I can't gain weight


The stick told me I should eat a lot of calories, well I'm eating as fuck these last few weeks and I'm still stuck at 53.5kg~54kg, everyfuckingtime I look at the weighting machine it's something between those two numbers. Am I doing anything wrong? Or perhaps I have some kind of condition in my body that I don't know about which keeps me from getting fat?

Here's my diet:

Morning: Orange Juice, 3 breads with butter, 1 banana, 1 chocolate cereal bar

Lunch: A lot of rice, a lot of beans, lettuce or spinach, a lot of chicken, potato

Lunch II: bread with turkey breast, 1 apple, 1 banana, sometimes an avocado, Whey Protein after training

Dinner: same as Lunch but with 3 eggs, sometimes I eat pasta instead of rice, then afterwards another banana

I even ate a fucking ice cream today and when I got home and saw my weight it was 53.9kg. I can't take this anymore, is there something wrong with my diet or is it just me?

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>implying I'll read all this BS
You are stupid. Watch this.

That doesn't seem like much calories. Are you trying to lean bulk or something? Eat stuff like medium ground beef and put olive oil on everything. Make 700 calorie shakes full of peanut butter and banana and and oats


You’re not eating enough
It’s that simple
If you’re eating more energy more food than you are burning, you will gain weight. There is nothing complicated about it. You obviously have a really fat metabolism.
Eat more. Adding a glass of whole milk to each meal is a good place to start

Read the fucking sticky, weigh your food, drink some water and stop eating random shit like chocolate bars and orange juice

Y'all tell me to eat more, but I just feel like I eat too much and I'm still stuck at 54kg, it's frustrating, I'm starting to think I have some problems in my body that I don't know of. I'll try some tips here and if I don't gain a lot of weight in a month I think I'll go to the doctor.

Eat less protein, you definitely don't need that much at 54kg and it fucks your appetite.

Eat more carbs instead and consider liquid calories


"a lot of rice, a lot of beans, a lot of chicken"

WTF is A LOT kind of measurement, a lot to you could be fucking 10grams of beans and a whole can to me.

If you are not gaining weight if your bodyweight is only 54
You are eating LESS, WAY less then you think you are.

>a lot of
read the sticky

>Eat less protein
But I want muscles
>Eat more carbs
I already eat a lot, and I mean a lot of rice
>consider liquid calories

"o no, everyone is telling me the same thing that every other undereater has heard for the past however long, their must be something wrong with me instead of actualy just EATING MORE"

seriously, track your damn calories for a week,
Lets say you need 2500 kcals a day to MAINTAIN weight,

If one day you are over that but the rest of the week you are not, you are undereating, if you really cant stumich more, cause you obviously were allways skinny and never had to eat much of anything or even wanted to eat, but now decided you want to train and get bigger.

Its the same as a fucking fat person eating SO MUCH that they try to lose weight but they feel hungry ALL THE TIME, is cause their stumich is huge, your stumich needs to get bigger overtime.

This is coming from a dude who started at 55 years ago, i had to learn to eat more to, now i can cut and bulk easy.

Just read more into it, look for more calorie dense foods or DRINK your kcalories, and drink lots of water to expand your stumich.


>I'm too retarded to read the fucking sticky the post

Follow up, you eat A LOT,

for you, for you you eat a lot, but you are not eating A LOT at all, or else youd gain weight.
Do what i said and youl be fine, track your kcals for a week see how much you eat (WEIGH YOUR DAMN FOOD and look at the packaging), see how you can eat more or more calorie dense foods.


You aren't eating enough. Yes, you are supposed to feel on the edge of throwing up every fucking second of the day. Literally eat AT LEAST 5 meals every day. Also, do it every day for a few months.
Measure your kcal and you will see that you aren't even reaching 2k probably.
You could unironically consider gomad btw

I read half of it, especially the part about Diet.

>A lot of rice, a lot of beans, lettuce or spinach, a lot of chicken, potato
Did you weigh or measure it in any way?

a lot of rice and beans is not very many calories unless you're like me an actually eat 1k cals of rice and beans for lunch.
i can assure you, most people cannot stomach 1k cals of rice and beans.
you're probably not eating that many calories

mate get out of here, some people know more then 1 language and make mistakes.

