Am I a delusional linkie or am I taking the fud too seriously?
Why do you think link will or won't work?
Let's end this.
LINK discussion
Stay strong user, only the strong with huge balls will make it to lambo land
Iron hands bro
midas fist
There's nothing to discuss and there won't be for months
Are you fucking stupid? You know its a good investment when the strongest FUD is
>It will take at least a year to moon
When the fuck has that even been considered as a negative? Every project used to be considered long term. Also, look at how they focus on LINK when majority of the alts tanked. Other recent ICOs have it much worse.
I sold my 50k link to ride BTC
holding is a fucking meme, by the time I buy back in my LINK stack will be 5-10x bigger
Send your LINK to a wallet and forget about it.
>implying that is bad FUD
you are fucking retarded, do you know what opportunity cost is?
in 1 year crypto will have a market cap of over 1 trillion dollars, several alts would have mooned, BTC will be half a trillion dollars at least
you would have missed out on a tremendous amount of money by holding, and an opportunity to greatly increase your stack of LINK
If you’re so good at timing the market why are you still poor?
I think it is too early right now for this. I think there is great potential in an idea like link has. People right now barely understand what smart contracts are. It's trying to solve a problem that people don't realize that they have yet.
It's like the palm pilot before iphones existed.
You could be chasing other gains right now and coming out way more ahead than you are by holding link.
Or a tremendous opportunity to lose all your money. You retards speak like there are sure things out there which can be perfectly timed. Go ahead and tempt fate and stay poor
im not
Link will only moon if you sell
Then why are you posting on Veeky Forums? GTFO
the market cap of crypto as a whole is increasing exponentially, the only thing you have to do to make money is not be completed brain dead
have fun holding your dead coin
What was ICO price? Maybe i'll buy some for a penny. Headed there soon lol
Honestly unless you’re going to be completely afk from crypto for years it is not worth while to hold LINK
It’s only going to bleed until it gets back down to ICO price then it’ll bounce and then it’ll bleed more.. this coin will not move until there is any developments or announcements and hype and this team is completely anti hype so good fucking luck with that
I’m not stupid enough to think it’s a scam or a complete shitcoin but it’s a terrible investment if you’re goig to be watching your crypto every other day.. you might aswell just hold btc and buy in for 2x your stack when the trend starts changing
Oh linkies. What would the world of cryptocurrencies be without you? What do, we owe the honour. The promise of Link seemed glimmering at first. The premise of 'rent free' was surely innovative and ahead of its time. But, as time showed us, this coin was nothing more than a pump and dump that inadvertently created the most deranged community of bag holders known to man. A community that incessantly screeches "rent free" whenever they feel threatened, which is very common. To be a linkie is to be deranged. Having lost everything, whether it be your house, marriage, wife's sons college money or life-savings surely takes a toll on the mental serenity of a linkie's mind. Slight threats critiquing the developers of Chainlink sets the common linkie into a state of neurosis that can only be cured by euthanasia or the eventual revaluing of this godforsaken currency. However, once the price reaches 10 cents, the value will continue falling. This crash will be catalyzed by the fact that thousands of wallets will be lost as a mass suicide of linkies, causing the price to dip even further. Don't be deranged, don't be a linkie
what did rory say today that turned a lot of people off...couldnt find it
>unless you’re going to be completely afk from crypto for years it is not worth while to hold LINK
You fags are acting like the main net is launching in 2020. Its likely to be released by Q2 2018 or even Q1 2018.
absolutely this
LINK is a great idea and still has promise but it is SO FAR AWAY that you're better waiting until there are at least rumors of something coming out soon rather than outright confirmation that it's gonna be a while
but who will monitor every hour, crypto dynamics change if you away few hours from computer. look at power. I feel once link fomo starts , at least I cannot time it. for me its better to hold than chase. I can hold fucking two years but problem is can link be ever reach 1 billion cap. then it worh to hold
Nothing will happen with Link until February at the earliest. Once the news hits it's going stratospheric.
You can fuck around until late January and probably be safe but I would get back in before February starts.
but what If loose my capital by that time on chasing :)
> Y'all heard about link?