Bench press - Shoulder Pain

Hey Veeky Forums, the other day I was benching and when trying to start a new set, getting the weight off the rack I fucked something in my right shoulder. This was about 3 weeks ago and I still get a very sharp pain when trying to bench decent weight. This problem only appears when benching, I've done OHP and other exercises involving shoulder with no problem. Any thoughts on what this might be? Maybe any way to recover?

you still have pain 3 weeks later? sounds serious, unlucky you will have to get it checked out.
Never ego-lift

how about you stop doing anything for a month

Weird part is I had been lifting that same weight twice in a row before The Incident.

she would look like a 50 year old without make up

I'd still want her to fucking sit on my face and mouth rape me with her 3" clit.

This sounds like something a catty bitch would say or a fag, pick one

thats a trap. you can tell 'cause it has traps.

I had the same issue the trick is to pull your shoulder blades together behind your back when lying on the bench, this will:
a) target your chest more
b) remove stress from your shoulders
The problem is if you bench with your shoulders parallel with the bench when your in full extension all the weight rests on your shoulders, and when you bring the weight to your chest (or it doesn't count) it bends your shoulders too far behind your back. Also try a wider grip

What this user said plus try to rotate your delts upward so it feels like you're pressing your chest to the cieling.
Also I'd advise against the wider grip, I find wider works my shoulders more whereas narrower takes some weight off and puts it on the triceps more.

Lastly, I would really urge you to take time off. Buy this book called Bulletproofing your shoulder - very cheap and easy to read. Has exercises and streches for your shoulder to help strengthen your rotator cuff. Add them to the end of every workout.
t. person who went to rehab and fixed his shoulder


I had the same exact problem, i got it from doing db front raises. Takes about 6 months to completely heal.

If you dont use it you lose it was my motto so i did whatever i can to rehab my rotator cuff. I started by using cables with baby weight, then an empty bar. And over 5-6 weeks i built my way back up to 275 bench. First started with bar then slowly worked uo to 115 then 155 then 185. Whatever i can do that wouldnt cause that sharp pain.

I havnt had a shoulder injury since. Feels like its a normal stage of developing a strong benchpress for some retarded reason cause everyone i know had it sooner or later

Apply ice until inflamation/pain disappears when doing any shoulder movement.
Then do rehab with very light weights.
Next time retract your scapula while benching.

>a) target your chest more
how do

Do fucking Facepulls and external rotator exercises. You most likely impinged your shoulder due to fucked up form.

And strenghten your upper back.

>tfw no natasha gf

Try to stop doing anything unnecessary that makes it hurt. Unless you are training for a meet and have some sort of time constraint, better let it heal completely now than eventually turn into that 50 year old that tells everyone "I could have gone pro if I hadn't injured my shoulder when I was younger".
When you start up again, push your chest up towards the ceiling and pull your elbows towards your rib-cage. You will be weaker this way because its more tricep reliant, but its easier on your rotator cuffs in the long run.
(i'm not qualified in any way, but my working set right now is 235x5 and have had to fix my form due to pain in the past)

general rule of thumb is tighter upper back = safer on shoulders and more chest activation

shrug up
retract shoulder blades
drop shoulder blades (still keep retracted), lats should be tight
squeeze lats, chest should be tight as well now

tuck your shoulders, don't flare elbows like a retard, grip shouldn't be wider than rings, bar should at minimum touch nipple, ideally a bit below nipple.

also have a natural arch

scapulas retracted and pushed down right? I feel like I do a lot of that (not sure about what shrug up is) and I arch my back, but I only really feel activation after a few sets in, whereas if I'm doing cable flies I feel it almost right away

>Blasted so hard its already distorting xer face and tits.
>Probly in xer 20's
>Xhe'd probably kill xerself if xhe knew what xer 40's onwards will be like.