>But I want muscles
You're getting more than enough
>I already eat a lot, and I mean a lot of rice
You probably are but you need to eat more and your appetite will allow you to eat more if you cut down the protein.
Something like 500ml of milk with 150g oats, 50g sunflower seeds and a banana EZPZ calories

300g of rice isnt that hard, is it? I'm a skinny cardiofag and thats just an average lunch

>hurr durr counting calories is hard I eat like a lot I swear

Here is your problem OP. My MAINTENANCE is 3100 kcal. I have to bulk at 4500+. You aren't eating enough. Count your calories and aim for 5k.

Watch this, it should be in the sticky. Everyone that thinks they are a "hardgainer" just doesn't eat enough.

I was 119lbs freshman year of high school, and my father graduated at 140. I graduated at 190 and got up to 220 last bulk. You don't eat enough, and prolly don't train hard enough.

Eat 5k a day for 3 months. You WILL gain weight.

Isn't the rule 2g of protein per weight? I feel like I eat less than enough, but if you say so...

Thanks for the tip, but 500ml is like one bottle in 2 days, kind expensive. But I'll manage anyway.

BTW the pic is your daily total, I added it up for you.

300g of boiled rice, no, that's barely 400kcal. But 300g of raw rice is a shit ton.


Youre not eating enough calorie dense foods. Breakfast eat like 5 eggs, with the 3 breads with butter, lunch eat all that you listed with a tall glass of milk. eat pasta 2 hours after that with cheese on top. with another glass of milk. Pasta at dinner is fine and add another glass of milk. At the moment your meal plan looks like youre trying to lose weight.

Thats what i mean. Measure 300g, cook it, consume

300 grams of rice raw, is over 1000 calories you fat lard.

260 grams of carbs in one sitting is your average lunch?

>Or perhaps I have some kind of condition in my body
faggot eat more

lol no it's about 0.75g/lb
If you're cutting then you'd want to up the protein closer to 2g/lb

How long to acquire that shape, mate?

for breakfast today
i had a nutrigrain bar-200ish cals
a small pack of trail mix- 240 cals
300 calories of milk
for lunch i had a single subway sandwich, shit tier but i forgot to pack-800 calories
had some sweet tea-150 calories
another thing of trail mix-240 cals
for dinner i had 5 eggs cooked in sunflower oil for maximum monounsaturated fat-500 calories
also made some biscuits, i ate like 4 but im gonna get up and eat the rest with some butter and jam-so all together for the biscuits, like 700 calories
gonna have about 200 calories of milk later.
might eat a string cheese or something as its early and im definitely gonna get hungry again.
thats like 3300 calories not including my snack later on.
i practically skipped breakfast today and still am gonna hit about 3700.
its really easy if you just stop trying to hit your calories with boiled chicken and rice

I'd like to know too

i would like to add that i do indeed eat vegetables.
eggs and biscuits just dont really have a pairing veggie.

>not being vegan


What the fuck is a lot, if you arent eating 300g plus of rice etc you arent eating shit

Weigh your food and count calories, you always over estimate how much you are eating untill you measure it

the sub i got at subway was the veggie patty
im mostly vegetarian.
rarely meat, but i dont purposefully avoid it.

This might also be a contributing factor in addition to what other anons have already said: you don't feel hunger. Before you started tracking or really paying attention to what and how much you we're consuming every day, you probably could and probably did eat a large pizza 3 times a week while unconsciously we're fasting the other 4 days because you don't feel hunger the same way others do. So now you look at the scales and think to yourself "Jeez, I'm a skeletor, I need to eat more". So now you've finally added a bit more to what you would call "breakfast", "lunch", "lunch 2" and "dinner". Here's the thing: not fucking enough. Eat when you don't feel like eating, boil a whole carton of eggs and keep them in the fridge, so every time you visit the kitchen, you can just eat 1 or 2 and trust me, it's gonna add up over time because we don't actually realize how often we check the fridge to see if there's anything appealing in there, even tho we know full well that those 20 minutes ago the contents haven't changed. Drink more milk, eat BIG meals more often. Or, if you can't stomach it, break it up into 7, 8 fuck it, maybe even 10 half meals over the entire day. This is all worthless information if you can't stick with it longterm. If you still can't gain weight, then see a doctor: maybe it's your test, maybe you have worms or something IDK I'm not a medfag. Godspeed

Just eat more you fucking cunt it’s literally the easiest thing in the world

Not if you're poor like me, mate.

Fuck off eating good is cheap af, all the most caloricly dense foods are cheap, oats and wholemeal pasta cost a dollar per kg, milk etc is also cheap af

I like how quickly you put up that Barrier between yourself and success.
Nice. Very efficient.

the cope is strong with him.