How do i increase bp??

I've been bench pressing recently and everythimg went perfectly until i hit 50kg. I cant lift more than that. I can reach 100 kg+ on deads and squats but i cant more.
Should i try to bench 2× or 3× per week or something else?, It's getting depressing

More volume.

50kg? Have you been lifting for 1 month or something? Give it time, kid.

The depressing thing is the fact that i 've been lifting since september.... Started as a skelly tho, then 65kg and now arround 70kg 1'77 m

Bench every day and vary volume with intensity every day

some things take time

Higher volume, less reps. Eat a lot. Take your time.

i would recommend trying controlled slow decline cable flyes, that shit works my chest so much more than bench press

also very wide grip bench press with low weight with slow speed

It took you six months to get to 50kg? Better get those test levels checked, homie. I started lifting when I was 16 and it took me about a month to get to 50kg.

How fat were you?

when i was 16 it took me 6 months as well to *properly* bench 50kg. i was a 6' 145 skeletor, and that's cus i had thick legs, my chest, shoulders and arms were skinny and weak as fuck. some people take longer, dont be a jack ass cuz we're all gonna make it

It's ok user. I started lifting literally today last year. Didnt start benching until 6 months in bc pussy. Plateau'd at 50 ish for ages, but finally hit 60kg yesterday and feeling pretty comfy about it.

Diet was holding me back personally. But am now tryna eat my 2.8k calories like clockwork

Started light without benching, stayed on low weight until january

Try dumbbell press

body stats? i plateau'd hard in terms of strength and muscle gains bc i didn't bulk hard enough and i still find it hard to eat as much as i should. you might need to eat more than 2.8k calories

>Higher volume, less reps

you can increase sets and decrease reps, thereby having more volume. think 10x3 compared to 3x8

Idk if this is what he meant but I took what he said as doing higher volume but less reps each set.

push yourself, making sure that you cant get the entirety of the last set done.

also exchange bp for close grip bp every other day and go hard on it, too.
I mean HARD, suicide grip(only for cg bp) if you feel comfrotable using it, face turning red HARD

you should be able to put on another 5 lbs each workout/week

>more volume
>eat more
>you need a big upperbody for a big bench

Pretty fat, but I had practically no muscle, so it's not like it helped.