I'm beginning to stall out on SL, I have maybe two or three weeks before I completely stall, I reckon...

I'm beginning to stall out on SL, I have maybe two or three weeks before I completely stall, I reckon, so I'm looking to move on to an intermediate program.

Any recommendations?

Current lifts:

Squats 5x5 102.5kg
Bench 5x5 60kg
OHP 5x5 37.5kg
Deadlift 1x5 110kg
Barbell Rows 5x5 60kg

Not amazing lifts or anything, but progress is definitely slowing a lot.

Should I move on to another program or stick with it for longer than another two weeks or so?

just keep doing the same program, but with some minor tweaks

first, dont add weight every workout/week
when you get 5x5 on a weight, up by 5lbs, and do 5x3, build back up to 5x5, and repeat

got me to the following stats:
26, 5'10, 200lbs
incline bench & pendlay row: 95kg 5x5
ohp: 75kg 5x5
back squat: 130kg 5x5
deadlift: 200kg 1x5

Good advice man, I'll give it a try

This woman is my fetish. Don't even care about her possible tits. I want to make red headed hapas with this chick.

Come to think of it, your stats are basically what I had planned by year end anyway.

27, 5'8", 82kg

I'm looking for:
140kg squat
200 DL
80kg bench
60kg OHP

I reckon it's achievable within the timeframe

try doing the same lifts but drop the weight and do 3x10. you might find you have imbalances somewhere which just need addressing to unlock further linear gains

how can chinkies have red hair and hazel eyes?

>he fell for Memelifts 5x5

Recessive gene is recessive. one of her parents parents or something on both sides had the redheaded gene. She popped out a natural fire crotch asian. The carpet matches the drapes. Can you imagine that? Can you imagine burning your in that pussy? Fuck me man. That is one of very few things I want in life.

If you read their website you'd know you're supposed to deload and go back up until you break the plateau. If you fail three workouts in a row after deloading you switch to 3x5, fail that and 3x3, fail that and 1x3. After that you start Madcow.

Your ratio's are all fuuuuucckked dude. Your proportions must be weird af or your ohp and deadlift form is shit.

how long have you been on the program?

>proportions must be weird af
chest is 46", shoulders are 53" i believe
thighs are about 27.5"
i think its pretty proportionate

531 has me effortlessly breaking through to new maxes every few weeks.

I just use the Body Building variation on the Personal Training Coach App.

80kg bench and 60 ohp are super easy man, should be easily achievable
squat and diddly might be harder

>1 plate bench
>let's move on to an intermediate program



I'd take a deep look at your goals and consider switching out the following lifts

Bench press to weighted dips
Deadlifts to weighted chin ups and kb swings

You'll see much better progress in terms of strength, power and mobility

my best advice is don't listen to this guy

Why not?

All the lifts I listed are safer, more effective and efficient than bench and DL

imagine being this retarded lol

bottom line is:
if you dont incline bench AND dip AND deadlift, you'll always be a weak fuck

How is more better? Some people value their time and want to do the most effective and efficient lifts so they can spend less time in the gym to actually do things with their life.

This is why full body is better than split training.

If your goal is to get the best strength and aesthetic gains then incorporate the lifts I suggested. If your goal is to waste your time and chase barbell numbers then listen to the autisitic spergs on this board

Bench and deadlift are perfectly safe as long as you're not an immobile piece of shit.

Swings are absolutely no more effective for strength than deadlifts. This is dumb dumb talk. I can't believe the NFL still does deadlifts since kettlebell swings are oh so effective.

Possibly replying to bait right now. Can't tell anymore.

t. chestlet
incline bench + dips is the best for overall chest development
bet your chest isnt even 45" LUL

kb swings are more effective for the majority of gym goers. You aren't an NFL linemen so why are you training like one?

Like I said op needs to analyze his goals. Unless you're training to be a powerlifter or linemen then why are you actually doing these movements? No one actually gives a shit what your PR numbers for some arbitrary lifts decided by a small community of lifters.

Tldr: don't buy into the hype of SL and SS. You'll save alot more time in the long run by analyzing your goals

Lol my chest is pretty big. Not sure the exact size. Just started building up my weighted dips again

>pretty big
t. sub-40, got it

No I don't measure it since I'm not a faggot

You are not stalling. You have exhausted your complete beginner newbie gains. Eat a reasonable calorie surplus and you can easily put 40-50kg to all of your lifts and you shouldn't be stalling at any point.

A-user, her hair is dyed.

>not cgbp

>weighted dips are safe

>red hair

One of the safest lifts much better than pushing a massive barbell over your chest

5x5 is a lot of volume. StrongLifts suggest that you go to 3 sets of 5 next, but I think that it is a waste to drop the volume so suddenly. Here’s what I did:

As long as you can get the first three sets of five, increase the weight. Let the other two sets be what they are.

Eventually, you will either not get the 5 reps or run out of gas at set 4. Then, start doing 5 sets of 4. Later, 5 sets of 3.

Your deadlift will also gravitate to 1 set of 3.

At this point, you can either jump into weekly programming. Keep increasing the weight once a week, and deacrease the reps if nessiaary, BUT keep the other two workouts at at least 3x5 even if it means lowering the weight. This will keep you conditioned while you “peak” your lifts.

Once you are actually doing one rep max attempts, you can truly know how strong you are and move onto intermediate programming.

It's not. Look at the fucking eyebrows. Tilt your screen if you have to, fucker. That hair color is genuine.


Blind and can't use google. Look up natural read headed Asians. You'll see they exist once you wade through all of the disgusting fakes.

Go back to fucking your twinks and leave the unique specimens to true connoisseurs.

Fucking retard