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Stupid op stupid song
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powerlifters are GDEs that couldnt make it in a real sport
Does anyone thing the op song sounds just like piano man
Pooteens version
>Pooteens version
Looks competent.
stop doing 5/3/1.
>stop doing 5/3/1.
Fore sure, like, serious.
>stop doing 5/3/1.
I'd call you a bitch, but it would hurt your fee fees and you'd have to drop some of those kettlebells to account for your adjusted RPE.
Semi serious question, how are joker sets and a training max practically different from using RPE?
Lowering training max effectively lowers general RPE so your adaptation outruns the weight increases for as long as possible. "RPE" will inevitably climb too high, in which case there are training max reduction protocols.
Joker Sets are semi-programmed work sets. Optional. The rest of the programming is consistent. Joker Sets aren't always a staple. You use them to increase volume of intense worksets when you're maximizing strength.
how many world-class powerlifters has Wendler coached?
>how many world-class powerlifters has Wendler coached?
None. Wendler volunteers his time coaching high school football, where his coaching can actually significantly change lives.
531 is not for world class powerlifters. But if they have the genetics and drugs and drive, they'd probably still do okay.
531 mostly helps the GDEs that aren't world class, that need simple consistency to focus on and improve over time. Like all the sub 400 wilksers here that call themselves powerlifters.
How many world class lifters has Dr. Gayface coached? Has he squatted 1000 lbs?
>None. Jordan volunteers his time coaching as a starting strength coach at seminars, where his coaching can actually significantly change lives.
>the bridge is not for world class powerlifters. But if they have the genetics and drugs and drive, they'd probably still do okay.
>the bridge mostly helps the GDEs that aren't world class, that need simple consistency to focus on and improve over time. Like all the sub 400 wilksers here that call themselves powerlifters.
This. Fucking this. We all get so damned wrapped up in the training principles followed by such an such an elite lifter and what's "optimal" without establishing what's realistically optimal for us in life. 5/3/1 and other low impact programs are super useful for powerlifters who want to maybe reach a national level eventually, but on my way there I still want to be able to drink a beer or go on a hike or get home from the gym after work with enough time to do something other than shower, eat, then go to sleep. Some of us can't spend two hours per day in the gym; some of us have jobs that won't let us behave like the fucking walking wounded.
5/3/1 will probably get you strong the slowest of all the cookie cutter programs, but fuck me if it hasn't been the least detrimental to my quality of life.
i really would love to do 5/3/1 and just turn my brain off and lift, but in my experience with the program the slow sustainable progress was more like absolutely no progress (except for deadlift)
If you can't progress 10lbs per month to nine weweks, even on 5/3/1, I think you may have problems beyond the brogram.
Then don't do it.
Do something that will get you faster results.
When you hit the wall, go for something that will let you train and get results but lets you do something outside of lift eat and sleep.
Its because it has no volume, intensity, or frequency if you do his 90% tm. Thats why he had to add in jokers and fsl to make it worth doing, which makes the core 531 a glorified warm up
then why did I make progress after switching away from 5/3/1 + BBB?
this was in 2012 btw so I can't comment on the new versions of the program
How much is your bench progressing every month?
5 lbs
What was your bench a year ago? What is it now?
Better sleep, better diet, less stress, trying harder, better adherence to form, better motivation?
>90% tm
90% is a starting point, it's strongly suggested that you adjust it to your own needs. I like to dance at 95%
nope, just better programming that wasn't completely pussified while dressed in a veneer of muh ironlyfe muh hardcore
255 lbs was my meet PR last April
290lbs was my meet PR last August
315 was my Gym PR in January
So I guess a little more than five a month?
Even then the volume is a joke giving 1x a week frequency. The intensity is still shit given a 100% tm. The whole program just isnt good man.
>then why did I make progress after switching away from 5/3/1 + BBB?
The 5x10 version is primarily for hypertrophy. Did you put on any size? If not, you ate or slept like shit.
You are supposed to transition to FSL, SSL, or BBB 5x5, 5x3, 5x1 for more work at a strength emphasis level.
Take some ownership, christ.
I don't think you were ready to work with a program like 5/3/1 that requires customization.
yes, i got bigger
>You are supposed to transition to FSL, SSL, or BBB 5x5, 5x3, 5x1
none of these existed in 2012, nor did 17 year old me have the programming knowledge to make modifications to unfuck the program
i ran the approved t-nation marketing version of the program as written and made mediocre progress on anything but deadlift
Oh, damn. That's really good. Gj, senpai. Grats on the 3pl8.
Ok, but now you're only allowed to judge other programs by how they were exactly in 2012
there were plenty of programs in 2012 that worked very well as written, unlike the total dogshit jimbo put out
>Wendler volunteers his time coaching high school football
Makes sense, considering that his greatest money-making scheme was ripping off BFS, the program that he was made to do when he played monkeyball in hs.
>Has he squatted 1000 lbs?
Wendler hasn't. "Equipped" is bullshit.
Yeah, you can add a bunch of accessories, but that doesnt make the core program good.
Dont forget that 2in rom lmao
You can literally make it a great low impact program by just turning up the intensity of your training max. Fuck, the first year I ran it at 100%
Can someone please post garagebro accessory routine?
Like, how many sets x reps for what part of the body and things like that?
Deadlift user here. Squatted 170kg for 3x5, RDL 1x8 (had to stop cause was gonna shit myself), 3x10 leg curls +10kg, 3x10 leg ext +20kg.
Get under 1,000 lbs bro. That's probably your total though right? Raw is bullshit.
