Not running at least a mile to warmup before lifting

>not running at least a mile to warmup before lifting

Other urls found in this thread:

>not running to the gym, working out, then running home

You make me sick

>not climbing a tree then swing from tree to tree to get to the gym
You're never gonna make it

fatty detected

Isn't lifting then running better?

>doesn't already go to the jungle gym to get swing routine in

>he doesn't long jump from tree to tree
Are you even trying to make it?

How can Veeky Forums be so consistently wrong?

Cardio is for faggots. I spent a total of 7 minutes running in the gym during the one year I've been lifting.

don't be a twat running is healthy and endurance is important

I did swimming and water polo. I can swim as long as I want, but I can't run for longer than 15 seconds without almost collapsing.

>being too poor to afford a bicycle


6'3 famalam :)

How much do you think he weighs? 75kgs at most i think

>killing gains

>I can swim as long as I want, but I can't run for longer than 15 seconds

: ^ )

This is the ideal body

>gym exactly 1 mile from my apartment

god wills it

>not running alongside a road, jumping over obstacles, running along powerlines and swinging over buildings as some kid in the backseat of a car watches your progress as he drives

Never gonna make it senpai

Thats why you have such a wide waist and look bloated even though you have abs and are muscular. You'd actually look more muscular if you dropped a few kgs and did more running/skipping

if you faggots dont acknowledge that literally any girl would go wide eye'd if you took off your shirt and saw that, youre delusional

>I wanna get better at basketball!
>better practice football, that will sure prepare me!

Seriously tho, 10 minutes high intensity, high resistance on the bike before lifting will raise your test through the roof

It is. Op is gay

>any girl or straight man

Hey OP, I saw a cardio thread last night similar to this one and actually did run/walk about a mile and a half to the gym last night. It felt great. Cardio is important.


Go to warmup here. I cool down on an elliptical but go backwards, them glut burns

I do this. Gets the heart pumping and sweat going. Get heart rate usually up to 175bpm by the time I'm off the treadmill.

>not flying with your trunk to the gym

>not burrowing your way to the gym and exiting at your specific molehill for maximum bloatgains

Good game. Nice throwback

Down right retarded, do cardio post workout, pre weakens lifts and post means you have less energy making your heart work harder