>tfw realised muscles only atract homos, niggresses and thots
Tfw realised muscles only atract homos, niggresses and thots
So? All women are thots anyway
Not even that for me.A massive ass and tits niggresses would be nice but they are rare as fuck in Europe
I'm fat. I would give someone 0.03BTC if they gave me advice that within this time next year helped me become not far.
>have a permanent stiffy for black chicks
i'm okay with this
im ex fatty and i used mainly cold baths and stayed up through the night to exercise during the morning to lose more body heat, and sleep through lunch usually or just was too tired to eat much
Eat magic mushrooms while wanting to not be fat. Prepare for a spiritual ass reaming.
I dont care about your money, just drop the candy and soda. start working out atleast 3x a week and generally move more. drink lots of water, start eating foods that fill you up better and you wont be hungry.
you can literally eat shittons of rice/chicken/veggies or low fat quark and you will be stuffed.
yes if all you have is muscles you'll attract a bitch who only cares about muscles
why not be a confident interesting individual with an education and career goals? then you can attract better women
cute emotive faces attract women idiot.
straighten/whiten your teeth and wash your damn face. smell good. get a hair cut.
doesn't mean she won't require a chiseled stud with a big cock to fuck her right, but at least you'll have a girl.
t-thanks user, have sort of weird aesthetics but ill give it a shot at least I'll look like i'm trying
cause im a fucking brainlet and cant focus on anything i tried engineering twice and didnt make it through the first week before starting to hear just rambling about words i dont even know
doesnt help that it's one of the best universities in the whole continent and has really high education standards
Eat less calories. That's it, there's no magic or shortcuts. A fatty could easily loose 300lbs in a year. Only eat 2000 calories a day, track it with a fitness app, and you'll be slim in no time.
>girl I've been hooking up with is mutual friends with my homie
>she's setting him up with her smoking hot friend
>complains to me about all questions she's getting from both parties after homie and hot girl go on date
>sends this screen shot of the girl's vetting process
I asked her if this line of questioning was normal, and that I was surprised she asked if he was fit and she said "I'm not suprised, girls always want to know that haha"
Everyone involved sounds like a normie thot, proving OP's point.
5’8” here, was 200lbs halfway through January, now I’m at 186 as of today. I just cut down on my calories and included cardio as part of my daily routine, I’m aiming for 160lbs by the end of March
have you been to sweden?
>tfw no nigress gf
Maybe, also everyone involved is getting laid and has friends
Vitamin S
What's with the depression that fills this board? It's some crab mentality bs, like eyeryone is trying to drag everyone else down to the same level of misery to the point they'll find any reason to piss and moan.
r/incels got shut down so some of the runoff came here
You're not telling me no lies are you? That's why there's so much whining on here?
>do they even lift?
the see lifting as a coping mechanism, not a means to improve your life
Capitalize on the latter.
Lmao why did it get shut down?
Reddit is fucking lame, but I didn't know whole subreddits could be wiped out.
Beats booze and drugs, so whatever
Might as well put the thread to use then. Now I know nobody can agree with anything on here but maybe you folks can help me out.
I've read the sticky, I've saved infographs, but I'm still confused as to what routines are good for what. I'm looking for aesthetic right now, shave off the fat so I look better naked, and from there I can build muscle.
SS, PPL, everything is claimed to be a meme here, are they really as meme as everyone memes? Are machines really that big of a no no? If anyone has a good beginner routine and reasons why, actual reasons, I'd really appreciate it. I'm down to 280 from 300 but I'm still noticeably overweight.
>6'4" weights 3 days treadmill 2 days
not sure exactly why bro, but I'm guessing it was due to misogyny. are you a miscer?
That isn't the point of this thread.
Machines aren't really a meme, it's just some people who only do machines have routines that only consist of 18 isolation exercises since most machines are isolation centric
I could stand to do some isolation. My biggest hangup right now is one arm noticeably bigger than the other
incelniggers would go to r9k or pol, not here...
What's wrong with nigresses? They're literally always smiling and happy to see you.
Why should I bother working out while cutting? At a 500 deficit and on EC stack so it's super easy so far. I don't have that much muscle, 1 pl8 bench, 2 pl8 squat, 30 OHP.
Muscle memory is real so When I'm done cutting without working out I'l be back to where I was in a month then start getting gains while bulking right?
So women?
Eat only once a day.
So's my dog, but I don't wanna stick my dick in it.
nah they're on fit as well
So are dogs but I wouldn't fuck them either
restrict your caloric intake. don't buy unhealthy food when you shop for groceries. drink water/tea/coffee/protein shake. workout 3x a week if you want to.
it's LITERALLY this simple. you just need some discipline. start out slow by limiting soda etc then reduce your meals by taking like a smaller plate or something.
get over your racism and you'll see that niggers are way more tolerable than faggots, not talking about american niggers, but real niggers with africans root are the best kind of people you'll ever met and their waifus are mostly traditionnal too, find a christian one and you won the superbowl
is that true? I've got jungle fever big time and I'm not racist
so bring on the thicc black women