How important is stretching? I literally never stretch, am I going to snap city soon?

How important is stretching? I literally never stretch, am I going to snap city soon?

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stretching is irrelevant unless you need to fix asymmetries or basic functional ROM.

With full rom you shouldn't snap your shit up. but you will notice issues when you transition into other sports. i had some real issues with leg flexibility during a boulder session the other day.


Stretching is a meme. 90% of the time you just need to strengthen opposing muscles.




Stretching? No much. Being mobile and flexible? Pretty important.

Which involves stretching what needs stretching, due to how biomechanics of opposing muscles work.

So, yes, stretching on it's own if you're not in rehab is a meme.

stretch when you have a siff ROM or you are an athlete, otherwise pretty useless

I'm doing loads of stretching after main workout. Feels great, possibly helps with recovery, improves just all daily physical activities. I cant imagine not doing it.

only anons ITT not buying a ticket to snap city

I tend to sleep much better after foamrolling and stretching.

Foam rolling has improved my quality of life outside the gym, but has had no effect on my lifting or performance.

Foam rolling hurts like motherfucker tho

If its hurting then its a sign that you need to foam roll

>loads of stretching
>possibly helps with recovery
>not buying a ticket to snap city
Stretching beyond what's needed to get basic ROM mobility or to fix asymmetries hampers weightlifting performance, recovery and safety. "Loads of stretching" because "it feels good" is a quackery on par with chiropractors exploiting synovial fluids and calling them "subluxations".

foam rolling != stretching, there's little evidence foam rolling has any effect at all. At best, it's just a "feel good" wankery for short-term effects on DOMs

I can't touch my toes

have you seen how flexible Olympic lifters are?

they have gymnast level ROM

I always stretch after lifting.

Matt ogus does a half hour of mobility work before every workout and he has perfect form and has never snapped his shit up, that was enough for me to look into it. I feel so much better when I do mobility stuff before I lift.

no, they don't, and you didn't read a single thing of what has been posted. Talented Olympic lifters need hip mobility and certain proportions (there's a chapter devoted to them in sourced pdf, analysing the Soviet system as well). Gymnasts need to reach extreme flexibility in their back too, the exact opposite of what talented Olympic weight lifter possess and incidentally a no-no for general fitness purposes. So no, gymnasts and weight lifters possess very different "flexibilities", and for a good reason.
dynamic stretching, "mobility routines" and so on are something qualitatively different from "static stretching". As far as OP's question is posed, it seems we're discussing about the latter here.


Some people need flexible hammies in order to stop butt wink, which can snap you up. It would help on deadlifts too.

Being able to touch your toes is about proportions

I have garbage flexibility and mobility, if I don't stretch my back always get hurt while lifting. Not an issue when I stretch and do a light core exercise, maybe I'm on the placebo effect, whatever it is it's working

>wanted to get a nice pump
>do 20 pushups
>do 40 pushups
>fucked up my shoulder

Reminder that you should warm up and do stretches.

> not stretching legs after squatting

Can anyone suggest a good half an hour full body stretching routine? Ideally a youtube video.

Sorry for being useless and needing spoonfeeding

Joe defrancos limber 11

Would like this too.

>t. 22 y.o.'s

Yes. I'm 28 now and stretching helps quite a bit. Even just 5 or so minutes a day

This guy gets it. Never stretched in my teens or early twenties, and then my flexibility fell off a cliff and I kept getting tendonitis in my elbows and knees from bench and squat. There's no fucking way I'm lifting without stretching now. It's not even a choice. I stretch or I can't lift without pain for weeks.

Very important but I'm bias because I learned how to stretch before I learned how to lift


Rec me some tendon stretches? My one forearm kills me after cable curls and farmer walks.

stretching for stretching's sake is pointless. Define a goal.

Quite older than that. Read and try to acquire an informed opinion on the subject.
>I stretch or I can't lift without pain for weeks.
Once you gain basic ROM, stretching is possibly only detrimental (pic related; already cited post)

I dont stretch and im always sore as fuck so dont take my advice to not stretch
It probably helps

I want to do a front split

Stretch if you think you aren't flexible enough somewhere. As a general practice before/after a strength workout, though, I haven't seen anything conclusive showing benefits. Warming up your muscles is important to do, but you do that by performing a few lower intensity reps of the exercise you want to do (that is, with lower weight)

if you cant sit in a lotus without discomfort or touch your toes, or your front delts naturally tilt forward.

you need to stretch plain and simple