What should i reply with so i dont look autist
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Too late, if you have to ask you're already too much of an autist. Give up and don't reply.
this is pathetic
be you but more aloof, op
Can we ban TInder threads? They have nothing to do with fitness. Take it to /soc/ or something, nobody cares
"I swiped right because I want to feed you sushi and slap your ass after a movie
whats your #
Tell her you're working and on break
Ask if she wants a Lil peep at this d
>lil peep
Tell her you want to put it in her pooper.
Considering you're to autist to even reply you're not going to be able to hold an entire conversation. Go all in on the next reply, do or die.
>"Nothing at the moment, but hopefully you later?"
Suicide mode or god mode.
this usually works
>lil peep and blunts
>your type
>4% battery
His phone died with his chances. Charge your phone next time OP.
>"Nothing at the moment, smoking a blunt with you later though?"
If you don't want to commit 100%
>lil peep
Nice man. I have my lil peep playlist ready for when this this tinder slut comes over
>excited about contemporary mainstream music
>smoking weed with some random girl you just want to fuck
>Nothing at the moment
Means he's a loser with no plans. He should say he's got plans with friends but he'd rather spend the night with her.
she winked
what other fucking social cue do you need
how autistic are you people
Unusually strong numerology ITT. Lets play dubs decides reply?
>being this autistic and spiteful
Get your T levels checked
lil peep is in this thread
How do I respond to this?
Hey. What are your interests?
>We are not in bed yet for you to call me daddy
You don't black out the profile image before posting that's what
I was gonna give him my fail-proof response until i noticed that. Not wasting that shit on a fattie
she looks uggo as fuck mate
why the fuck did you block her picture? you're from reddit? retarded fag
Hey dagter
>dating black girls
I thought la creatura was a meme
laufin, this
"Too early to call me that don't you think? Wait til we're in bed later and I'll give you a reason to call me Daddy."
Ask if she wants to cuddle
This ones the best response you can give
Hello, son.
did u just st-stutter? fucking mong
If you have to think about it so much it’s going to be autistic.
tell her what you're up to and ask her back you fucking imbecile, not everything needs a perfectly crafted line the fuck.
Say come over
Sane numbers in a row confirms
Don't because she's a crazy whore who you will regret talking to in a few months. Sex might be good but what if she slashes your tires and stalks your shit? This shit legitimately scares me
fucking too true :(
Grills < gainz right ???
I hate people like you
He seems like a funny guy.
FFS you're all retarded. Tell her your in bed wondering how much fun you would have if she was in bed with you.
Y-you too
ask her tf she thinks her cards are lmao
Whycome? Mean.
Its a thing I say to grills sometimes when they ask to chill. "Maybe if you play your cards right"
mods pls
I see ypu fly daily, I can still put you up there withput a plane... If ypu know what i mean...
>Pleb tier; sleeping with women
>God tier; ignoring women who want to sleep with you
Step your game up
"At the gym picking shit up, putting shit down , getting big AF"
Works every time
have you had sex while high?
lmao virgin
How do /fitizens/ deal with one word responses
> I said I was autistic bcos she said she was in her bio - ironically I hope
Or take it in stride and steer the conversation elsewhere.
>blacking out the pic
Uggo confirmed.
its already over