication or more drastic measures like burning/freezing
I'm literally to the sadistic point of just chugging a thing of whiskey and taking a flame to it. Right now I have seven fingers with imiquimod cream on it and my thumb has dried nailpolish to prevent it from breathing.
did you have yours near the finger tho?
can fasting get rid of warts?
I bit mine off
No but I had a lot on my toes because showering with dirty roommates in college. Inconvenient for fingers definitely but still should work
hand wart are not really deep so you can kill them by digging them with a needle.
ps: you are disgusting and also the reason why I have a home gym now.
They tend to just go after a while, I tried all the shit mentioned in the thread but none of it worked for me. My body just got rid of them eventually.
You can buy a freeze off kit at the drug store that does a bunch of them for pretty cheap.
Burning them off isn't that painful you sissy. It compares to touching a hot stove for a second, nothing more
Guess you should just kys
I've had three on my fingers, I treated one with salicylic acid and the other two I just tore out. Be careful though if you're tearing them out bc unless you get the while thing from the roots it's going to come back. Also there's a ton of blood after you tear it out, but there's no scars after it heals.
Guys I think I have the same, it appeared out of nowhere, not sure what it is though.. Any thoughts?
Put on lemon or oregano essential oil overnight with a patch or bandaid. Don't overdo it. You're welcome.
I get them every once in a while. Always cut them out; bloody and minor scarring but they irritate lithe shit out of me. Really the scars aren't noticeable.
Bro that just looks like a bug bite or something
There are apposite products, ask your chemist. I had a real bad one on my right hand and I bit it off, i bled like crazy but it came off with a root and all, or at least that's what I remember.
Bazuka that verruca!
I burned my hands and even that shit didn't work OP, what did it for me was this: Salicylic acid.
NOTHING WORKS except wartpeel. Its made by a company in iowa at it was the ONLY thing that worked after five years and every other treatment you can imagine. It is painless and works quickly. Seriously do it.