How to be more energetic?

I used to be extremely hyper as a child with an uncanny ability to memorize anything I wanted.

Now I'm just tired all the time and can't even get past n=3 in dual n back.

How do I get my energy levels back and get back to my pre-puberty mental levels? I already workout and eat pretty clean

Eat more and eat more fruit/veggies/eggs.

Also don’t eat high sugar foods that spike your insulin.

Stop being a women. It's all downhill for that species after puberty.


This. It seems I'm getting dumber and dumber compared to when I was a kid.

Isn't sugar part of a normal healthy diet? Einstein ate tons of sugary stuff iirc.

Sunlight / Vitamin D
Omega 3
Watch your stress level
Do something you really love

My nutrition is 99.9% perfect, I get omega 3's and literally every recommended vitamin/nutrient in its full recommended daily value.


The thing is you didn't use the internet as a kid, or at least didn't lurk Veeky Forums. You are memorizing shitposts and there's no place for other things

Einstein was a kike and all of his equations were stolen from the real physicists of the time.

LOL ok kiddo. He wrote 4 papers, each of which would have netted him a Nobel, in a single year.

fuck brehs...
how do I quit Veeky Forums? you guys are funny as hell, and have been there for me during my lowest lows and have cheered me on in my highest highs.

False, ive been browsing Veeky Forums since i was 11

Sometimes you need to stare in the mirror and splash water on your face and start wigging out a bit

Good sleep schedule (wake up and go to sleep same time everyday)
Avoid caffeine and other stimulants
Drink lots of water and make sure you get the right amounts of vitamins and salt

Good taste OP

me too breh. how do I leave this place

>Isn't sugar part of a normal healthy diet?

This honestly


>tfw good sleep schedule
>work out five days a week
>eat a lot while being a skelly
>never want to leave my bed
>whenever I'm out doing something i get assailed by "youre wasting your time, you'd be having more fun just reading"

wat do

>eat a lot and still a skrlly
>never want to leave my bed
Yeah no, you're either eating less than you should or are suffering from some illness

It literally does nothing tho. Is it possible that it's purely psychological?


K now what

Also how ironic the guy who posted this posted it on Veeky Forums. Loser.

Pick up an instrument, practice only high energy songs

get offline. I bet your childhood wasn't spent online.