5/3/1 helps weenies looking for any excuse to bitch out convince themselves they can't handle remotely effective volume and then make excuses for why they aren't very strong.
There is never not a better program than 5/3/1, for ANY fucking lifting ever.
That's because of the inherent lack of volume, most like.
Fig 'the dyel destroyer' jam
Squat stuck at 205kg @90, recommend me a program
Eat more, try harder
On three separate days, ideally with a day of no squats between them, squat 5x8 around 70% of your max, pause squat 5x3 with 80% of your max, and squat 5x5 with 80% of your max.
The next week, speed squat 4x8 with 55% of your max, and on another day squat 5x5 with 75% of your max.
The third week, squat 5x5 with 80% of your max, 3x5 with 60% of your max, and then 5x1 with 90-95% of your max.
Repeat that, adding weight to everything except the speed squats and 3x5 60% squats as you can. After 2 or 3 cycles, only do 3x5 75% one day and work up to a hypothetical opener the other day of the middle, lighter week, and do 3x5 70% and the usual light squats on the heavy week, and use the last squat workout of that week to set a new max.
Or just do sheiko or smolov or something.
Already in surplus and being a Bugenhagenesque retard before sets
Cheers for this, will give it a go
I hated sheiko just because taking shoes and sleeves on and off twice in one session is a pain
Redpill me on Dave Tate, why is he drinking piss?
Never heard the secret to gain weight?
Why would he gain weight when he is already obese? Also there is no calories in piss.
Thats why he is successful coach and youre shitposting on Veeky Forums
Why can we shitpost on Louie Simmons, but not Dave Tate?
different guy but it's because Dave Tate is a humble nice guy that is pretty much anti iron lyfe, some people are too nice to be mocked tbqh.
because your shitpost are on preschool level
What about this video?
Teach me on shitposting about Dave Tate then?
What is the best squat, deadlift and bench variation for raw lifting?
How do I extend squat LP?
6'7, 95kg
Squat: 137.5kg (3x5)
Bench: 78kg (3x5)
Deadlift: 175kg (1x5)
OHP: 53.5kg (3x5)
Dr Feigenmeme says I should weigh around 110kg at the end of LP, so I reckon I can stretch SS out for at least a couple more months. But squats are starting to grind.
When I'm close to stalling should I lower the weight increments to 1.5kg? Have a light day on Wednesday? (But don't you need more volume when LP stops working?)
paused, deficit, paused.
What about incline and floor press? Front and high bar squat? And last but not least pause off floor deadlift?
you said the best, not "what all are variations"
Back squat, flat barbell bench and conventional deadlift
What are all the best variation?
Front Squat/Incline Closegrip Bench/Paused Deadlift
How big of a deficit? I’m currently standing on a 25kg eleiko bumper plate and are able to use 95% of my 1RM conversional deadlift.
In Nuckol's 3x bench int medium, can I just leave out the 1xF set on the Friday and replace it with some OHP training or something else, or is it really that important? I'm not hitting PRs then, just doing the cycle then bumping up the maxes and running it again. Is this ok?
Lads i just found out that chocolate milk is significantly cheaper than whole milk. Macros per 100g are:
0.5g fat
10g carbs (all of which are sugar types)
3.5g protein
How quickly will I die if I swap this with whole milk while doing GOMAD? It'll save me a lot of money.
That's a fuckton of sugar, you'll not feel very good
Really not worth the money savings.
>should weigh around 110kg at end of LP
I'd be saving a third of all my spendings on milk though
chocolate milk has no protein
why not?
Sub 110kg at 6'7 is underweight according to the good Dr.
It's literally the same protein with added sugar
Switch to 1/2 or 3/4 GOMAD to account for the sugar kcals, save even more in the process. You're welcome!
literally not the same because chocolate milk is not 100% milk with added chocolate
youre better off buying milk and choco powder and mixing it
but that's literally what it is, just milk with added sugar and some colorants
cant convince me unless you show me the ingredients
Whoa. Thicc. Im 190cm, so would that convert to about 105kg with that logic?
Just eat and put weight on the bar. Then switch to an intermediate routine once you stall. It's time to unlock Papa Bear mode.
Probably not.
Your BMI would be quite a bit higher.
Is it bad to rerack and unrack in the middle if a set if the bar gets misplaced on your back?
My niggers I need sum help.
I recently added more volume to deadlifts because I feel im getting a plateau.
What I discovered is that even if I can pull 215kg 1RM didilift I cant do reps of 6 at 70% without my form breaking everywhere.
I mean it should be easier right? but no, my lowerback keeps rounding with a buttwink.
Also I have to say that my form on my maxes wasnt the best but at least I did no hitching of the bar or anything like that.
So my question is, How to eliminate that fucking buttwink, and is it normal to not be able to do high reps with the same intensity I would do for squats?
Do what you have to do
Another thing I also need to ask
I heard lot of people scratch their shins on DL but I have never feel it happen to me, the bar doesnt travel that far from them but is never that close.
Also my hip usually shoots up
Your bar shouldn't get "misplaced" during a set, assuming your setup wasn't shit.
Your setup needs work
It sort of slides down on my scapula, which moves the bar away from over my midfoot.
How do i work out how much i should weigh? Is there a calculation?
At 190cm you should aim for 125kg
Try using chalk? Maybe your back isn't tight enough.
no shit sherlock
>5'11+ is "Unlimited"
Kek guess I know what to do
what do instead of 531?
Shw is only for talent chads though
>what do instead of 531?
Whatever in the hell you want.
try hard eat more, program doesnt matter just lift.
holy shit didnt know jim didnt look like he lifts
That's what happens when you fall for your own meme.